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Jump Packs and SM Captains/ CM

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:lol: Ok so this has been a slight irritation for me as I feel that an inconsistancy was written into the codex rules for command squads and the fluff.

So this is it:


Codex Space Marines: 5th ed

You may take on Command Guard squad for every Space Marine Captain in your army (including Captain Sicarius, Captain Lysander, Shadow Captain Shrike and Kor'sarro Khan)


Now the reason that I am confused is that Shrike is Jump Infantry, and it was my understanding that you could not attach jump infantry to regular infantry (Please correct if wrong) yet he can clearly have a command squad of non jump sm.

This problem was solved in 4th ed where Shrike had his own special rule for a command squad.


On the fluff side Shrike has a special honor guard of sm with lightning claws and jumpacks, and there are many other instances of sm captains taking jumpacks is stories.

(It is also a little funny to think of a captain vaulting accross the battle feild with glorius trails of fire comming from his backpack and his command squad huffing and puffing to keep up... :D )


So I was wondering what your guys thought on this was... It seems that it was an accedent that it was left out, or that Shrike can have a squad


Thanks in advance,

The lifeguard

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Now the reason that I am confused is that Shrike is Jump Infantry, and it was my understanding that you could not attach jump infantry to regular infantry (Please correct if wrong) yet he can clearly have a command squad of non jump sm.

Nothing in the rules prohibits attaching a Jump Infantry Independent Character to an Infantry squad. However, since the IC rules specify that the unit moves at the speed of the slowest model, he wouldn't get any benefit from his jump pack while he's attached to an infantry squad.


I suppose you can make a passable approximation of Shrike's old command squad using Vanguard.

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Though now that you mention it, a vanguard squad would probably work better than a command squad. :wacko:
The Vanguard would lose Heroic intervention then. Don't forget that.
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Thanks for clarifing that jump IC can attach to non jump squads. (though it honestly seems kinda pointless)


Hiding him in a unit wehre he can tthen be shot, whilst he then beefs up that units close combat potential (possibly dissuading your enemy from charging that unit)?


The unit can baby-sit him till he is in range to leave the unit, and charge out alone vs other IC's on their own, or more sensibly, go kick 7 shades of poop out of weakened enemy units/artillery...

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  • 2 months later...
ok so lets say i attach lemartes to a death company(no packs).... would they get to re roll charge and get a hammer of wrath? what if i had a split squad? like 5 of each.....would i gain 5 bonus attacks? it may be stupid to ask but it seems like it would work, thx!
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ok so lets say i attach lemartes to a death company(no packs).... would they get to re roll charge and get a hammer of wrath? what if i had a split squad? like 5 of each.....would i gain 5 bonus attacks? it may be stupid to ask but it seems like it would work, thx!

DC can not be split 5 with JP 5 without. Either all take them or none.


Now Lemartes is an exception, he can be in a non-jump pack DC.


I would say no reroll to charge since the whole unit doesn't have it but Lemartes himself should get Hammer of wrath.

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However, since the IC rules specify that the unit moves at the speed of the slowest model, he wouldn't get any benefit from his jump pack while he's attached to an infantry squad.


Sorry Brother, but your mixing 5th ed rules with 6th, on page 10 it clearly states that any more in n squad can move it's max distances, as long as it stays in coherency, under "Different movement distances within a unit"

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Is it tho? Now that you also have a 2D6 charge (and re-rollable since you havent used your pack in the movement phase)... We need someone with maths skills to do the numbers on that one I think.


You count as having used your packs when you strike in, sadly. As per the FAQ.

As for the math though, theres a thread lurking about in the BA section of the % chance of successful charge at different ranges.

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