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Hi all, I've been gone for a long time due to an injury to my right hand - I've since learned to to become somewhat ambidextrous (i.e. duff with both hands!) ! ;p


I've just painted my first mini in a long time, and started another, painting is sloooow due to getting shaky, but I hope to get them all finished and use them both in Space Hulk & on the table top (After painting will be magnetic 40mm bases).


Anyway, I've completed Brother Goriel in 90's style blood angels 'orange' effect (or as close as I can get with modern paints - please excuse the poncy photo I was getting carried away):




The next is Brother Scipio, I've started his armour (glazes and finishing highlights to go) but have come up with a quandary.


He is an Angels Vermillion terminator (using the old GW dark scheme), and his chest eagle will be the same bright yellow as Goriel.


any general feedback on painting also appreciated!! - I intend to paint each termiantor as a different 'Angel' (mainly blood angels, successors etc. but not lamenters).






Just finished Brother Scipio :o I think he's quite a contrast to Goriel! But I hope the yellow eagle theme and green purity seals/eyes will link them all when complete :)


Any feed back appreciated!




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OK so here is the dreadnought pre-painting:





I'm trying to utilise spares and bits (or very cheap ebay bits) to make everything so far, so the conversion is pretty simple :)


Also, here's a kitbashed Tac squad sarge (base coated in grey):



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Cheers <_< very kind! ;p


Yup, I'm going to have 5 diff terminators in the 'squad' (forgot when I started you can't mix terminator assault/tactical marines ;p )


And then a squad (tac/tac/dev/assault/other) of each chapter represented, plus a few vehicles I think :D

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Quick update - dreadnought armour using the new range of GW reds/oranges, pre-transparent yellow :drool: (the arms/torso are all removable - just held there while it dries).



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Couple of quick updates, painting is still painfully slow due to the hand, but getting there :)





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OK another quick update, managed to get a bit more painting done tonight, though it was going so slow the paint was drying on the palette ;p lol (might have to break out the old wet palette ;p). Anyway, please let me know what you think so far? I still need to decide on company markings (though figure the massive skull puts him in the first company ;p, I'm trying to stick to the old 80's/90's colour schemes I grew up with, with some modern additions (and avoiding metallic paint as I feel it clashes too heavily with the reds (just my opinion).







(Just a note, the light in my room isnt great, the engine casing red is much darker than the rest of the armour and the wing is not that glossy and is shaded! ;p


*edit* also, I'm after ideas with what to do with quirky power fist, I'm tempted to paint black or yellow teardrops on the finger panels, or to make it a darker red? I'm trying to avoid 'battle damage' as I want to keep the clean look, so any ideas please?

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OK, bar varnishing (and figuring out basing - the black can stay for now ;p) he's done:


Meet Venerable Brother Torn, veteran of the Eyrie prophet war - any comments appreciated!






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That's a pretty nice dread you got there! I like what you ended up doing to the fist. The only thing that puts me off a bit is the wing, it just seems kind of random to me. However, that is my only qualm, and it is a small one at that. The rest of it looks fantastic.
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Thanks a lot :D for the great comments :)


The wing is a 'trophy' from a campaign in which he was crippled (and interred) while in turn defeating the enemy (Dark Eldar Haemoculus creation imitating an 'angel') and ripping off one of its wings... ;p


Hopefully when the rest of the army is done, it will blend in better, as a few sergeants/characters are going to feature similar sweeping wings (e.g. the base coated sergeant further up the posts - who now has a blood drop modelled onto the wing).






and just stripped these :)



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Quick update on kit bashed sergeant ;p




OK done bar shoulder/banner markings, base etc. but you get the general idea. This id the first 'regular' blood angel I think I've ever painted... I found the face very difficult and just couldn't get proper dexterity, but it looks suitably angry I think? Comments and feed back always appreciated ^_^



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OK so sergeant completed, bar basing ;) I think he looks like he's suitably peeved off at someone! ;p


Any comments appreciated! A pity he can't 'really' have both his weapons, in game terms, its just a big sword ;p





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Nice models. I really like the old school colors. The stripped model on the right is one of my favorites. He did some time as a devastator sergeant in a DIY chapter I had. Don't take this the wrong way, but something about the sarge's head is hitting me wrong. He Man in drag is the first thing that comes to mind.
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Why could he not have both weapons? A power wepon and a plasma gun are allowed to be taken by a srg. at the same time. Other than his face i like it, you do a nice job on the small freehand details. The face is just... I dunno, i feel like the hair would go well with a regal face, and the face would go well with little or no hair - both together just dont fit right for me :P
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Assault on black reach heavy bolter kit bash, used dry brushing and some final highlights this time as a bit less painful! B)


p.s. I know I made a tired boo boo and painted the shoulder chapter symbol yellow! Never mind, its an honour marking ;p The rest will be black ;)





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Just a quick one, I've used up my stock of nits and bobs (well the ones I have to make whole space marines ;p)




So just need two more to complete the squad.


And... have a rhino on the way :P - thanks Ebay!

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