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Returning Angel

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Its been a while since I played, and a lot seems to have changed. With the 6th Ed rules so close i'm hesitant to start buying and painting until I know which is the best approach! Little sad to see Moriar has disappeared, but very happy with the arrival of the generic DC Dreads. We seem to have slid even closer to a pure close combat army, which fits quite nicely with my historical approach of Rhino rushing.


For the time being i'll be reading some of the excellent paint guides on here and stripping down the few survivors of my quitting sale to refresh my painting skills (metal Tycho, Mephiston, and half a dozen sniper scouts). The rise in magnetising arms and weapons seems very smart; its something i'd really like to try out.


I'll post up again once i've digested the Codex a little, but i'm not one for special characters or land raiders in low point armies, so it might be a little bland for some!

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I've drafted up an initial list with come unit combo's I think could work, just looking for some feedback.


Reclusiarch - 130

Death Company x 9, PW x 4, Rhino /w extra armour - 305


Sanguinary Priest, PW, JP - 90

Assault Marines x 10, PW for Sergeant - 205


Scouts x 5, 3 sniper, 1 heavy bolter, locator beacon, camo cloaks - 125

Scouts x 5, 3 sniper, 1 heavy bolter, locator beacon, camo cloaks - 125


Furioso Dread, Blood Talons, Magna-Grapple, Extra Armour, Drop Pod - 190

Furioso Dread, Blood Talons, Magna-Grapple, Extra Armour, Drop Pod - 190


Attack Bike Squad, Multi-Melta x 3 - 150


Total 1510


Scouts deploy forward on each flank, DC rhino & attack bikes cover hop until they get close enough or a target presents itself. Dreads and assault marines drop in on whichever scout squad is better positioned. Anyone left in one piece goes into combat. ???????. Profit.

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I don't like the drop plan myself - too many points invested in it just to get a little further upfield. I'd rather advance the DC, ASM and Dreads behind, say, an AV 13 Predator wall. ASM can jump over, as could Librarian Furioso's. I'd like to see a second ASM squad here, if only to give you another upfield scoring unit.


Things I'd cut:


- the DC group is too big, too kill-y. You'll wipe whatever you hit, then get shot/kited for the rest of the game. Maybe drop to 5 + Reclusiarch, and put them in a Razorback with a gun instead? That way their tank is useful after they've deployed.

- Heavy bolters on the scouts. You don't need more anti-infantry, and this isn't even a good choice for that. If anything, maybe give them a missile launcher. Hide them in the back in terrain and take a few pot shots with the sniper rifles and missiles.

- drop their locator beacons too. It's a lot of points just to get three units where you want them. The drop pods can't mishap, and rarely land outside of where you want them anyways.

- I don't like the extra gear on the Furioso's myself. I'd rather make them librarians hiding behind tanks, as mentioned, or just plain. Maybe one talons, one fists?

- lightning claw is better on the priest than the pw

- drop the pw on ASM sarge for a power fist. One pw at WS4 isn't going to help too much, whereas S8 really helps against dreads, tanks, MCs, etc.


Things I'd add: (without thinking about points)

- predators to advance behind, or at least some ASM in razorbacks. I like putting my priests in razorbacks instead of JPs since it makes them safer, they affect a wider area, and the points to buy a JP (25) is more than a basic razorback (20)

- Auto/HB Predators make great anti-infantry, and can even threaten Demon Princes, MCs, etc.


So: have the predators lead the way, with ASM and Furiosos following behind, and scouts hanging back to secure objectives. Changes the style up a bit, but I think it'll be more points efficient.

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We seem to have slid even closer to a pure close combat army


Not really the case, though we certainly have some fun options for it. Most competitive builds trend more towards the mechanized approach to Blood Angels (with mech having largely defined 5th edition as a whole), which works well because all of our non-Land Raider vehicles are fast. As a result, many competitive builds play more like Eldar in power armor than a close combat army. Foot jumpers (usually referred to as Descent of Angels) isn't a terrible list, but its typically considered inferior to a mechanized or hybrid approach.

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You guys make fair points. I think the safest option will be waiting for any changes that 6th brings, to see if the balance of power shifts one way or the other. In the meantime i've dug out a tactical squad which had only been basecoated and have started work on making them field-worthy. Pictures and updates will be coming shortly.


Couple of things i'm struggling to understand though; The boom in power fists and thunder hammers. Surely on the charge squads would be getting the first hit on most opponents? Why remove that impact by taking a fist/hammer? I get that they ID multiple wound models, but for squads that have no intention of ending up against such things, why use the points? Equally, loading up with Melta. Why the need for dozens of St8, AP1 weapons? once the armour is popped (which in low point games will be few in number) it feels like a lot of points for a few "guaranteed" kills?

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fists and hammers- they can ID characters, and will get several guaranteed kills at the end of the combat, because your enemy can't hit them seperately, you can put a few wounds on monstrous creatures, you can damage vehicles.....they are good at adding extra dimensions to a unit. An extra chainsword doesn't pack anywhere near the punch a fist or hammer have.


Melta-yes, extra kills against marines or terminators, and give your squad a chance to damage enemy vehicles, no matter how big they are. 10 assault marines with two meltaguns are a real threat to even a land raider. And, most armies will have anywhere between 5-15 vehicles.

At 1000p, 3-4 meltaguns are good.

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Painted up a couple of Tac marines I had laying around. Sgts flesh needs some attention once i've got some more paints/washes, and i'll be rigorously removing mold lines from any new models. Pretty happy with the outcome other than that, just need to add a few friends...




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My painting is even more in question :/

Im with you though mate. Played 3rd till last year, went to a store and realized Woah! 5th is out... where did 4th go?

Anyway, Im not a fan of scouts, I (like you it seems) prefer LRs and big, expensive units. they can be good though... I just dont like them with the WS BS 3... I used to use them almost exclusively.

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