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Lamenters Death company

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As of recently i've completed a few squads of tactical marines for my somewhat small Lamenters army and is now faced with a somewhat of a issue. After looking at what new models to add to the army and after going through some books and other recourses,my choice fell on the Death company since Lamenters are a successor chapter from the Blood Angels.


However after looking at a picture that shows the Lamenters Death guard, i have come to realize that i cant just use the models intended for the blood angels since they still retain a lot of Blood angels iconography on them.


I've been thinking of mixing parts with regular marines and those of the Death guard models to keep the Blood angels iconography to a limit, but as of now i'm open to other and better ideas of how to personalize the Lamenters Death guard to make them fit the image i found and to look less and less like the Blood angels version.

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I know it's not quite the same, but I converted several sang guard & the clearly OTT BA termies to Imperial Fists by leaving all the wings, removing any chalices & reshaping the blood drops to either round gems like 2nd ed SM had on their torsos or into more hexagonal shapes.


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