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DIY Chapter Master

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Greetings Battle Brothers! After some time of inaction, I figured it was time I posted something up of my recent works. The mode below is a kitbash of the 25th Anniversary model GW released in Feb. Alas being Finecast, there's a couple of places where miscasting has damaged the model in parts (eg the left foot). I tried to repair him the best I could with the GS I had. After acquiring the Pedro Kantor model from my friend and fellow B+C member, Araziel I put 2 and 2 together and thus this model was spawned during the LPC earlier this year.

The model is my Counts As Pedro Kantor, the model itself representing the Chapter Master of my DIY Chapter, the Vanquishers, successors of Dorn's Crimson Fists. His name is Coras Brenen and he leads his chapter in war, guiding his battle brothers and being the best example of a Vanquisher marine for all to see.


As ever, any comments and critique is very much appreciated! :)


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Pretty decent kitbash, brother. Nice and simple. :)



Seconded, not a fan of the Ork (TM GW, other fungus based xenos races are available) head however..... sorry!


My thanks Brothers, rusty1109 I understand your choice and opinion, but I will say it looks very very nice when the Vanquishers are put against the Orks on the tabletop. The Orks are also one of the chapter's most reviled enemies so it is appropriate that Brenen has a severed Ork head in his Power Fist.



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Fair enough, I should say that it's not so much the orks head being there, more how he's holding it, doesn't look very natural or dynamic to me.


As always it's your model and only you need to be happy, just offering my opinion!

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