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Brother Bymis


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Hey all,


Here is my Terminator Avatar, I entered the Challenge Accepted Thread but a spell of depression and no motivation i never painted it, saw it sat in my WIP cupboard and thought i should paint him.


So I Did.


I always planned on painting him green as its my favourite colour and did a quick google search and cam across the Invaders Chapter and thought i would base it on that, I enjoyed painting this model soo much once i finish my space wolves they might be my next chapter! Anyway no more typing and i'll post some pictures instead.






C&C Welcome :)

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It is. Nice model, bit heavy on the highlights. Try thinning the highlightpaint juuust a bit with water (assuming you use Citadel) before applying. That, and use the side of the brush, not the tip. Keep it at a 45 degree angle while applying. (Works for me.)

Are you going to weather the model?

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It's Snot Green right? That's the same colour as I'm using for my Salamanders. Highlight, Scorpion Green. As long as you keep the highlights sharp and thin, it actually works.

And weathering... Just splash some brown ink on his lower legs and judging by your base, mud... Dark Flesh, not too much paint in the brush, press the brush against his legs a couple of times, maybe Vermin Brown over that.

(Try this on something other than your model first to see if you like it.)

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