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2k Nurgle marines VS Sisters of Battle

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Chaos Space marines VS Sisters of Battle 2000pt battle report

Hey everyone here is the battle between my Chaos marines against a veteran sister of battle player from my gaming club it is my first ever battle report I have written so I apologise for any mistakes or anything that might be left out.

Mission: Seize Ground (6 Objectives)

Deployment Type: Spearhead – Table Quarters, I was in the bottom left he was top right quarter


Chaos Space marines “The Ghost Knights”

“Michael Vilepox” Chaos Sorcerer with mark of Nurgle and Gift of Chaos (joined the flamer plague marines)

2 Dreadnought one multi- melta the other missile launcher both have heavy flamers

Squad of 7 plague marines with powerfist wielding champ and 2 flamers

Squad of 7 Plague Marines with 2 meltaguns, Rhino Transport and powerfist wielding champ

Squad of 7 Plague Marines with 2 meltaguns, Rhino Transport and power weapon wielding champ

10 Thousand Sons with the Bolt of Change power

Chaos Spawn

Land Raider (transported plague marines and sorcerer)


3 Chaos Obliterators

(I do not have any obliterators and I have only one rhio so I had to borrow them off my opponent as he is a black legion player as well

Sisters of Battle “a custom order painted blue and white”

Saint Celestine

Canoness with eviscerator (joined priest and celestian squad)

Priest with power sword

2 squads of Battle Sisters both mounted in rhinos

(Didn’t know what they had as they didn’t do anything all game just stayed in their rhinos)

A full Repentia squad (10 models)

10 Seraphim with Eviscerator and two inferno pistols (they were all converted to be wearing the blood angel winged jump packs which was cool)

Squad of 10 Dominions with 2 meltaguns and two flamers in a rhino

3 Exorcists


Here is a diagram of the board we played on with the terrain (I did this on paint is not that great I will bring my camera next time)

Terrain: we deployed 6 bits of terrain (ruined buildings) on a 2m by 1m board one set of ruins in roughly each corner then one in his quarter in mine and the other along the edge of the top left and bottom left board quarter each ruin had an objective marker in it.

Deployment: I deployed my force with the vindicator, thousand sons and Obliterators in the ruins in my corner claiming the objective, my sorcerer and flamer squad were mounted in the land raider with the spawn and thousand son rhino beside it, the melta plague marines with powerfist in their rhino just beside the other ruins in my quarter with the melta dreadnought beside the plague marines, the missile dread was directly beside the thousand sons in the ruins with other melta plague marines mounted in their rhino were beside the land raider

He deployed one sister squad in the ruins in his corner claiming a objective his other sister squad deployed right along the edge quarter 1 and 2 with an exorcist and repentia squad while deploying his saint and seraphim roughly 12 inches in front of his claimed objective with the dominion squad, rhino with canoness, priest as well as 8 celestians and the 2 other exorcists directly in the bottom corner of quarter 2.

We rolled to see who went first which he won which left me nervous as all his exorcists had a line of sight with most of my army, first his dominions in the rhino used their scout move to move 6 inches from the objective closet to the centre then I rolled to see if I seized initiate, praying to Nurgle I rolled and successfully rolled a 6 which got a cheer from me (plus a few weird looks from the other members of the gaming club)

Turn 1


I started to move my army but then my opponent kindly reminded me I had to roll for my two dreads going crazy I rolled for the missile launcher dread and passed I then rolled for my other dread which failed getting fire frenzy destroying one of my rhinos leaving a blasted hulk on the battle field (“Looks like first blood to you then” my opponent joked) after which I moved my surviving plague marines into the ruins claiming the objective, my sane dread moved 6 to get in range of the exorcist, land raider move 6 to hide behind cover to try and get close to the centre objective, the 2 rhinos moved flat out though both rhinos were now in range of the exorcist, finally the spawn moved 5 making its way to the centre objective. Shooting phase was really poor for me the obliterators failed to penetrate one of the exorcists on the right, land raider missed the other exorcist on the left with only the sane dread immobilising the canoness’ rhino.


Opponent generated 2 faith points

Moved dominions into the ruins in the centre, the seraphim and saint moved up to the ruins, the battle sister squad moved into the ruins in the corner of the leach quarter claiming the objective, finally the repentia squad moved towards the empty rhino as it was closest enemy.

Shooting the exorcist on the left fireed 3 missiles destroying the plague marine's rhino, the dominions passed their act of faith test killing two of the plague marines from the rhino with their twin linked meltaguns, repentia squad run at the other rhino, one exorcist fires 4 missiles at the multi melta dread blasting off its dread weapon (serves it right), finally the last exorcist fires 2 missiles at the Obliterators (managed to get line of sight even though they were in cover) killing one. In the assault phase repentias assaulted the empty rhino though failed to hit it.

Turn 2


Rolled for dreads both sane this turn, moved multi-melta dread towards the ruin in the centre, the plague marine squad who lost their rhino moved towards the other plague marines holding the objective to get out of the Exorcists range, missile dread moved towards the plague marines in the ruin, spawn moved 4 into the ruin in the centre,

In the shooting phase my Obliterators fired lascannons at the same exorcist failing to do anything again, missile dread fired krak at exorcist and failed to damage it, multi-melta dread fired at rhino it which hit but passed it's 6+inv save, land raider fired heavy bolter at repentia squad killing one, the 5 plague marines fired at the repentias as well killing 3, in the assault phase my dread assaulted the dominion rhino failing to do anything to it and the spawn assaulted the dominion squad failing to kill anything being hit losing a wound and losing the combat being reduced to its last wound ending my turn,


Generated 4 faith points

Only moved seraphim and saint closer to the ruin in the centre

In shooting one of the Exorcists on the right fired 6 missiles at m melta dread destroying it multi melta and immobilising it so it cannot do anything, the other exorcist fired 3 missiles killing another obliterator, final exorcist fired 4 at my land raider but failed to do anything to it and his immobilised rhino repaired itself, in assault repentias absolutely destroyed the last rhino and dominions killed the spawn losing one dominion.

Turn 3


My missile dread went fire frenzy but since the landraider was the closest didn't do anything, didn't move anything, shooting last obliterator hit an exorcist with his lascannon but it passed its inv save, land raider and squads of plague marines fired at the repentia squad killing all except the sister repentia and that was my turn up


Generated 3 faith points

Moved seraphim and saint through the ruin in in the centre to get close to the plague marines in the other ruin losing one to a failed difficult terrain test, the repentia superior moved towards the plague marines in the ruin and the canoness and her squad moved flat out so it was only 6 inches from my plague marines in the ruin right behind the seraphim, the seraphim passed their act of faith managing to immobilize my last dreadnought with an inferno pistol, the last obliterator was obliterated by the Exorcists 6 missiles, the exorcist on the fired 3 missiles at the land raider failing to damage the other exorcist fired 4 missiles at the thousand son squad but they made their inv save, in the assault phase the repentia and seraphim squad with saint assaulted the plague marines on the objective though when he rolled to see how far the seraphim would assault in cover only rolled a 3 so only the seraphim superior was in base contact with the plague marines the repentia chick failed to kill anything, the seraphim chuck killed 2 plague marines with her eviscerator to be killed in return by the plague champ with the powerfist the repentia was unharmed.

Turn 4


My only unit that moved was the Land raider which moved 6 so it could get in range so my squad inside could assault, my sorcerer and his squad disembarked, in the shooting phase my sorcerer tried turning the saint into a spawn but rolled a 3, my landraider immobilized one of his Exorcists which wasn't helpful, my thousands sons shot at canoness rhinos side though failed to damage it both with their bolters and the bolt of change, next I did a suicidal risk (especially with my luck) targeting the rhino with my vindicator which was very close to my plague marines luckily I scored a direct utterly destroying it and 2 Celestians inside it leaving the canoness and her squad dazed and without their ride, in the assault phase the repentia superior was finally killed by the plague marines, my sorcerer killed 5 seraphim leaving two which were killed by the squad of plague marines he was with, the saint was saved from the all of the plague marines attacks hitting my sorcerer with 3 attacks wounding him once.


Generated 2 faith points

He only Moved the canoness and her celestian squad with the priest towards the ruin with the plague marines in it, shooting exorcist on the left fired 2 missiles at my landraider getting crew stunned, the other exorcist fired 6 at my dread and destroyed it the last one fired 5 missiles at one of the plague marine squads in the ruin killing 4 leaving the plague champion on the edge of the ruin, the canoness, priest and 6 Celestians shot at the plague marines in cover with the priest killing a plague marine with his las pistol with me rolling a double 1 for my armour and feel no pain save leaving a squad of 4 plague marines with champ and 1 lone plague champion in the ruin, he assaulted my sorcerer and plague marines from the side with his dominion squad killing one plague marine losing, the saint failed to wound my sorcerer who killed her in return, the canoness and her squad passed both the acts of faiths the squad had and assaulted the 4 plague marines on the objective wiping them out but instead of moving towards the plague champ in the ruin he moved towards my sorcerer and his squad (obviously he had a much crueller fate for him)

Turn 5


Nothing moved, my thousand sons fired at the canoness with her squad and missed again both with bolters and their psychic power, my vindicator fired a risky shot at the canoness and her squad (which had me, my opponent and the few other gaming members watching holding our breaths as if it went wrong it could kill a lot of my models) in a roll blessed by Nurgle I got a direct hit right on top if canoness and her squad killing the priest and 4 Celestians ( canoness and other 2 Celestians made their inv save)

my sorcerer successfully used Gift of chaos turning his canoness into a spawn locking the 2 celestians in combat, in the assault phase the last 4 remaining dominions were killed by my sorcerer, spawn and celestians failed to kill each other,


He generated 1 faith point

He failed bringing the saint back, shot my land raider and stunned it, the two other Exorcists failed to destroy the vindicator with 1 missile or kill the thousand sons with 3 missiles, even with their hand of the emperor the 2 Celestians were unable to wound the spawn while the spawns missed with 2 attacks

Turn 6

Was unable to shoot anything I moved the lone plague champion onto the objective in the ruin claiming it (I didn’t move the plague marines and sorcerer otherwise would have been in range of all 3 exorcists)

Land raider failed to penetrate his exorcist again, spawn failed to kill the celestians who also failed to kill the spawn


Generating 1 faith point he brought back his saint with one wound who moved towards the sorcerer and plague marines, for shooting two of his exorcists targeted my lone plague champion with 4 missiles each but failed to kill him, other exorcist failed to damage my land raider. Spawn and Celestians did nothing to each other again, he assaulted my plague marine squad and sorcerer killing all my plague marines but failing to kill my sorcerer who struck back killing the saint again after which the game ended in a draw with 2 objectives for both of us.

Overall I was pretty proud with my efforts, after some pretty bad luck I was forced to play defensive with those exorcists being a constant threat to my army Though last few turns I started to get more lucky pulling off 2 direct hits with my vindicator, I found apart from my vindicator I sucked in shooting though when my plague marines got in to combat they bogged down his army with my sorcere wiping out most of his models. With my dreads doing really bad I am thinking of replacing them with something that would really do well next time possibly a contemptor dread if I can get my hands on one, I possibly should of held my obliterators in reserve to deep strike them behind the exorcists or near one of his battle sister squad but then again it probably would of went bad anyway after this game it has left me with serious doubts about if I want to take them in my army.

At the end we all agreed my Sorcerer was the model of the match.

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