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Tacticals Useful?

IK Viper

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I have 2 full AoBR tactical squads that I have sitting around and I really want to use them in my lists, I normally run 2, 10 man RAS and a Sang Guard Unit with a Jp Sang Prriest and a JP Libby. as the base of my lists with Dev support. I was tossing around the idea of using a Tac Squad and Razorback combo to give me a combat squaded objective sitting ML squad and a flamer squad in a Laserback, Can you take a Dedicated Transport if you are not able to fit the whole squad in there? I see these guys as objective holders and want them to be cheap of course.


Also, what about against hordes. I am thinking about having these guys shooting from cover while my RAS counter assault when the wave gets close.


Sometimes I use a 10 man Tac Term Squad with2 AC's and a TA Sang Priest. what about a tac squad that hides in thier shadow with a PG until something gets into Rapid Fire range and then unloads?


Also, I hear from different people that the Rapid Fire rule may change in 6th Ed. any specifics?


Anyone had success with tacs in a BA list? and are the special/heavy weapons worth the points on a defensive unit like this?

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Normally I advise heavily against Tacs, but since you already have them, the Razorback idea works. I would however put them in flamerbacks instead of plasmaback, turn the flamer into a melta and give the sarge a combi-melta. This squad zooms ahead of your RAS and Sang Guard to give them cover/concealment. Squad in the back has a missile launcher.
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Id consider one Rhino and one razor squad. The razor split actually works really nicely in games where you can have a squad on home plate firing a lascannon, while everything else moves forward. Its not a bad use of points.


The Rhino squad i'd use as a tarpit. You maaaay even want to consider Sanguinor. He can jump up behind the rhinos/raz, and provide the extra attack making them as useful as Regular Assault Squad guys.


Alternatively, depending on how big your games are, you may even want to include a locator beacon on the Sarge and have jumpy support striking to back you up - or if you're playing bigger games - some termies striking to support.



Eg: at 1850




6 Terms - 4 Hammers


10 RAS - 2mg, PF

10 TAC - PF, MG, LAS, Homer


10 TAC - PF, MG, LAS

Razor - TLLC

8 DC - 2PF



3 Attack Bikes- 2 MM




Very few shooting options, which leaves you weak to fast moving shooty armies, but its so up and in your face that you can really deal with anything else fighty wise.


You could even lose the jumpers and a term and grab yourself 2 more biker squads to even out the odds- but then you're low on scoring.

Alternatively still,

You could lose the jumpers and 1 term and chance a lascannon into a MM, and then you can pick up a fighty RAS in Razor (MG, PW 5man in heavy razor) and 3 Attack bikes - really balances things out nicely. You're left with:





5 Terms - 4 Hammers



10 TAC - PF, MG, MM, Homer


10 TAC - PF, MG, LAS

Razor - TLLC

5 RAS - MG, PW


8 DC - 2PF



3 Attack Bikes- 2 MM

3 Attack Bikes- 2 MM

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So I have one squad already painted an another primed red, sounds like one tac squad is about all I will want any way, I proxied the primed guys as a Drop Pod Stern Guard last game and it worked wonderfully for me. Considering going with sternguard instead.


Why Flamerazor instead of plasrazor? Im already hurting for ranged firepower as is, just some ML devs in the back usually and dont have a Baal yet (come on eBay ... lol)


Has anyone had success with running these guys into midfield cover turn 1 and then firing away from there? Seams like they may help out the jumpers vs. high initiative enemys that need to bo softened up


I really like the homing beacon idea and had concidered that before, makes dropping alot of termies into the middle of the field alot safer :-)

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Thats sort of what I figured, a 50 point priest and they are annoying if anything else, just not very mobile, which is what the rest of my army is good at. Ill play with them a little and see.


Some times i like to chnage things up and run a ten man tac terminator unit with AC's or Cyclones with a TA Sang Priest to doninate the midfield with bolter fire vs infantry, i think the tacs could support them if i can get them and the termies in cover, A tac squad and that terminator squad in cover puts down 24 bolter shots and 8 assault cannon shots at 24 inshes, you pick up another 12 shots inside 12 inches and then the termies can still assault that turn. Horde munch I hope, have not tested this yet.


Just trying to be creative and break out of the Razor spam/ JP only mold some times

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I've had pretty good results when running 2 tac squads. I use Plasmagun/ML for mine. I prefer the rhino to the razorback for them, some games it's best to be able to put the whole squad inside. Being able to rapid-fire things you don't want to charge first is a nice thing to have and helps to set up area denial. Depending on where you locate your tacs, you can control the better area better. Anything with a 4 ft range helps against opponents who are also really mobile. Devs are great and you should run some, but at least one tac will help with controlling objectives better than the RAS.


I don't worry about putting a priest with them, FNP is nice... but wasting FC is not something I want to do. If it was sternguard, then maybe give them a priest. Tacs can also make for good bait for your opponent, then use RAS to counter-attack after shooting them up.


Just because we have the best jump troops, doesn't mean we can have some ranged options also. Meltagun is not bad, but the RAS do it much better. I like Plasma, since I'm going to be rapid-firing anyway and 2x S7 shots are usually better for me, than 1 S8. Flamers get a lot of hate from the competitive players, but I've had really good results with them also. Not on RAS, since they want enough enemy left to assault, but for tacs it helps to thin down your opponent as much as possible. Since I play against a lot of guard, orks, and bugs then I value the flamer.

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Just because we have the best jump troops, doesn't mean we can have some ranged options also.

good thing that in most builds RAS arent jump infantry .



As the question goes . Are AoBR tacs good for BAs the anwser is no they arent . RL are bad for you unless you plan to put/use them in dev units [and you still have to ask yourself if you do want to use devs as BAs are one of the three factions with ok meq tanks] and you should not need to use flamers on your tacs. las/plas is what you want for a camper or a melta/fist combo if it is some sort of a mix build .


Some times i like to chnage things up and run a ten man tac terminator unit with AC's or Cyclones with a TA Sang Priest to doninate the midfield with bolter fire vs infantry, i think the tacs could support them if i can get them and the termies in cover, A tac squad and that terminator squad in cover puts down 26 bolter shots and 6 assault cannon shots at 24 inshes, you pick up another 12 shots inside 12 inches and then the termies can still assault that turn. Horde munch I hope, have not tested this yet

so you sometimes play it that way but you never actualy played it . My knowladge of english is too weak for thise . + how would a gunline build around termis better then one with more shots [cheaper ras razors] . specialy as the termi unit is a huge cost one [10 termis 2 cylcons . 1 scoring unit] what if you actualy needed melta[like it is most of the time] and because of taking termis you wouldnt have the points to buy MM attack bikes [specialy as tacs arent cheap either . with a hvy and a special you have to take 10 man so they always cost more then a 5 man ras with a melta gun even if you take a fist for the squad].



Flamers get a lot of hate from the competitive players, but I've had really good results with them also

be precise here . its taking flamers on RAS or TAC when your not taking them to lower points costs of units [because maybe your playing 1250] , that gets hate.

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My first response is VASSAL it - i just happen to be playing tonight (in about 5 hrs actually) and you can try some stuff out then.


While a lot of the posts on here are technically correct, i wouldnt call them right - or right all the time.


Tacs can be a viable alternative to RASBacks, i regularly run at least one in a rhino and find they are capable of holding up enemy units in CC (if there not dedicated assault troops) or adding a hail of fire to add a 24inch area of threat - and with a 50pt priest they can really take some heat when camping. With a DS termie back up they can claim an entire table quarter, and putting that priest with the termies can really add some punch.


I also drop pod them, and find there perfect for back up for my DC or any other squad. Combat squading them is also useful, and even th eHB option is quite decent if your short on points, but ou can have a unit with 2 lascannons a TL PG and a melta which is incredibly handy.


Used as midfield support or objective takers/campes they are great - as front line troops i still prefer a quick and decisive CC phase, but dont ever dismiss the tac squads or youll be wasting some fun and effective options.

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