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List/models: Where to go from here?


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So, I'll add some pics when I get around to it to liven things up, but in the meantime, I'll tell you what I've got and I'd like B&C to tell me where to go.

I'm pretty durned new to 40k. I have a sizable (2500 pt) High Elf army, but since no one plays Fantasy, I'm learning 40k. I've been playing with a friend's Eldar army, and decided to build an army of my own. I went BA because of the pretty wings on the Sanguinary Guard.


So basically, I'm not too too worried about being competitive. I want my army to look rad on the table, mostly. On the other hand, it'd be okay if it was a relatively balanced force. Also, I like the idea of putting together a big enough collection that I can play any reasonable points-value game, since I have some friends who have been playing hammer since forever and have huge collections.


I started out by looking through the book and figuring out that the fastest way to get SG on the table is with Commander Dante. When I asked around the kids told me I could have an ALL Sanguinary Guard army, which would be kind of neat, but probably in the end a bit boring, variety-wise. May be worth a try but it would mean sinking quite a few dollars into a bunch of samey units. Obviously less exciting than building a varied force.


SO, I picked up a Dante, a box of SG, and a box of Death Company. Depending on loadout this is somewhere between 750 and 900 points. The other model I really want is the Sanguinor, so he's on order and should be in soon. Currently, just for fun, my build looks like this:






Sanguinary Guard

Plasma Pistol


Power Fist


Death Company x 5

Power weapons x 4

Thunder hammer & hand flamer on one guy

otherwise, bolt pistols


So... That is how it is built. It is a TON of points for 12 models. I magnetized the DC so they can have jump packs or not, and the dude with the TH has his arm magnetized so I can switch it out for a regular hand weapon.




Clearly this is a hard hitting but silly list. It has very expensive models, and the DC will need to get into combat somehow before they get murdered by shooting. I can't wait to get it painted and try it out, but the question is where to go from here. My plan is to buy things in this order:


1. black reach (terminators, tac marines and a dreadnought? great! should i trade the orks in for another copy of those or keep them around for something to introduce new players to the game with? It is a tough call. obviously at this point i have like over 1500 pts if both hqs are in, but is not a very mechanized force, so...)


2. baal pred (SUCH a cool looking tank!)


3. more sang guard (WINGS!) (and maybe a drop pod to vary up tactics?)


4. ba battleforce - finally a transport, plus more DC!! time to buy...


5. lemartes


6. scouts - Just to mix it up..


7. storm raven - :P yeah, why not! now can mix up assault squads in two vehicles? radical.


8. dark angels force - Maybe a bit greedy, and not very fluffy, but I don't want ever to have to build a /different/ space marines army, and I -do- want to paint bikes and speeders. So maybe also another speeder ;)


That is the flowchart. It'll probably take me over a year to accomplish this feat, and around then I expect a new HE book and models to get me back into building Elves.


Anything Y'all think I should mix around? Maybe I need a transport for the DC before anything, for example, or I should go buy a drop pod and half a dozen tac marines before I even drop the list on the table. As much as I care about fluff and looks more than winning, it would be pretty frustrating if the DC didn't get into combat my first 3 games!

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Welcome to the brotherhood :P In my humble opinion I find that Tac marines dont really work in a BA army. Sure you CAN use them, but then again why would you when those points can be spent on things that can punch your foes in the face with a chainsaw sword? For the death company I would recommend a transport. They suffer from rage which can be quite a pain for getting them to where you want. A transport to drive them around in helps overcome that problem. I would also change out the plasma pistol on your sang guard with an infernus pistol (only if you are dead set on having a pistol though, personally I would remove it) as that would help out with poping tanks when you deep strike down. The raven by the way would be perfect to transport your DC! It could even transport your dreadnought at the same time. Hope this helps and good luck with your collection!
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i agree that black reach and the battleforce is probably not the best start


if you can find an ork player who wants to swap, thats probably better than the battleforce.

But you can (i'm told) get ten assault marines and ten dc in a (fast) rhino.


I've got a 1k list floating around, i'll let you know on tuesday how badly it does

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I promised pics.


The SG is done but for his base, painting his barrel, and maybe adding script to his... scripty things. The others are very much wip.


I haven't so much developed fluff for my boys, but let's for the interim call them the Bluebloods. Or the Teal Angels. Or the Blood Tealers. Or the Teal Party (current fav)



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Yay. SG mostly done. Just need Black parts, another stage or two on their armour, text on scrolls, and various touch-ups.

BC getting there.

Dante... well I dunno. Something clearly needs to be done. Maybe I will Sepia all of the bone and highlight again? He looks so splotchy. I am so used to doing a 5 or 6 stage bone that this 3 stage bone looks really ;) to me. ;)

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