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OK Quick update, did a bit of quick basing/dry brushing/wash this evening before bed ;), so should had '5' guys ready for my E Tennebrae Lux vow very soon! (hate painting around bolters, but needs and cack hand drives!









have also won some cheap on-sprue marines, and finally got my Dante from fleabay too! so once the Rhino arrives, and I've done the drop pod, I may add those too ;)

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Tick tock tick tock ;p lol after this a yellow and then red glaze was applied (now drying!) to blend the edge lights in (though I am very inconvinced with the new GW glazes...)


Just relying on the postal service to come before I finish these! And can't wait til I go home next to retrieve a landspeeder, the rest of the terminator squad, and possibly a cheeky death company dread (but that will be last on the list after these tac marines, the rhino and drop pod!)



OK notice horrific unadjusted camera colour and toned down! - the highlights arent as stark as they appear in the photos, will turn flash off in better light when they are done (they are just tabletop quality).


this is post yellow.red glaze drying and eyes done (bar yellow glaze)



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OK taken ages, and my freehand is very poor compared to what i used to be able to do, but pretty much done, just varnishing and basing left, then ill take a shot with the decent camera (not these quick phone snaps), and I'll have completed part of my vow! soon as these orders arrive, i can paint the remaining 2 members and their rhino :)



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OK first squad (combat squad) all done and based for my Vow! :)




and as they form part of a ten man squad, here's the heavy bolter, flamer and sarge seen previously (based)




and, in the mail today another combat box <_< so the last 2 marines will be finished to complete the ten man squad :lol:



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OK I finished stripping my ebay dante (and his incredibly thivk layers of colour schemes!) and unfortunately, his face was badly smooshed :)


However! not to be dismayed (and as my drop pod/rhino still havent arrived :( ) I converted him into a chaplain :)


What do you think? I think he looks pretty creepy really! - now deciding on colour scheme.



Replaced face with skull and tried to remodel wreath.


He was also missing his pistol arm, so replace it with plastic, and a suitable shield.


Sawed out shoulder and replace with a skull pad filling in the gaps.


Had this knocking around since celestine first came out lol.

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Quick update before bed ;p Impatient to paint the chaplain, so am trying out the Death Company scheme on one of my absolute favourite Blood Angel models (so happy i found it very cheap on Ebay!) - am very tempted to include all the old second ed. sergeants in the squad ;p but will resist the urge for now!


I've got some Magnets on order, so will have swappable back packs/jump packs for either being transported, foot slogging or jumping ;)



Basic black with some grey tones and edge white before tidying and glazing with gloss black and black ink.



Red 'X's a plenty :) and keeping the yellow chest eagle theme, will probably keep the power sword dark with red edge.



Slightly wonky freehand skull ;p but considering the contortions it got me in, I'm OK with it - might alter it.


Cheers again, all comments welcome!

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OK still working on his sword, but almost there :lol:




Ahhhh and the Ebay Rhino arrived, bit of a mess, the white paint is, incredibly? Tippex!? Just working out the best thing I've got to hand to strip it with...



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That DC marine looks really excelent... Its minis like that combined with painters like you that makes me wish I had a squad of the old DC marines painted black. And I do like the Dante Chaplain, although the face does seem a little off center or something... Though that could just be the picture?
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Usual before bed update ;p




Started work on his skull mask, gone for a slight glowy socket effect :cuss


The armour highlights may be a little 'too' subtle... but we shall see ;)


I've decided to keep the yellow chest eagle theme going (though might make it darker yellow) and I 'think' I've decided on painting Celestines cloak a deep red. I'm putting a death company 'X' ovr his skull shoulder, and on the shield back ground, is that enough do you think?



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OK usual bedtime painting lol getting there slowly!


Just need to shade down the white, and re-highlight, then its on to the various pouches etc. to finish his body off.


Then its red 'X's (hate that bit ;p).


Any feed back appreciated. The bright stuff looks very bright against the black armour, but, i hope with the back drop of the cape it should bring the miniature together ;)


*edit* lol just noticed how the white looks in that photo! don't worry, its not thick! thats just a white glaze drying ;p



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