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Are the Models the Same?


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Hello all im new to the Blood Angels only just brought the Codex i was just wondering if anyone could answer me i would be most greatful ok here we go..............im going to start my Blood Angels army so i want to get 2 sqauds of 10 assaults but i carnt find any on ebay and im not paying $55 for 5 models from GW. but there are alot of Space Marine Assault squads on ebay. this may be a stupid question but are the blood Angels and Space Marines Assault marine models the same?
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Buying Death Company and Sanguinary Guard kits are good for getting BA-specific gubbinz but they're not necessary. Back in the old days everyone pretty much used to buy Space Marine squads and just paint them red.
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yes but I woulnt buy assualt marines. I would get a few boxes of death co it comes with many weapon options you dont get in the assault squad box.


Death co box can make any of your basic troops assault, tactical, sternguard, death co(duh), vanguard, honor guard.

Command squad box will give you lots of special weapons, and priests

devastator box will give you heavy weapons.


also just for extra info. Never buy a rhino, always get a razorback, it comes with eveything you need to make a rhino but you also get the razorback turret for $2. If you buy the sprue sepratly it costs $15ish.


Good luck i hope this helps.

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Add another vote for never buying an Assault Squad box when you can buy a Death Company box. Same price, but your mans will look cooler and you'll have a tonne more weapons and bits to make your army more than a bunch of red dudes. Likewise, don't buy tactical marines, make them out of DC as well (if you want them)


Also vote for never buying Rhinos. Buy razorbacks and make the turret/hatch swappable.


I'll also add in a vote for the Dark Angels veteran box. The robed marines make good/cheap Priests, Librarians and Chaplains, depending on your needs

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Thank you all for your replys so death co are the way to go huh thanks :-) do you get all the melta/plasma power fist goodness in with the death co ?


You get a powerfist, as well as two Infernus Pistols, two Hand Flamers, and two Plasma Pistols. I use the Infernus pistols on assault marines to count as meltaguns since I like the gun&sword look on my assault troops.


Whereas with an assault marine box you get ... I think a power fist and maybe a plasma pistol? It's pretty much junk


DC armour looks better, DC jump packs look better, even DC bolters look better. And the thunder hammer? Awesome on a jump pack model.

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That's pretty cool the general idea I want for my assault marines are 8 with standard bolter and chainsword and captain with power fist and 2 meltas but I'll have to look up them infernas pistols and thunder hammers are pretty awesome :-)
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Thank you all for your replys so death co are the way to go huh thanks :-) do you get all the melta/plasma power fist goodness in with the death co ?


Dont get things misunderstood though, matey!!


People are suggesting buying the DC box to be used as assault marines - not necessarily to be used as JP marines.


What I find VERY helpful is buying one box of DC, and then using all the awesome bling to split up into 2 boxes or so (or 10 models if you're buying off ebay) of assault marines!

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