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powerfisting ICs in units


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Hey there...we were playing a game today and this came up....to hit an IC with a units powerfist, can it hit him from 2 inches away or do they have to base to base?

Also, can the character keep back or is he forced to push to the front of his unit to fight?

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hi mate

ill try and make it as easy as possible to explain, as it can cause confusion.

in combat an independant character forms a seperate unit, he can only strike at what he is in B2B with.

your own unit will need a model in B2B to be able to hit him back, after that all normal rules apply, if the powerfist was within 2" of a model in B2B with the Ic and not otherwise engaged himself, he is free to gimp him.


also when assaulting Ics are moved first, and the same applies to pile in moves after each round of combat

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also when assaulting Ics are moved first, and the same applies to pile in moves after each round of combat


You got it right except for this part. Ics are only required to move first when defenders react or during pile ins. During an initial assault there is no rule stating ics move first.

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also when assaulting Ics are moved first, and the same applies to pile in moves after each round of combat


You got it right except for this part. Ics are only required to move first when defenders react or during pile ins. During an initial assault there is no rule stating ics move first.

And the IC is required to move first and get into base contact only so long as it is possible. If an IC is completely surrounded by 6 models in his attached unit, and those six models are all already in base contact with an opponent(meaning they don't have to make a reaction movement), then the IC won't be able to move. The IC is the one in the middle of this example. After the attacker makes his assault moves, the unit's models have no movement to make and therefore the IC can not move to engage anyone and will sit the resulting combat out.


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If an IC, and just an IC is in combat with an enemy squad then the entire squad can hit him.

If an IC and a friendly squad are in combat with an enemy squad then only those enemies within two inches can hit him.


Correct, or?

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If an IC, and just an IC is in combat with an enemy squad then the entire squad can hit him.

If an IC and a friendly squad are in combat with an enemy squad then only those enemies within two inches can hit him.


Correct, or?


Sort of.

The first statement is correct.

The second one is partially correct. It should be "If an IC and a friendly squad are in combat with an enemy squad then only those enemies within two inches of a model in base contact with the IC can hit him, except those that are in base contact with only the friendly squad members."


A model must attack the unit with which it is in base contact. If it is base contact with more than one unit, it can choose where its attacks fall.

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