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Recruiting New Marines

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So after my Pre-Heresy Sons got postponed indefinitely, I decided on another idea- dun dun dun....



40k Thousand Sons!!!!!!!!!1one.


Okay, not that exciting. But it got the gears in my head turning, and I thought to myself, so what if a Sorcerer is trying to rebuild the Legion, what if he tries to induct new recruits, what then? Do they get Flesh Change'd instantly, or what?

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He would need three things to begin rebuilding the chapter;


  1. A source of Thousand Sons Geneseed
  2. An apothecarion to perform the implantation
  3. A source of recruits.


Once he'd acquired the three of those, there's a high probability of all aspirants undergoing the Flesh Change instantly, and those who survive would only be able to resist it for a matter of time.


The problems are that the Flesh Change basically happens at the whim of Tzeentch, and finding a source of geneseed. Theoretically, you could harvest it from an existing Sorcerer, but assuming his progenoids haven't been twisted or destroyed by Chaos and the Rubric, that's still only two new Marines per Sorcerer.

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This is my idea; Pre-Heresy, he was an Apothecary of the Pavoni, and after the move to the Planet of Sorcerers, he immediately began harvesting the geneseed as the flesh-change set in. When the legion split, he sided with Ahriman, and left, to pursue his own ends. He's somewhat (understatement of the year) obsessive about succeeding where Magnus failed, to cure the Flesh-Change without bargaining with Chaos, so he's a wee bit crazy as a result. His ultimate aim is to rebuild the Legion, and purify the geneseed. To achive this, he has studied many alien techniques- he has stolen tech from the Dark Eldar, and dissected Kroot and Thraxians.


His views on the Warp are similar to the legion pre-heresy; it is a tool to be used to ones own ends, not venerated. To slow the onset of the flesh-change, every marine he recruits is fitted with neural implants, that block connection to the warp (as seen in A Thousand Sons btw). He knows that this is no solution, and spends nearly every day locked in his laboratory, looking for the answer


Recruits are no issue, as in the Imperium, few have heard of the space marines, let alone the Thousand Sons, so infiltration into many cultures is not difficult- he has mortal agents on many worlds, waiting to spy a suitable recruit.


I have more but little of it is relevant, and this isn't an Index Astartes article, so I'll leave it out.

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Just because Tzeentch wanted the Thousand Sons, that doesn't mean he wants to mutate some off-Legion recruit. Something to think about.


I'd venture to say that Thousand Sons geneseed implants would be, for the most part, successful. That is, of course, until they start dabbling.

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^^ Then, Crimson Hawk, I'd say you have a viable army concept. Sounds pretty cool, actually. I can just imagine the Apothecary's laboratory with bubbling tubes and a humming mass spec in the background, hunched over a workbench with a microscope and a pair of needles trying to find The Answer.
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Guys and gals!

First, thanks for all the support and input!

Ah-na-nothepsis- The whole idea is they can't 'dabble' because they have neural implants that block their connection to the warp. Also, I will inevitably have to wait a few months, as I have a great repaint/expansion of my WFB Lizardmen underway, as well as a 250pnt Tau kill team, so as much as I would love to start immediately, I , well, can't.

Furyou Miko- Thanks! That's exactly what I imagined. I'll probably swap between a Sorcerer and Fabulous Bill for his rules


So, another question- how should I paint the armour?

(a) Pre-Heresy scheme

(:) Post-heresy with pre-heresy symbol

© Plain old blue 'n gold

Opinions please!

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