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Painting Ultramarines - Beginner

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Hey guys, I recently got into Warhammer 40K about a month back due to my friend. I am enjoying to the most now. The first set I got was the Command Squad and I decided to paint them how it was like on the box (So I carried this on until I learnt I could have painted it different colours - yeah i am a newb!). Now I have a tactical squad and 4 out of 10 of them are painted. I also bought a chaplain with a jump set, cause he looked cool. So, basically the point is that I love painting and I want to get better at this. Here are some of my models so far (the command squad are worse than my tactical or chaplain - mainly because i painted them first). It would be good if you guys could help me with some positive feedback and negative would also be acceptable, but don't be too harsh. Please :)


Is their any paints I should get because Right Now I use:

Imperial Primer - Which I undercoat the model with.

Macragge Blue - base layer

aldorf blue - layer

guillman blue - glaze

some dry paint that a gw staff suggested to be, but it only seems to make my models look worse. It started with 'e' or something.


Mephiston Red

Ushabti Bone

A terrible watery scar white - not that great - once applied becomes chalky - any other recommendation?

Nuln Oil

Dragenhorf Nightshade or something like that

Sorry about names - remembering them of the top of my head. :(

Abaddon Black

Balthasar Gold and Auric Armour Gold - quite pleased with these two.

Averland Sunset.

Balor Brown.

Moot Green and Waagh- Green

A fineliner

A fine detail brush and starter brush - GW



Here are some models of mine














Also what would you recommend for basing and drybrushing in general - because i am new to these things - sorry for so many questions. I was thinking of using these bases when I get round to getting either my assault squad or terminators (close or normal) (which one would you recommend).



Again Thanks a lot. ;)

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You're off to a good start here. Teh models are assembled well, and all your colros are in the right places. You'd be surprised how many new painters have trouble with that.


One thing I'd recommend before you do anything else is cleaning the mould lines from your parts. You can either use the back end of a hobby knife, a small file, or very fine modeller's sandpaper. If you feel more comfortable shopping at your local GW, they do sell a pair of small files now. Alternatively, you can check Home Depot or your local hardware store for "miniature files". I bought mine there ages ago, and they come in a set of 6-8 files of varying shapes.

Once you clean the mould lines, you models will look light years better.


After you've done that, work on using two coats of thinned paint, instead of one coat of thick paint. Just take a bit of whatever color you're using, put it on a palette (you can use an old plate, the plastic from a blister pack, or even a sheet of plastic wrap applied to a paperback novel (just be sure it's completely wrapped and smooth!). Then take a small amount of water and mix it into the paint. it'll take some trial and error, but you'll notice that it flows far better than unthinned paint. let the first coat dry completely before applying the second.

Continue to do that when building up your layers, and it'll look a lot better.


Those are your first two steps toward improvement. Just focus on getting clean models and evenly-applied paint for now. After you're done your next model or two, come back and show us how you did and we can give you additional tips from there. Painting is best learned in steps, instead of having a ton of info thrown at you all at once :).

Hands down, without a doubt, what ShinyRhino said. Start with learning how to get smooth clean results from the paint, and that will translate to everything else you want to learn in the future.


And a little tip for basing. You can get a more striking effect by easing up on the Static Grass - don't cover the entire base with it. It usually looks much better if you just add 'tufts' to a base that has already been done with traditional sand-like basing material.


And personally, I would ignore decals for the time being. As I'm sure you're finding, they are not all that easy to do well. The secret is using a decal setting solution that will slightly soften the decal plastic, helping it conform to the rounded surface. It's more advanced, so just worry about your painting technique for now.

what has already been said is very much true.


in regards to purchasing paint, getting hold of a decent spray primer is a good idea.. as i dont know what country you are in i cant give and specific recommendations. but either black or grey and generally not the gw one.


for the weaponry on your marines cut the grip out from the guns and they will fit onto the marines hands (if you look at the hands they have the grip in them.)


as ShinyRhino said paint in thinner layers.. if the 1st few coats of paint are thick and obscure detail it will affect the rest of the paintjob.. get this right and work from there, be patient and dont rush yourself.

Yes, to quote everyone here and the place-which-shall-not-be-named: Thin Your Paints (NSFW); I'd also recommend you not be afraid to 'go back' -- for example, once you've edged your shoulder pads go back in and clean up the parts where you covered the blue and shouldn't have. This can also help you make finer lines (e.g. your gold trim around the breathing mask could benefit from this).


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