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Blood Angels and the Deathwatch

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I am in the process of putting together a Deathwatch kill team and was planning to include a Blood Angel in the 10 man unit. I just wanted to double check with yourselves that the Blood Angels would have a strong enough relationship with the Inquisition for this to happen? I'm guessing that with the genetic flaw in the BAs gene seed that the link wouldn't be that strong but would appreciate if someone could confirm that for me. Thanks in advance.
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Yeah, BA are in Deathwatch. In fact I believe that they are quite well represented too. Flesh Tearers and other more extreme chapters might be harder to find, but BA's are there for sure.


Source for this is the Deathwqatch RPG, don't know if it's accurate or not, but it's the biggest source of info on Deathwatch.

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Deathwatch RPG books are a great sorce of DW info from gear to paint schemes to chapter representation.


I have one Libby in DW kit, one of my HG is in DW kit (with a plama gun), and I'm plotting all of my sternguard to painted in DW livery (representing several cahpters).

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there are more than a couple of grey inquisitors, even a few openly black ones.


Its far from fluffologicaly difficult to imagine a shady inquisitor specificaly selecting blood angel or successor death watch members.

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According to the fluff in the Deathwatch RPG... Definitely


FFG's approch to the Deathwatch is that they are an autonimus body away from, but with ties to, the Ordo Xenos. Each Watch Fortress is commanded by a Watch Captain (not an Inquisitor) with members of the inquisition requesting help from the nearest Fortress when the need arrises. Members of the Deathwatch are selected by their parent chapter to take up an oath to surve the deathwatch for any amount of time, these astartes are in turn interviewed by a watch capatin and he has the final say of weather or not they can join. That being said, any marine from any chapter can join the watch, if the watch captain permits it.

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It goes without mention that only the ones with the strongest self discipline and willpower are selected to join the Deathwatch, to minimize the risk of exposing the flaw to the other members.


I'm with Venemox on army composition on this one. All my sternguard are done in DW colours, the Vanguard will be done in the standard veteran scheme.

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cant rember the source but there was mention that the ba dont have many in kill teams at any one time , at most only one per deathwatch squad and that those who are choosen on their ability to hide the flaw and their inner strength etc. and that the ba were a great asset to the deathwatch.
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