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Playing a 'friendly' 1750 tournament today at the LGS.


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I'm no Morticon and it's a small pond, but any interest in a report or blow by blow? :P


14 players entered, Prize support is really good, winner gets a Space Marine Megaforce, 2nd gets a Blood Angels Battleforce. Fingers crossed!



Taking these toys.



Librarian, Jump Pack, Unleash Rage, Shield of Sanguinius.

Honor Guard (Novitiate, Chapter Banner + Powerfist, Flamer)


Librarian Furioso Dreadnought, Wings of Sanguinius, Might of Heroes.

Sanguinary Priest, Jump Pack, Power Weapon


10 Jump Assault Marines, Meltagun x2, Sarge w/ Powerfist

10 Jump Assault Marines, Meltagun x2, Sarge w/ Powerfist

10 Jump Assault Marines, Flamer x2, Sarge w/ Power Weapon


Stormraven, TL Multimelta, TL Plasma Cannon, Hurricane Bolters, 4 Bloodstrike Missiles

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I'm no Morticon and it's a small pond, but any interest in a report or blow by blow? :)


Mort schmort- that dudes a tool :P


Dude- get batreps up! And pics!! They really help the community!

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Raven carries dread and HQ, libby and priest go troops.


First game forgot pics :angry: but tabled a necron army top of turn three.

40 warriors, 5 lychguard, overlord, scarabs, 10 immortals, doomsday + anni barge, crypteks


Stole initiative on quarters, smooth from there. Basically paper to my scissors.

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Second game tougher vs Eldar. Mission was attacker vs defender, drew defender.


Played against farseer guiding reapers, Avatar, 2 full Avengers, full Banshees, min fire dragons, 2 prisims, 3 serpents, pathfinders.


Lucked out drawing first turn which meant a first turn charge(!) ( crazy 18" deployment) on unit of DAs + Avatar with the Dread, Asty and his command squad.

Avatar and Astorath dealt each other 2 wounds, 7 DAs fell and the Avatar imploded on fearless saves.


Raven took out the Reapers with plasma + bolters. So a big hole in the enemy army.

Dragons took down the Raven then died, command squad CCed a prism to death. Rest of the game was basically chasing wave serpents and trying to prevent the last turn contests from them.


Mission handed me a big advantage which was a bit crazy. Got full points in the end.

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Lost to double tzeench Warptime Daemon Princes. Couldnt break through the 4+save on one of them :)


Did you guys remember the new Chaos FAQ which states if you want to reroll saves, you must reroll ALL the dice, not jsut the failed ones?

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Lost to double tzeench Warptime Daemon Princes. Couldnt break through the 4+save on one of them :)


Did you guys remember the new Chaos FAQ which states if you want to reroll saves, you must reroll ALL the dice, not jsut the failed ones?


Warp time is only for rolls to hit and wound.

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Yup. One prince rolled a natural with all 4 attacks to hit and wound a 4 man assault squad with a fist etc, didnt even need to try and reroll either! They basically held on a couple of rounds more than I thought likely, chewing up the troops I needed to win. All good though, and chaos has always been my tourney bogey.


Just had a quarters match up vs Orks with nobs out the wazoo on bikes and in trucks. Won by playing the mission hard, combat squad deepstriking with second turn to the corners, and just grinding the rest. No bonus points though.


Ran away from the double warboss nob bike squad all game :/ I knew I would be facing that army so was tempted to squeeze FotD in just for this matchup, glad I didnt though and still pulled a win through a favorable mission.


Turns out it is 5 games, the chaos player has won all 4 so only has to draw his last to take 1st. Second prize being a Blood Angel Battleforce though means a lot to play for :)

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Tabled Orks last round to take second place, meaning I picked up the BA battleforce and purity seal trophy, which is great as I can really use those models! Fun day but exhausting, never played a 5 round one day competition. Can get some pics and game reps up later.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for lack of follow through, the pics I took didn't really come out as I wanted to, there are a few apparently on the website but I can't see that has gone up.


I have this one though as an example of my 4th game which was what I consider the do or die one, and a bit of an example of the lengths you sometimes have to go to to get a placing.




This is the bottom of turn two on a game where the mission was that all four corners are scoring, my list vs an Ork Nob list of basically


2x Warboss on Bike

1x Nobs on Warbikes,

2x Nobs in Trucks (Troops units)


all with 5+ invulnerables and Feel no pain, and a generous amount of powerklaws. Yuck.


I was expecting this opponent and list, and previous experience is I straight up will get outfought in the assault phase if both armies pitted head to head due to the wound allocation, FNP and sheer amount of powerclaws.


Everything came on turn two, so go for the corners (and mission) and throw down the challenge for the Ork army to split up his forces - that's what happened and the Raven cargo was then able to maneuver to team up with enough ASM's to bully down enough of the truck Nobs to neuter the amount of powerklaws able to respond to my charge.


Opponent's plan was to contest 3 quarters with his Bikes and Warboss duo, since I had bottom turn (non random turns) I was able to kill one warboss for a major win (two more quarters owned outright).


Game 5 was a little more relaxing vs a more traditional Ork Army with only the one unit of Bike Nobs, and Astorath, Command squad and the dread handily dispatched them. Opponent made a mistake deploying Lootas in a corner opposite to his Bikers allowing me to place my Stormraven outside of their weaponrange.




I did want to say I was VERY impressed with the Astorath/command squad/banner combo. It may not look like much on paper due to no powerweapons other than the one powerfist but that extra attack for Astorath from the banner is so so good. On the charge 5 WS6 I6 Str 6 powerweapon(reroll invulnerable saves) is horridly good, he ate that game5 biker warboss in one bite. Subsequent rounds, 4 attacks is just that much more reliable than 3.

And the amount of Str5 attacks rerolling hits from Liturgies of Blood is also a thing to behold for such a small squad, followed by 4 attacks from the powerfist for cleanup, there is a lot of utility there.


Previously I matched Astorath with Death Company, but I think on balance I prefer the extra attacks from the Banner over WS5 and generating rerolls to wound on the charge.

I was happy they had Jump packs for 50 points even though they were Stormraven based, that extra natural movement was a factor in over half my games.


Other oddities - Hurricane Bolter Sponsons, 30 points looks expensive but I like that it gives me a tactical squad's worth of rapid bolter power. Works in concert with the Plasma cannon to eliminate MSU, would work the same with the TL Assault cannon mount - 12" disembark the nasties, Multimelta into vehicle via machine spirit, Turret into MSU squad backed up by the bolters due to being defensive. I think the best kill from that was a full squad of Dark Reapers - not the biggest threat to my list but a pain to send assault troops to deal to.


Libby Dread was good, I bought him to kill stuff like Nobs and Overlords, and he obliged in doing so.


Unleash Rage veryy good, Sang Shield I had put down to a bust due to doing nothing (and would have preferred FotD in hindsight in game 4) until it bounced two penetrating hits on the raven in the final game. Hmmm.

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