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Night Lords - how to depict them...


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So those of you who have a Night Lords war band how do you depict them? Do you go with full on GW Chaos Marines, or mixed with the bits kit with winged helms or do you see them better modelled from a mix of standard marine armour marks?


I'm edging towards the later idea with a few bits thrown in to mix all three to some degree, I guess that is the beauty of the GW plastics and FW resin in that there are so many variations that can be built by pure kit bashing before even thinking about green stuff skills. Mind you I don't think my sculpting skills are up to anything other than joint filling so any thoughts of making my own shoulder pads etc is out :)


I've not yet built a Chaos army as I usually end up distracted by the FW marines 'love in' of constant new - old - models, and I'm a sucker for the early armour patterns and the like. But, I feel the need for something a bit different from my usual marine fest. Are NL typically going to have a full range of army options if sticking to the current fluff?

I'm thinking things like oblits, chosen, possessed, and plague marines, etc just don't fit well with A-D-B's vision of the NL's or am I wrong here? I've not yet read all the NL series but am reading my way through them (so far they are fantastic) and the impression I get is they fall between full chaos worshipping loons like the Word Bearers, Black legion, EC's to be closer to a renegade legion that acknowledges the existence of Chaos but is not a fully signed up member of the gang?


I know C:CSM is not a fully competitive codex and there are only a limited number of units that cut it in a tourney setting but I'm looking for a more 'fluff' based list to play for fun and who knows if 6th Ed. ever appears maybe I can end up with something both fluffy and competitive :D

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The Night Lords legion was shattered into a vast number of compagnies after Night Haunter's death, and they do have trouble maintaining their equipement fully operational ( they do not have a world at their disposal tu respeldish their supplies, whereas WB, BL and other large legions do) They are therefore forced to scavenge weapons and armour from the battlefield. I personnaly think a kit bash from loyalist and chaos marines would look spendid.


For the helmets, the bat-winged ones are just plain ugly IMHO, i would try to paint skulls on regular marines et chaos marines helmets

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Well if I went by what A-D-B has said when similar topics have come up, the Talos' warband is just that, Talos warband. Each warband is unique to itself and is not representative of the whole Legion. Until Lord of the Night, the stereotypical Night Lord was a killer who only attacked weak and defenseless citizens for the joy of it and use the power of Chaos as a tool and was willing to fulfill the requirements needed to use that tool. Then LotN came out and we saw Zso Sahaal, a relic in every sense of the word. While arrogant enough to claim leadership over the VIII, he also wanted to bring them back to the way they were before when Curze was alive, the philosophy of obedience through fear and removing the Imperium's corruption and bringing forth purity through pain. After a fashion.


There was also a short story in Heroes of the Space Marines I believe. We see more of the "Puritan"/"Radical" conflict with one Raptor who has embraced Chaos and another who was like-minded as Sahaal.


We see a similar struggle with Talos' story. The Exalted has embraced Chaos sompletely, even to the point of sharing his body with a daemon. Cyrion is a glimpse at the Night Lord who uses Chaos and unwillingly becomes touched by the warp and eventually succumbs to it. Uzas, like the Exalted, is one who embraced the warp, but was unprepared for the price he would pay. Xarl just didn't care. He only wanted to kill. Mercutian and Talos also wanted to relive the goory days. Although eventually, Talos merely just wanted to give up. He was tired of it all.


And then we see Decimus. I was looking back and I noticed something. He has fully embraced, if not Chaos, then the ideal of it. He refers to the Traitor Legions as the Enlightened and the Eye of Terror as the Great Eye, something we haven't seen from most Night Lords, not even the Exalted, who was more or less a fully summoned daemon who simply wore Vandred's body as a t-shirt.


Basically, however you want. The only common, "stereotypical" theme is that they are, well sadistic. Terror tactics is the closest there is to uniformity. So go for kirbashes that make them look brutal and terrifying. As far as fluff, go anywhere you like. The way our Legion is fractured, every piece of fluff both printed and fan-made is virgin territory to some degree or another.


Good luck. And welcome to the Night.

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The Night Lords legion was shattered into a vast number of compagnies after Night Haunter's death, and they do have trouble maintaining their equipement fully operational ( they do not have a world at their disposal tu respeldish their supplies, whereas WB, BL and other large legions do) They are therefore forced to scavenge weapons and armour from the battlefield. I personnaly think a kit bash from loyalist and chaos marines would look spendid.


For the helmets, the bat-winged ones are just plain ugly IMHO, i would try to paint skulls on regular marines et chaos marines helmets

Not all of them have to scavenge though. Krieg Acerbus warband is considered the largest NL warband. But when it attacks, it attacks only to cause terror. Not to plunder. And it is enough of a threat that an entire Craftworld is scared of meeting them. And there is also another warband shown in a short story in Heroes of the Space Marines that is said to visit many planets for supplies and recruits. The Legion is fractured and some warbands are struggling to survive. The keyword is some. There is no true stereotype for the Night Lords or their many factions.

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:D Kol_Saresk and Amalricus lots to think about here then and I believe I've chosen the right army as I enjoy kitbashing, but I'm not yet at the stage of full on conversions.


So in short pretty much anything goes depicting Night Lords including uneasy cooperation with other war-bands and legions? I presume they can access most heavy/support weapons? I know Land raiders are mentioned as squad transports in A-D-B's novels...


Hmmm thinking out loud here but that new FW Storm Eagle has rules for Chaos use so might make a nice stand in for a Thunderhawk? It would also be a nice size canvas to pull off a Night Lords paint scheme ;) Any details of Night Lords T'hawk schemes or pics out in the webway?

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So in short pretty much anything goes depicting Night Lords.


I'd say so. You could have any kind of background to your company or warband. One that caught my eye was in the Scounds Fall fluff in the current CSM codex. I think its on the page for the rhino. One Night Lord Flotilla does some hurt in there. I wish there was more to it.



Hmmm thinking out loud here but that new FW Storm Eagle has rules for Chaos use so might make a nice stand in for a Thunderhawk? It would also be a nice size canvas to pull off a Night Lords paint scheme :D Any details of Night Lords T'hawk schemes or pics out in the webway?

I myself think you could follow the same Legion color scheme. I saw one nice one that appeared mostly black with hints of blue on the edges with a dull and dark gold trim. The rest was weathered and a bit beaten from being in a lot of scraps with loyalists. I don't have the picture of it though ;), sorry.

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Check out some of the Night Lord warbands in the WIP section of the board. It should give you alot of ideas. There's alot of good ones out there, Dan the Demon, Wicced, Darkven and others.


As for which you go with, mixed armor or GW, I go with mixed but it's not because they scavenge. Good luck though and welcome. Just ask if you need any questions or help.

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:) Kol_Saresk and Amalricus lots to think about here then and I believe I've chosen the right army as I enjoy kitbashing, but I'm not yet at the stage of full on conversions.


So in short pretty much anything goes depicting Night Lords including uneasy cooperation with other war-bands and legions? I presume they can access most heavy/support weapons? I know Land raiders are mentioned as squad transports in A-D-B's novels...


Hmmm thinking out loud here but that new FW Storm Eagle has rules for Chaos use so might make a nice stand in for a Thunderhawk? It would also be a nice size canvas to pull off a Night Lords paint scheme :yes: Any details of Night Lords T'hawk schemes or pics out in the webway?


It's not a good stand-in for a Thunderhawk, it's far too small. As an orbital landing craft, it works fine, in fact that's its intended purpose, but it's certainly not a Thunderhawk.

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It's not a good stand-in for a Thunderhawk, it's far too small. As an orbital landing craft, it works fine, in fact that's its intended purpose, but it's certainly not a Thunderhawk.


I guess I didn't phrase it right - I don't want it as an exact stand in just a flyer with transport capacity for a Chaos army. There is no way I'd want to run a Thunderhawk in a normal points 40k game anyway. In fact I'm not even sure a Thunderhawk is an option for a Chaos Marines army?

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It's not a good stand-in for a Thunderhawk, it's far too small. As an orbital landing craft, it works fine, in fact that's its intended purpose, but it's certainly not a Thunderhawk.


I guess I didn't phrase it right - I don't want it as an exact stand in just a flyer with transport capacity for a Chaos army. There is no way I'd want to run a Thunderhawk in a normal points 40k game anyway. In fact I'm not even sure a Thunderhawk is an option for a Chaos Marines army?


Thunderhawk is Apocalypse only, and anything Imperial in Apocalypse can also be fielded by Chaos unless otherwise noted.

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