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Non Nurgle PM


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Hey there buds.

I play Night Lords and I don't want to include any god related stuff in my army. But, of course, it would be pretty limiting. Ergo, I count my Berzerkers as shocktroopers.

Now, I'd like to add some non PM plague marines. So I'm wondering how could I represent E5 and stuff on a marine without making them all "nurgled". Combat drugs ? Heavy armor ?

Do you guys have any idea ?

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Have to say that I do really like the idea of combat drugs, but I fail to see how I could represent it on minis.


Have your basic marine with jars attached to his back (like some of the DE models). Maybe make the armor bulkier as well.


Something like Bane from Batman would be pretty good for inspiration.

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I didnt want nurgle stuff n my BL army. So my "PM's" are just done as xtra hvy armor, they all have the shoulder guards w the ridges on top that protect the face and they hav combat shields (from old WHFB chaos warriors). Came out pretty good I think. I'll see if I can get around to posting some pic's sometime soon
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When I finally get around to making Plague Marines, I'm planning on making them a full unit of Apothecaries. Their higher toughness and FNP is due to their own experiments on themselves and their nartheciums, the defensive (blight) grenades for more protection, and the "low" I as they are the ones focusing more on "medicine" than combat.


It even fits with the fluff of my warband who were Cursed through the actions of their Apothecaries.

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To be fair, I have yet to decide what to do, but I'm very tempted by combat drugs or bionics.

Now, I just have to find the parts that I could use on my mini, compare both and then choose.

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When I start mine, the fluff for them will be that they spent too long in the company of the dark eldar. They learned how to use pain and death to their own benefit, gaining increased power from it. On the other hand, they're human and the effect isn't the same to them as it is to the eldar, thus they'll be slower.
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I'm planning on using some MKIII boarding marines as my count-as PM. I think the combination of bulky armour and shields represents the higher toughness well enough, and also has the effect of making them look slower. The bionic idea is also one to look at. The only consideration I think is you have to be able to justify the stats, whilst making them look different enough that they won't cause confusion
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Perhaps these used together...






Biohazard backpacks and heads, with cylinders and enclosed breathing systems.. could very easily be combat drugs. In addition, they have bionic bits. I was thinking of doing something similar myself...

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Well maybe you could bring up a story along painting and modelling. As ADB told us, Plague marines are not necessarily connected with Nurgle, they may even loathe him... What about some Apothecaries being lured by Nurgle deamons/Nurgle hating Night Lord cult gone wrong?
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In fact, that's the very look of the PM that I'm trying to avoid :).


I do think I'll go with some bionics. I tried to find pictures of the sprue of the Iron Hand Pack, but failed to find any.

I still search cool ideas for combat drugs, but I'm not satisfied with what I find.

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I do think I'll go with some bionics. I tried to find pictures of the sprue of the Iron Hand Pack, but failed to find any.


I'll see what I can do here, from my collection. All are one of each per set.



Torso Piece




Legs #1 & Head #1




Legs #2




Left Hand #1




There's also a second left hand, two different right hands holding bolters (one is a hand holding it, the other is the weapon fused with the arm at the wrist), and a couple of heads. I don't have any pictures at the ready with the rest of the bitz, sorry.

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Not a problem. You can sometimes find the bionic bits on eBay, too. There was one guy in the UK who was trying to offload what looked like two full sets, each piece individually, but that was a couple months ago.
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