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OK quick update as I left the house this morning.




Standard marine back packs converted to 'jump' (more like flutter) packs - to go on the flesh tearers squad (standard jump packs were just huge on them).

Theyve been painted (gone for black) and will be attached this evening (along with bases being done).


Then - I will concentrate solely on the dreadnought (to complete my 2nd vow) - then back to the blood drinkers squad :cuss


Army is growing steadily

(Though just realised I made a serious school boy error and didn't notice that chaplains were an an elites (not HQ) choice.... might have to make my chaplain Lemartes - or a Reclusiarch.... hmmmm).


*edit* Flying monkeys ahoy!



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OK I FINALLY had sufficient time to make my Death Company Dreadnought conversion :)


Thanks to Imperial Deceit for the arm!!




Just have to wait for a bit of green stuffing on it to dry and I don't think it'll take tooo long to paint (red 'X's ... urg!


Any comments welcome! I know its a little unorthdox in appearance, but I think I've managed to get it to look a little animated, and its pretty much the same size as a regular dread too ;)


Oh and as a little bonus (I shouldn't go near the bits box sometimes)


There's this crazy thing...



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Quick pre-bed update ;p


I stuck with tradition and painted the 'savage' face on the dread, I don't think its out of place on a death company dread? (the lip isn't pink as it appears on the photo its deep red ;p )





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Yep, thats kinda the idea! ;) - I was worried that painting all that red (plus red vehicles) might induce painting burnout, so having a small pool of named successor chapters to chose from is great!


Flesh eaters eh? We shall see! ;p



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OK thats Ancient Brother Izzard done - bar varnishing and basing.


I just could not find a place to feasibly put blood drops... but I think he definately looks death company? What do you think?




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