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Defenders React


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I was playing a game last night with my friend, he was running with BA, and I DA(DW). He had a Raven loaded full of DC, a jumper squad with a Sang Priest, and the Sanguinor floating around as well. I used Deepstrike to land my Belial CO sqd in between all three of those units. (He took the bait :D ) I didn't run to spread out, and shot at an attack bike, which I killed.


In his turn the DC got out of the Raven and moved towards Belial, as did the jumpers. This is the strange part, I didn't lose a single termie from his shooting, therefore I was still in the flower-petal formation from deepstrike. When he assaulted me he was able to completely encircle me with Belial stuck inside the deepstrike formation unable to put his chops on anyone.


I'm not trying to say Belial would have won me that combat or anything like that (although he might have because we ended up 3 to 3! lol), but it was just such strange thing. We looked up defenders react in the BrB, and it doesn't say anywhere that ICs may make a "make way" move like WFB. IC's also can't move a friendly model's base to squeeze into contact with the enemy.


I've never seen this happen before in the entire 5th Ed run here, so it just seems strange is all. I also realize that it's a rare occurance that you would be unable to defenders react but the way he came at me and assaulted me prevented any of my CO sqd to make a hole for Belial to move out.


My question is did we do this right? We were both looking at each other and laughing, because it seems like every single game we play, we find some new odd thing that should never happen.


btw, DA win! <_<

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IIRC, the assault moves rules are contradictory.


They first say that the closest mini must move striaght towards the closest enemy mini. Then later in the IC section that IC's move first.


If the IC *isn't* the closest mini to the enemy unit being charged, what do you do?


Move the closest mini in the unit (which might block the IC from being able to get into B2B)? Ignore that and move any IC's first (in which case if they are at the back of your unit, they might be out of range to the enemey unit. In which case does the charge then fail? Even though you have other mini's in range)?


It's all a bit of a mess really.

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You did it right. I have it happen all the time that my ICs end up out of B2B after Defenders React moves, and it stinks <_<.

Note that there ARE models that move friendly models out of B2B to make room, like the Black Templars' Emperor's Champion. His rules state he moves friendlies out of base contact if it means he can fight an enemy IC.

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IIRC, the assault moves rules are contradictory.


They first say that the closest mini must move striaght towards the closest enemy mini. Then later in the IC section that IC's move first.


If the IC *isn't* the closest mini to the enemy unit being charged, what do you do?


Move the closest mini in the unit (which might block the IC from being able to get into B2B)? Ignore that and move any IC's first (in which case if they are at the back of your unit, they might be out of range to the enemey unit. In which case does the charge then fail? Even though you have other mini's in range)?


It's all a bit of a mess really.


No such rule exists. On the charge, you jsut move the closest model to the closest model. ICs have no bearing on charges.

The only time they are required to go first is during a Pile In move or a Defenders React move:


"When a unit is reacting to being assaulted, or making a

pile-in move, independent characters that have joined

the unit must move before other friendly models in

order to get into base contact with an enemy if at all

possible (otherwise they will not be able to fight). Using

their own men as a screen in order to avoid the fight is

a cowardly act, one that these great heroes would

never consider!"


The only requirements for ICs on the charge are those that also apply to the rest of the unit:


"If the enemy is within range, then the assault move

continues. After moving the first model in the unit, you

can move the others in any sequence you desire. There

are some constraints on their movement though:

• The most important one is that each model must end

its assault move in coherency with another model in

its own unit that has already moved.

• If possible, the model must move into base contact

with any enemy model within reach that is not

already in base contact with an assaulting model.

• If there are no such models in reach, the model must

move into base contact with an enemy model that is

already in base contact with an assaulting model.

• If a model cannot reach any enemy models, it must

try to move within 2" of one of its own unit’s models

that is already in base contact with an enemy.

• If this is impossible, it must simply stay in coherency."

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Ah ha! Thanks! :)


No problem. My group actually plays it the way you stated it, up until today anyways :). I think it's a holdover from 4th Edition. Someone with a 4th Ed rulebook in hand might be able to confirm or deny that.

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Thanks for the replies guys. We were sure we did it right, but it never hurts to ask.


You know, I hope, that you didn't have to put Belial in the center of the formation in the first place, right? Any of the Deep Striking models can be in the center, so it is always a good idea to figure out ahead of time who you want in, and who you want out.



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