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Extreme lists

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Basically I'm wondering, apart from smaller games has anyone run a list that was basically just rubrics? Say a 1500pts list of c.30 rubrics in rhinos with a couple of preds or whatever as backup, or 1500pts list where you just have pure rubrics and swamp the field with 30-40 odd rubrics?

Part of me has been thinking of trying out the former recently and I just wondered if anyone had ever done a list that was almost purely troops?

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well my lists usually revolve around 30-40 rubrics with 2 hq sorcerers 3 obliterators and one squad of chosen...i add rhinos as transports if i have the points...otherwise they just walk
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The last codex saw me running:



9 Rubric Terminators

9 Tsons

9 Tsons

9 Tsons

9 Tsons

Autolas Pred

Autolas Pred


When the "Change" happened, I kept the same list with the current codex but eventually learned that 9 terminators with 1 chainfist and ALL combi-bolters suck so I removed them and started running oblits. I still try to use 4 squads at 2k and it works fine, so long as you have minimum two units to pop tanks.


Ahhhhh, I miss playing 2k games with 88 Wounds.

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Bah! Arrogant fools! Our lost brothers are too precious to be feilded en masse! We must rely on our younger brothers to carry that task!

Oh no, I conveniently forgot, you can't (maniacal laughter), because you can't replentish your numbers! Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha ect. :)


(If you have no idea what any of that gloating meant, then check out the 'Recruiting New Marines' thread on this sub-forum)








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Bah. Rubrics and Armour Wraiths (my Rubrics-in-sororitas-armour) are far more durable than your pathetic 'recruits'. Precious? When all that's needed to get any Rubric that has fallen back in the fight is an arc welder and a bit of gum? Your efforts are wasted, Hawk.
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Your arrogance betrays you- my recruits are the future of our legion! While you are busy sheperding Rubrics around, wispering prayers to your uncaring god, the true sons of Tizca will forge a great legacy! Glory to the new legion!



Actually, those 'armour wraiths' sound incredibly cool :ph34r:

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The fluff for the Armour Wraiths is that they're the suits of armour stockpiled for use by the Order of the Blazing Staff, a combined Battle Sister / Pronatus order responsible for guarding the warp storm to the northwest of Ultramar (and also guardians of several relics whose proper owners can't be identified, such as Illesus, the sword forged for Crowe before he took up Antwyr). When Aeronwy murdered the Order, she performed a variant of the Rubrik that used Horrors and Flamers instead of Marine souls.
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