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Iron Warriors 11th Seige Company

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Hello Bolter and Chainsword

nasty times have fallen upon me with much of my iron warriors and flesh tearers being damaged. this has changed my vow for E Tenebrae Lux and my to-do list for my Iron Warriors.

so this is my large update.

first things first, i have finished Flussigkeit, im not that happy with him but he was more of a testing new paints and playing with new ideas mini.





so Flussigkeit is finished for the vow. i have also gone about the business of recycling my old stack of rhinos for my shield (plague) marines to play with.







I am really pleased with how the rhino went, the second rhino is on my to-do list to finish tomorrow.

the two 7-man plague marine squads are pretty much built and soon ready to paint.

1st squad




2nd squad



the two remaining men will be built when i get the last 2 shields in the post.


so soon there will be 2 more built plague marines and a painted rhino. i am also hoping to have an obliterator painted to show soon, i will post pictures of him soon with one i finished a long time ago to show the completed squad (duo).

thanks for looking


I really love looking at this post; the "Obliteraptor" looks amazing.


Iron Warriors are the Chaos I like the most and I'd love to do them too; I can't want to see the finished versions of your models all painted up!


Your Kreige looks especially frightning too. Wouldn't like taking my HQ up against that... no sir.

I really love looking at this post; the "Obliteraptor" looks amazing.


Iron Warriors are the Chaos I like the most and I'd love to do them too; I can't want to see the finished versions of your models all painted up!


Your Kreige looks especially frightning too. Wouldn't like taking my HQ up against that... no sir.


thanks friend, Kreige is my counts-as Abbaddon the Despoiler, i don't think he has ever been killed in a game, we will have to see how he does in 6th edition and when we get a new codex!


How'd u model ur flames


easy peasy! get something thin like a cotton bud stick, put a blob of greenstuff at the bottom and use a knife to drag it up the stick. do this a number of times until the bottom is large and the top is pointy, then just add little bits of greenstuff where is needs patching or extra detail.




VERY cool version of Greyall's 'obliteraptor' ;)

You should probably get the name of your Primarch right though..


Psst.. it's PeRRRturabo ;)

oh damn it, i was listening to music while i did that, i knew i would make a mistake, well pointed out. :@

Hello again.

i have finished the second recycled rhino as promised, i have also received bits in the post to complete the building of my (plague) shield marines.










while im with family i have spent a lot of time searching through my box of old crap, so next there may be a Predator i found.

i have also received some terminators as a gift, i will not be fiddling with them until i am home in a week or so though.

thanks for looking


Plague marines look great, will have to do that myself!


an update for my altered E Tenebrae Lux

i could no longer add my raptor squad and the oblitoraptor is not with me until early august, so i have made a raptor lord/champion in his stead for the challenge.





he is a word bearer as you can see, i have been meaning to make some possessed word bearers since the release of The First Heretic, i figured i would do it now as they were the parts i had, i enjoyed so much that i may have a whole squad once i have time and i need a break from the dirty iron of Iron Warriors.

that would be my E Tenebrae Lux finished.

back to my favored legion though, and i have a finished magnetized predator, though the other weapons are currently unpainted.







next up an old oblitorator i have been meaning to paint for a couple of years and maybe my Shield (plague) Marines.

thanks for looking



as suggested yesterday i have been working an obliterator all day, so he is finished giving my first oblit some company.






unfortunately as i painted the first one some time ago the paint i used if different, so the gold trim look a little off in comparison,as seen here


oh well

while individual parts of the oblit was drying i painted the first plague marine as a pseudo test paint for the rest.

I had a lot of inspiration from brother syth's imperial fists, which are amazing, but as an Iron Warrior i feel i should change that...

Grrrrr those arrogant fists, Dorn's lackeys wont have anything on us, BURN THEM ALL.





im happy overall but he does look a little bland in places and i forgot to paint the joint armour on the legs.

any thoughts and ideas would be appreciated, thanks for looking


Wow you churned out those tanks fast, they look very nice as well, battered and filthy!


I like the plague marines though the plain silver looks a bit sparse, not a lot is going on, the grime and rust (looks a bit rusty?) make up for that though.



can't wait to see these squads finished.

Wow you churned out those tanks fast, they look very nice as well, battered and filthy!


I like the plague marines though the plain silver looks a bit sparse, not a lot is going on, the grime and rust (looks a bit rusty?) make up for that though.



can't wait to see these squads finished.


thanks! a tank a day keeps the boredom away!


i have a large postal delivery coming soon, enough for 5 termies, 20 Marines, 1 predator and 2 basilisks. i can't wait to get cracking. Unfortunately as the Basilisks are technically allies i will not be able to post them on here, they may sneak into an army shot at one point but other than that i cannot show them.

Quite a lot of nice work going on here. I like the siege shields, and the one you have painted up has that nice feel of shield bashing/soaking fire to it. I really like those obliterators as well. Are they just the normal models? Hard to tell sometimes with Chaos :D


Though seeing all that armour, reminds me I need more of it. How else can I stamp out and punish Heresy? :P

Quite a lot of nice work going on here. I like the siege shields, and the one you have painted up has that nice feel of shield bashing/soaking fire to it. I really like those obliterators as well. Are they just the normal models? Hard to tell sometimes with Chaos :)


Though seeing all that armour, reminds me I need more of it. How else can I stamp out and punish Heresy? :)


thanks armour is the way forward! *note to self, Dorn's Lackeys are planning on getting more armour, MUST GET MORE ARMOUR!


I really like those obliterators as well. Are they just the normal models? Hard to tell sometimes with Chaos :)

They're Obliterators with additional conversions.


indeed they are.



  • 1 month later...

Hello, long time no update.

been playing SW:TOR and enjoying (sort of) the start of the football season so i have neglected my Iron Warriors, however i have been rather busy over the weekend.

you may remember from the beginning on the post, Lord Ferrox Kreige, well i have sprused him up a bit.

Old Kreige...


New Kreige



a slight fluff update on him, the daemon claw that sits over his right shoulder is a daemon that resides in his armour increasing his strength and providing him with whispers and information on the battlefield. however the claw "Rak'nyees" has a mind of its own and an appitite to feed and will often be rending Kreige's enemies, friends and generally anyone who comes close enough to maul.

anyway, on to kreige's retinue.



and 2 unfinished guys



i also have some shield marines to show







and i know they are not really allowed but i thought i should show something off that is in progress.


fire shall rain down from the skies...

C&C appreciated



I love these Iron Warriors, excellent use of mixed armour types to give a real ancient foe feel to them


Can I ask where you got the cataphract style shoulder pads from?


thanks :sweat:


the shoulders are from maxmini, you can ask for how many of each type you want so you dont have to use any you don't like.


Link - http://www.maxmini.eu/store/index.php?main...;products_id=88

I love these Iron Warriors, excellent use of mixed armour types to give a real ancient foe feel to them


Can I ask where you got the cataphract style shoulder pads from?


thanks :devil:


the shoulders are from maxmini, you can ask for how many of each type you want so you dont have to use any you don't like.


Link - http://www.maxmini.eu/store/index.php?main...;products_id=88





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