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Scout Helmets

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I just saw some pictures on another website where someone had taken Space Marine Scout bodies and put Cadian heads and backpacks on them. That looked kind of cool, though it wouldn't give you a full faced helmet. There's numerous 3rd party heads you could look into, though none specifically stand out in my mind enough to recommend.
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May I chime in? A buddy of mine used the old Deathwatch conversion kit.




While the rebreather idea is cool, these are true space marine buckets that are actually a bit smaller than the plastics (as are most of the metal conversion bits/shoulder pads). Trust me, they fit good on scout bodies and look fantastic.


The downside is that it's $40 and you only get 5 heads. Bits dealers maybe?

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I personally bare heads on marines and scouts (I know why people don't like them, i just don't agree).


As others have mentioned forgeworld has a couple of IG kits that could be helpful.


ForgeWorld - Examples


ForgeWorld - Heads


Whatever you go with i'd love to see some pics :)





Please don't hotlink to images you don't own :)

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These are what I would have suggested too, the Elysian respirator heads fit in really well - I saw them done a couple of weeks ago in a display army at warhammer world.


I came asking recommend the heads from the Valkyrie (spelling?) crew men, they're all similar while still being different and have some different lenses etc on them, you have to find them on bits sites though

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