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Painting those scales will be a nightmare...

Challenge Accepted.


I eagerly await pics. <_<

Hehe so yeah me and my dumb broke self decided to say this as a joke. But yeah. Anyway, I got nine minis waiting to be put together and painted. Originally I was going to do Night Lords. But now I'm thinking they'll be tort-test subjects just to see what I might be able to do with my fledgling painting skills. And since I got money that I was going to use to get some greens to a trophy DA helmet that came with the sprue, maybe I'll change it up. So my question is this, what paints would you suggest? If you don't know the names of the new paints, that's fine. Go ahead and list the old paints you can think of and I'll take care of the conversion.


Here is an image of them from the Codex.



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I'd go with chaos black, a black wash, a dark red (like scab red), to red gore, to blood red and then get a red wash, then your usual gold and silver for trimming and the bleached bone equivalent for bone/skull trophies.


I considered Dragon Warriors as another chaos force, but really there's no point other than to spend more money at the moment.

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I took the challenge and I don't like going back on my word unless it is necessary. And yeah they are separate but in this day and age, warbands don't have to include people from the same background. So these guys can be my up-close-and-personal anti-tank assault troops while my Night Lords take up the Chosen slot with infiltration and attack when nobody expects it. But I can also use the red to add some colors to the Night Lords and their trophies or weapons. Like plasma pistols. Or maybe use it to show lighting effect on their eye lenses. That and I really didn't like how the scab red mixed 50/50 with white looked on the ponytail on the one I already painted and I would like a brighter metal for the bronze trim. The tin bitz blends in with the darkness of the necron abyss more than what the picture showed and for some reason even highlighting the blue didn't seem to take care of that. It just made it look weird. And I would like to get rid of any excuse I have for not finishing them. Even if there are only nine more.
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I only need a squad or two. I remember how Dan the Daemon ha a problem separating his Berzerkers from his normal Night Lords. So my basic idea is the Dragon Warriors as a melta squad and my havocs/oblits and the mainstream Night Lords as berzerkers and Chosen. With berzerkers bein the predominant troop choice.
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Look up "viva metallica" in search and on google. Follow his recipe but substitute reds. Before the reds, apply the scales to suit with either black or white.
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