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750 point BA?

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the thing you must ask yourself when making a BA list is 1. Does this unit chop stuff? or 2. can it in some way help my guys that chop stuff lol


I would advise a pair of RAS squads with PF and 2 melta guns each, support them by adding in a Sanguinary Priest with a JUmp Pack so you hit MEQ first on the charge and wound on 3+ instead of 4+


that will run you 545 pts and then I would think some form of long ranged fire power (Baal Pred., Reg. Pred, Dev. Squad) and maybe a cheap HQ like a JP Libby


Its a bit one deminsional but thats hard to avoid at 750


The other option is a Razorback Spam which does add ranged firepower while keeping the assault theme, It would probably be better in such a low points game but I have no expereince with this so I'll stick to what I know

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So I'm trying to get a friend into 40k, and he has finally decided on BA as his army of choice. He is trying to go at least somewhat money efficent. I have 750 points of BT, so I was wondering what a good list would be, and what you guys use at low point levels.


He has two directions that are ideal for BA in general.


1) A jumper list


2) Mech List



1) Jumper list - As mentioned he can have two squads of assault marines with jump packs and add a priest to them. Attach Meltaguns to the assault squads and a powerfist. For HQ a Librarian would be ideal in this list, Give him a jump pack and perhaps Shield of Sanguinious as one of his powers.


If he wants to be really cheesy he could try and fit Mephiston in somehow. :)


2) Mech List - For troops use assault marines without jump packs and get them Razorbacks with a 35pt discount. Have the assault marines in squads of 5 and have a meltagun in each of them. Consider giving the sargent an infernus pistol and also a powerfist. A librarian with shield as power works here as well because he can provide the vehicles with a 5+ cover save if they want to shoot.



There is another option. If you're planning to expand beyond the 750pt mark, which I guess you would then in addition to the options above he could go out all death comapny. He can take astorath as his HQ choice and then just fill everything else up with Death Company in Rhinos and some death company to attach to astorath in a stormraven. Its important to get the death company transports since they have rage and would otherwise need to move towards the nearest unit. This way you can at least direct the death company first before disembarking them. The Rhinos can then also be used as a screen to block LOS to any units you do not want them to see.

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Some interesting points to consider. I think that a jumper list is what he wants, so I did some looking, and found these lists. Thoughts?


List One


- Jump pack

- Melta bombs


Death Company

- 5 Death Company

- Jump packs

- 2 power weapons

- Thunder hammer


Assault Squad

- 5 Space Marines

- Meltagun

- Power fist


Assault Squad

- 5 Space Marines

- Meltagun

- Power fist


Scout Squad

- 5 Scouts

- 4 sniper rifles

- Missile launcher


List Two



- Jump pack

- Plasma Pistol


Sanguinary Priest

- Jump Pack

- Lightning Claw


Death Company

- 5 Death Company

- Jump packs

- 2 power weapons

- Power Fist


Assault Squad

- 5 Space Marines

- Meltagun

- Power fist


Assault Squad

- 5 Space Marines

- Meltagun

- Power Sword

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On the topic of being cheap... The BA Battleforce box will set you up with a 10 man tac squad, 5 RAS, a Rhino, and 5 DC Jumpers. As I understand it from looling at unboxing reviews these are actual SM's too, not an AoBR type deal, the you could in a pinch paint the Tac Squad up as a Bolter DC and give them the Rhino, then you have a 5 man RAS Jump squad and a 5 man DC Jump Squad ready to go. That puts you at 525 without any upgrades as all. Kitted out it would probably be more like 600. Only thing about this is, you will REQUIRE Astorath to be ligal since you have 2 DC units. If you keep the Tacs as Tac SM then your looking at around 600 points again but those are tacticals in the Rhino instead of WS 5, 2 Attack, FnP FC Death Company, what to do with the other 150 points? What better use of 150 points then Lemates when your planning on running a JP DC? lol
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the battleforce will do ten assault marines and ten bolter dc, plus rhino.


The Battleforce will also do 10 Assault Marines (mix and match ASM and DC kits) and 2, 5 man missile launcher Devastator squads (from the Tac Squad. Get 6 HK missiles from folks in the gaming group). Plus the Rhino.




5 man Assault Marines w/ meltagun, infernous pistol, T/L Assault Cannon Razorback


5 man Assault Marines w/ meltagun, infernous pistol, T/L Assault Cannon Razorback


5 man Devastators w/ 4 missile launchers


5 man Devastators w/ 4 missile launchers


720 points. About $150, plus bitz for the conversion work (figure another $20). That makes the best use of the Battleforce box (IMO), but it is a shooty list.


A Jump list would be more like:


Librarian w/ jump pack


Sanguinary Priest w/ jump pack


10 man Assault Marines w/ 2 meltagun


10 man Assault Marines w/ 2 meltagun


5 man Devastators w/ 4 missile launchers


750 points, around $200. Less conversion work.

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I actually played a 750 pts list yesterday:


HQ Astorath the Grim



10 x Assault squad w/ jump packs, thunder hammer, infernus pistol, hand flamer, melta bombs



10 x Tactical squad w/ power fist, melta gun, melta bombs

Rhino w/ hunter killer missile, extra armour,



has worked well for me so far as the tactical squad will either sit on my objective and use the rhino to shoot and stop flankers or rush to another objective dependent on the game while astorath and the assault squad flank and roll, plus astorath improves the chances of getting the red thirst


fluff wise its a bit off as theres no DC but there is astorath but i am just starting to build my army too :)


hope this is of some help :)

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Some interesting points to consider. I think that a jumper list is what he wants, so I did some looking, and found these lists. Thoughts?


List One


- Jump pack

- Melta bombs


Death Company

- 5 Death Company

- Jump packs

- 2 power weapons

- Thunder hammer


Assault Squad

- 5 Space Marines

- Meltagun

- Power fist


Assault Squad

- 5 Space Marines

- Meltagun

- Power fist


Scout Squad

- 5 Scouts

- 4 sniper rifles

- Missile launcher


List Two



- Jump pack

- Plasma Pistol


Sanguinary Priest

- Jump Pack

- Lightning Claw


Death Company

- 5 Death Company

- Jump packs

- 2 power weapons

- Power Fist


Assault Squad

- 5 Space Marines

- Meltagun

- Power fist


Assault Squad

- 5 Space Marines

- Meltagun

- Power Sword


I do like death company myself but remember they have rage, so they can be a bit difficult to use and if your opponent is smart he'll find some way to lead the death company away from the main battle and try to delay them. When I take death company I like to take a transport for them so they can be delivered to the location that I want them to be in. A Rhino is good for this, although they can't disembark and assault after moving thus giving your opponent the chance to put something in front of them at least they will be in the general vincinity where you want them and don't forget the Rhino can be used to block line of sight to some things as well. Another option is to give them a Land Raider since they can assault from them after moving.

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The list I normally take for 750 is two tooled up Assault squads and Mephiston. It's an awesome starter army that can deal with most if not all armies at these points.


I've also managed to squeez in a Vindicator once upon a time just to see if I could. I think that went Mephisotn, Vindi, 5 man scout squad, 5 man Assault squad.

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So my buddy, at least in what I have seen, is quite interested in the DC+Chappy Combo, so what list could incorparate that, and still be fun to play. For starters, he will be playing me a lot, and I have BT, so we don't really want a massive cheese list, more of a fun, fluffy list.


9 Death Company in a Rhino along with the chappie. I equip mine with 2 power weapons and 2 Thunder Hammers usually.

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A Jump list would be more like:


Librarian w/ jump pack


Sanguinary Priest w/ jump pack


10 man Assault Marines w/ 2 meltagun


10 man Assault Marines w/ 2 meltagun


5 man Devastators w/ 4 missile launchers


750 points, around $200. Less conversion work.

This list is probably more effective but if you switch 2 meltaguns for flamers and take a land speeder with missile launchers you could deep strike everything. Now that is a jumpy list.


Unfortunately neither the Assault Squad boxes nor the DC boxes have meltaguns.


Mephi and two Assault squads sounds badass.

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A Jump list would be more like:


Librarian w/ jump pack


Sanguinary Priest w/ jump pack


10 man Assault Marines w/ 2 meltagun


10 man Assault Marines w/ 2 meltagun


5 man Devastators w/ 4 missile launchers


750 points, around $200. Less conversion work.

This list is probably more effective but if you switch 2 meltaguns for flamers and take a land speeder with missile launchers you could deep strike everything. Now that is a jumpy list.


Unfortunately neither the Assault Squad boxes nor the DC boxes have meltaguns.


Mephi and two Assault squads sounds badass.


Luckily you can still get the 5 pack of meltaguns from GW for $8. :D


The Maph 2X ASM does sound fun, but Meph kind of ruins it being a DoA list since he can't DS. The Sanguinor might be a better choice. Or Astorath, for that matter.

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Luckily you can still get the 5 pack of meltaguns from GW for $8. :huh:
Interesting, GW US is actually cheaper than GB UK. I fear though that it will only be a matter of time untill the meltaguns will be fincast instead of metal. They just changed the CF upgrade kit to that resin stuff.


The Maph 2X ASM does sound fun, but Meph kind of ruins it being a DoA list since he can't DS. The Sanguinor might be a better choice. Or Astorath, for that matter.
Do something else then, hide him behind two rhinos.

Meph + 2x RAS (2x Meltagun, PF)+2x barebones Rhino is exactly 750 pts.

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