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Black Legion symbol


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That's a good question. :angry:


I guess changing name and color was enough. They can't deny their whole identity, because, to be fair, those guys killed the Emperor, Sanguinius (ye, well, Horus) and Rogal Dorn.

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I think it helps to remind the other traitor legions that they are 'the first amongst equals'. Kind of similar to the EC wearing the Aquila. Maybe it also has something to do with the title of 'Warmaster', first Horus and now Abbaddon.
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It is a puzzling thing that is. In my opinion, I would have to go with that the Black Legion does not associate the eight-pointed star with an eye in it as the Eye of Horus where the Imperium does. Going by the HH books, the Eye of Horus seems to be a red slitted eye that is usually held by an eagle. I can't think of any HH-era source that describes it as part of an eight-pointed star. For all we know, it could be the Eye of Abaddon. Or even the Eye of Chaos. Or it could be the one piece of homage they actually pay to their deceased Primarch. Or, it could be as kizzdougs said. Or it could be some really random off-the-wall fact that GW will print in two years.
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Originally, it was the Eye of Terra, unblinking and always watching. Sanguinius wore it too. I know it started as a representation of Horus's position as Warmaster, so why Sangy wore it is beyond me. From what I can tell, after Horus went over the deep end, it became his personal heraldry, and a symbol for his Legion to be proud of. Hopefully it'll get mentioned later on.


Edit: Clarity.

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While Abaddon did say "Horus was weak, Horus was a fool", the Black Legion changed their name and painted their armour black due to their failure, not Horus'. Abaddon hates Horus because he loved him, and he (along with many other Legionaries, I'm sure) feels abandoned because Horus died, and "left" them. But Horus united the Traitor Legions, begun the war against the False Emperor, and slew not only the Emperor but Sanguinius too. There's nothing to be ashamed of there.


Its the shame of fleeing Terra when the Emperor lay crippled and the world was practically theirs that they're so desperately trying to make up for. The shame of that failure is why they now throw themselves into the thickest and most dangerous fights, in an attempt to once again bring the Empire to its knees and restore their morale and the belief that they are still greatest Legion.

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Originally, it was the Eye of Terra, unblinking and always watching. Sanguinius wore it too. I know it started as a representation of Horus's position as Warmaster, so why Sangy wore it is beyond me. From what I can tell, after Horus went over the deep end, it became his personal heraldry, and a symbol for his Legion to be proud of. Hopefully it'll get mentioned later on.


Edit: Clarity.


I thought sanguinus's one was actually a blood drop? Or am I forgetting it being described in the HH books?

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Nope, his description agreed with the art books. He wore the Eye on his chestplate. I would go with he was showing his support for his brother instead of some of the other Primarchs who went "It should have been me."
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That's a good question. :confused:


I guess changing name and color was enough. They can't deny their whole identity, because, to be fair, those guys killed the Emperor, Sanguinius (ye, well, Horus) and Rogal Dorn.


I'm sorry, i know this is off topic, but the Sons of Horus killed Rogal Dorn? May i ask how/when?

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I believe it was Rogal Dorn making the last stand aboard this ship, or going down with it, or maybe even blowing it up by himself and then going down with it....


Is there any source on this event? Anything more than Rogal Dorn dying?


And the eye in the symbol.... I hope ADB will mention it somehow in his Rise of the Warmaster series.

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