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Penitent Crusade:The Tazblog


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Since my failure at the LPC last month I've still been working to finish my projects to my satisfaction. I decided that now that I don't have a deadline, I have time to let my OCD run rampant and get really into the detail work. It's yielded what I hope you guys will find to be pleasing results, however, this is not good enough for me. Such is the scale of my dishonor that, as well as my pennance to the Librarium and lending my brush against whatever nefarious challenge our erstwhile cousins, the sons of the Lion are concocting, I shall undertake a PENITENT PAINTING CRUSADE.

For the honor of the Emperor, Primarch, and Chapter, I, Taz, do hereby pledge that I shall not pause, nor wait between projects, to paint to the absolute best of my ability and not rest until either the beginning of the 2013 Librarium Painting Challenge or the full glory of my Blood Angels 4th Company is realized. Until such a time I shall post updates on my progress every two weeks or sooner, replete with pictures. Upon the blade and blood of holy Sanguinius, I swear it.


Now! Onto business. You've seen my stuff before, or at least most of you. I'm going to end up linking to my older stuff here too, but I'll get to it later. IN the meantime I just wanted to get this up. I'd meant to get started posting pics sooner, but my computer was glitching and not recognizing my camera's SD card. However a few system restores later I'm back in the saddle and got some pics uploaded of the DC Rhino that I'd been working on. It's not QUITE done yet, but for the most part it's ready for a peek. My Astorath and Mephiston are also close to being done, and you'll see them on here by my next update. In the meantime, for your approval, I humbly submit my DC Rhino: Er Memoriam. Enjoy!








Er Memoriam has been carrying the honored doomed of the 4th Company's Death Company into battle for the better part of fourteen centuries. Across it's ancient hull are inscribed the planets and campaigns it has driven into, including Baal. A planet that, to the sons of Sanguinius, is second in importance only to holy Terra, and underneath those, etched in gold, are the fallen heroes this machine has ferried to their ultimate fates. It's machine spirit is solemn and intractable. Never ceasing in it's duty to deliver the Death Company into the heart of combat. It wears it's scars of battle proudly, as intractable and unstoppable in it's mission to give it's charges the glorious deaths they deserve as any skull-faced warleader of the Reclusiam. Both it's name and it's hull inscriptions are a silent oath to all who fall to the Black Rage that even in death, their names shall be honored and carried into battle for centuries to come.

I wanted the theme for the project to be a rolling war memorial. With names and places that it had been a part of. Like I said, it's still not done, but I think I've managed to pull off what I was aiming for rather handily, and hopefully it will add a lot of character to my force when everything's done.


Well, lads, after some work both Er Memoriam and Astorath are done. My next work is probably going to be for the E TENEBRAE LUX Challenge, and, I think, is going to be less DC-oriented. Anyway, enjoy!

The tank didn't need that much work. just a few touch-ups and I added a (slightly modified) Ravenwing honor rope that I had lying about.





And now for my Astorath. I didn't intend on making his face as white as it turned out, but it's grown on me. Between the face and the hair I think it's given him a kind of "deathly spectre" (not to be confused with Death Spectres) look. I'm less enthused about the wings. I didn't want to do the traditional black or white, so after a little searching I thought maybe something like an owl's wings might be good. Personally, I don't think I've quite nailed it down, but it's as good as I think I can get it and it's still better than black wings.


This one turned out darker than the others somehow. I think I may have blocked one of my backlights.





And as a sneak peek, my Mephy's almost done too, so here's a couple of pics to show how he's coming along.



As always, feel free to fluff my ego or give me some pointers. :) Hope you guys like em.



SO the sons of the Lion think they're the new hotness after the LPC this year, eh? I think it's time to give the First (as they're always so keen to remind us) Legion a lesson in humility, and AWESOME MAD PAINTING SKILLZ, YO.

The Vow:


Magnetized sergeant:


I may still decide to make him an assault sergeant, especially since I magnetized him to use an infernus pistol and hand flamer, which I've since taking the picture below learned are not useable on tactical sergeants. In the meantime I'll still paint the helmet red for now and paint him with a plasma pistol


As you can see, some are further along than others. My stuff is mostly secondhand and I started painting in a bit of a disorganized fashion and hadn't properly taken stock of what I had. To save on worrying on the fairness of that I've simply primed over everything with a coat of Army Painter Pure Red, which is the newest addition to the LIST OF STUFF FOR PAINTING RED THAT I LOVE.

The Result:


I was actually a little late in taking this. The night before I used up the last of my Devlan Mud wash (goodbye forever... *sob* :D ) but ran out before I could finish the third squad. Luckily I've since found out that Ogryn Flesh, which I still have plenty of, makes an admissible substitute. The single squad on the right has been given the aforementioned Ogryn wash and is brighter than the other two, which I actually don't mind. Up close there's still a visible difference and it'll take less coats to reach the shade I want.

Behind the vow, their once-neat rows shoved into disarray to make room for the pictures, are the MASSIVE backlog of things that I want to finish for my army. I have an entire company and some change waiting in the wings for their coat of red and I intend to get as much of it as I can done before the next LPC.



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I would never be the one to tell you not to paint the scheme you want! I LOVE Asty's wings. I see how you could feel like they don't match the model, but I think you are just suffering from the brainwash effect of always seeing them in black. The paint job on them is very effective, both the unique scheme and the technical job om them. Plus I really like the contrasty bone-over-sinew scheme you have on him. I always felt it was a cooler model than the GW scheme gives it credit for. Almost inspires me to buy one although my collection is already mostly HQs...


Also the Rhino is epic. I haven't painted a 40k vehicle yet but I aspire to one day have something as impressive to throw on the table.


And.. just so this isn't an all-mushy lovey post, I think the Mephiston model itself is hideous and I would never play with it. His armour looks great in your scheme, but... maybe it's just something about space marines without helmets. They always look ridiculous to me. And that cowl thing! yeech.


edit: In retrospect, I think it is space marines with _hair_ that gets to me. Bald ones look okay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still use the old paint line, mind you:


-Basecoat of Dheneb Stone

-Build to Bleached Bone

-Stripes are Bestial Brown

-Back of the wings gets Devlan Mud wash

-Front of the wings gets Gryphonne Sepia

-Darken up the stripes with dabs of Devlan Mud.


I had to fiddle with the pattern a lot. Use Commando Khaki as a midtone if you have it. Makes life much easier.

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