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VASSAL tonight

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So im going to play every tuesday my time from 10pm (+10 UTC - thats 5 hours from this post) and im hoping some other people looking for practice and fun are interested.


I can help you with vassal if you help me brush up on 5th ed. in time for the glorious launch of 6th in a few months.


Just post in this thread and keep watching and well organise it from there.(room name will be BAchallengeBA and im "skyrar twice born")


im thinking 1000pts to start but whatever ppl want really.


any takers?

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well, the board chewed up and spat out my lovely battle report like old chewing tobacco so here is a run down;


First, thanks mort for being so patient, i was really rusty and had a lot to brush up on but feel that this was a success.


1000pts, DoW i took rec +5dc w/ PF in a HB RB, RAS w 2xMG, Tac in rhino, SP and 2 preds (ust a fun list). Morticon took Lib, Corbs,RAS, 2 RB PG/LC, 2x3 AB (i think thats it).


Highlights included my ras landing successfuly behind morts tanks against all odds (dare to try), the DC taking 32 bolter shots with 1 wound and my rec killing 2 ras in one blow and then having his head falcon punched clean off by corbs.


I learned corbs is always worth taking, tank shock can be fun if not useful and never leave home without plasma.


Ill be on vassal every tuesday and am hoping to get in practice for 6th ed, remember if an old timer like me can do it, so can you!!! suport the ba vassal challenge and we all benefit.



*thanks for being so patient morticon, i really appreciated the match :lol:

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I would try this out, but it's seems really complicated to get setup.


just follow the rules in the vassal sticky thread- its a lot simpler than you think!!


Also, its quite intuitive the whole system. After one or two games you'll have no probs.

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Ok^^ Had a streak today 4 games :) And one yesterday, I should be fine playing now.



glad to hear it mate!


I think vassal40k is a great idea, and can at least allow people to try out lists before they buy the models.


Heres a quick guide for any one interested."emperors immortals' quick guide to starting vassal."


hope to see you on tuesday!

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Ok, I was able to download the vassal program, but can't get the 40k mod to download. It goes through preparing to download, then just doesn't go past that.



heres a direct link to the media fire d/l > linky < i just checked and it works fine for me, you may have a firewall issue if your running xp, or right click and run as admin on win7.

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Hi guys,


Just to say I have the module and so forth, and I'm looking for a 500 point game (online right now!)


I am having trouble swapping rooms. how do you change the room you are in? currently I'm just sat in the main room with a game set up and there is no one else here! :)

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