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Down goes the Fateweaver!


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I just had to share this.


I killed the Fateweaver the the other day with a single bolt round from the lowly storm bolter mounted on my rhino.


He failed the 3++ twice and then failed the leadership test.


Absolutely glorious!

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I have seen a BA rhino do a tank shock through 2 GK units a 8 man paladin one with draigo and a 2 man[was 5] one with a GM. GM was TH he does his thing . roll 1 gets rolled over . his unit runs . second is the 8 man one draigo steps up [TH dudes were dead] . rolls a 1 . gets run over . GK goes 0_0. his turn he charges the rhino which contests the objective[termis cant gather up because within of 6" of the rhino] . rhino blows up . he roll for the 8 dudes . rolls 6 ones. 5 of those already had a wound . 5 die . next turn he gets tank shocked again . doesnt dare to death or glory. rhino shots . 2 hits 2 wounds . 2x1 rolled. GK throws the game .
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I have seen a BA rhino do a tank shock through 2 GK units a 8 man paladin one with draigo and a 2 man[was 5] one with a GM. GM was TH he does his thing . roll 1 gets rolled over . his unit runs . second is the 8 man one draigo steps up [TH dudes were dead] . rolls a 1 . gets run over . GK goes 0_0. his turn he charges the rhino which contests the objective[termis cant gather up because within of 6" of the rhino] . rhino blows up . he roll for the 8 dudes . rolls 6 ones. 5 of those already had a wound . 5 die . next turn he gets tank shocked again . doesnt dare to death or glory. rhino shots . 2 hits 2 wounds . 2x1 rolled. GK throws the game .


reminds me of when I faced Chaos and he Tank Shocked my Commander Dante and his Sanguinary guard, I attemted to do Death or glory, but only managed to take out the storm bolter...my Dante dies and I become the laughstock for 2 weeks!

Rhinos = Overpowered

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An early game with my friends one day ended up with a marine and tau player versus chaos and necrons. At one point my team had a razorback that had lost its heavy bolter tank shock an obliterator. (It had been shaken so we decided might as well do something right) Oblit chooses multi-melta, pens, then rolls and gets a weapon destroyed result, taking the lonely storm bolter off and proceeding to get flattened. Best use of a transport I've ever seen.
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