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Traits of Tzeentch?

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After a decade of playing nothing but Greenskins I too got lured into the realms of Power Armor. A couple of weeks ago I bought a box of Grey Knight Terminators cause I really love the many bitz you get in the package. However my intentions are to model them into tzeentch terminators using a lot of green stuff. However I am clueless on how to make something look tzeentchy. What kind of traits and features is commonly associated with Tzeentch?
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Depends on whether you are going for Thousand Sons or generic Tzeentch warband. Either could incorporate the features listed by Menkeroth, but beyond that, they are complety different.


Thousand sons, of course, have the "pseudo-Egyptian" look, very distinctive, just get lots of practice sculpting scarabs.


Other warbands associated with Tzeentch will almost always be heavily mutated. Multiple heads, tentacle arms, limbs taken from horrors or flamers. This is the blessing of the Changer. If they aren't mutated, then they are not as favored as they could be.


At one point, there was an article on GW's site about modelling god-specific details. Unfortunately I can no longer find it. But one of the Tzeentch details that I liked was cracked and broken armor with horns bursting out from the inside.

I imagine them to be of brittish descent and hence they can not possibly be thousand sons. That said, I glued together two of the terminator armour and they are so pretty. Feels kind of a shame to convert them into tzeentch and I am afraid I would destroy them.
I know what you mean. I have 2 sets of Chaos terminators, 1 with a lot of the detail removed in preparation to convert them to Thousand Sons, and 1 which I built as stock Undivided terminators. As I was building the second set, I was kind of amazed (and regretful) of all the detail I removed from the first.

Somehow missed that you were using Grey Knights as the base models.


But I dunno, Grey Knights do offer a couple of advantages for Tzeentch: psychic hoods and all of the book bits. But yeah, it'll take some work to make them not look like "Chaos Pallies". Wouldn't use the knight heads for one thing.

Somehow missed that you were using Grey Knights as the base models.


But I dunno, Grey Knights do offer a couple of advantages for Tzeentch: psychic hoods and all of the book bits. But yeah, it'll take some work to make them not look like "Chaos Pallies". Wouldn't use the knight heads for one thing.


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