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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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Many thanx brothers, I'm glad Brother Tebow could help hold the line until Brother Richard delivers the much needed reinforcements!


I'm glad you guys liked him. I woke up early this morning (like 3 am) and just started jamming. That's my favorite time to paint as it's very quiet and I can concentrate...which was needed because of all the scripting that he has on him.


Anyway, I am happy with how he turned out and look forward to turning him loose on xenos and heretic scum.



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Vow 5 Complete! When they say Techmarine this guy takes it serious. Had to scratch build the servo harness. This one was a lot of fun but what a pain in the backside it was too.










Now to plan vow 6. I want something big this time. Might have to get some termies. Have been wanting a CML squad for a while now anyway :cuss

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Very impressive work Nards, very impressive. Regarding your next vow, before you go big, let me remind you that you're already worth over 1k pts to the BTs. If you mess it up now, it's a long way to fall...


Table updated with your completion!

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I've just looked through this thread from page 1, and I have to say the sheer talent displayed defies my somewhat lame attempts to describe it...


Scratchbuilds, green stuff, or just excellent paintjobs. Awesome, awesome stuff.


Well done so far, everyone! Only a month (& a day) to go - keep it up! We can do this!

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I've finally finally finally gotten the last bits i need to complete my third vow, which should come along later today or tomorrow. Was afraid the late arrival would delay what will be fourth vow that should be coming next week and will prove be a little more... meaty in areas to paint... than my other vows so far :rolleyes:
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wow guys, So i was wondering how many points I have painted since starting as I just completed my latest vow (pics coming after I am home), than I got to wondering, where do those of us at our fifth vow or more stand in our points to the Eternal Crusade?


Brother Darklight: 1196


ChaplainCliff: 2195


Civsmitty: 1065


Nards08: 1039


Way to go you guys, keep up the good work! I am now wondering where I should go with my next vow, I am tempted to roll with a marshal, attached chaplain, and a command squad, or even better yet a marshal w/ command squad and a chaplain w/ command squad. What do you all think, a single uber unit or a two smaller but baddass units?


points wise I think they would come out to about the same, and model count would be similar, so what would you all like to see me do? I know either after this vow or the one after this my mass of troops will have to be touched ( over 50 models to paint, :) ). But I digress, two command squads with leader or one with marshal and chaplain?


and to all of you with incomplete vows, step up! Your brothers need you! Your Chapter needs you! Sigismund needs you!

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Vow 5 Complete! When they say Techmarine this guy takes it serious. Had to scratch build the servo harness. This one was a lot of fun but what a pain in the backside it was too.










Now to plan vow 6. I want something big this time. Might have to get some termies. Have been wanting a CML squad for a while now anyway :)

It looks like he's ready to plant that melta suppository right up the enemy's AV10

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I have completed my fifth vow which consists of:

terminator command squad one; 4 terminators w/ 1x cyclone missile launcher, 1x assault cannon, 1x chain fist, 4x crusader seals


terminator command squad two; 4 terminators w/ 2x assault cannons, 1x chainfist, and 4x crusader seals


terminator command squad three; 4 terminators w/ 2x assault cannons and 4x crusader seals


as for my sixth vow, as I am out of terminators to paint, I must move to my power armour, and here it is, 14 models of fun!

Marshal W/ artificer armour, storm shield, master crafted thunder hammer, and terminator honours. 175 points

Chaplain Grimauldus 195 points

Command squad x9 w/ a standard bearer holding the chapter banner, a fighting company champion, a sergaent with a powerfist, 2x plasma guns, all with terminator honours, crusader seals, and frag grenades. 371 points

the marshal leads the command squad with the attached chaplain grimauldus to come to a grand total of 741 points

this is going to be an awesomwly fun unit to paint, I will truly enjoy this one, and I must thank you all for the mutual encouragement to paint, I have now painted nearly half of my existing models due to this competition and I would never have managed this in this short of a time without this new crusade.

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Way to go you guys, keep up the good work! I am now wondering where I should go with my next vow, I am tempted to roll with a marshal, attached chaplain, and a command squad, or even better yet a marshal w/ command squad and a chaplain w/ command squad. What do you all think, a single uber unit or a two smaller but baddass units?


points wise I think they would come out to about the same, and model count would be similar, so what would you all like to see me do? I will let the forum decide the direction of my next vow, I know either after this one or the one after my mass of troops will have to be touched ( over 50 models to paint, ). But I digress, two command squads with leader or one with marshal and chaplain?


Questions first:


1. Are you sure you have the time to do everything?


My reason for asking is that at this point, considering how many points you have contributed to the ETL, two smaller jumps have less risk to them than one big jump. So, are you planning any vacation or will work suddenly pick up, or Door No. 3 "No clue", then I would say, go with the Marshall + squad first. It's a good amount of points.


2. What does your army need? Maybe nothing and you're just painting now for fun and to support the ETL. Do you ever play Apocalypse? What unit would best fit current or future needs?


3. I know we have a month to go, but bite sized chunks should be the way to go as we finish up the downside of the challenge. There's still plenty of time and we can all (and should) contribute, but more importantly, not put at risk large chunks of points. It would be better to do a vow a week until the end, knowing you have a solid stopping place at any given point vs. get hip deep into something and then suddenly get faced with Real Life and put the whole thing in the toilet. If push came to shove, we could all probably squeeze out a couple of figures. 50 is another thing.


So, Marshall and squad (maybe add a chappie to it) sounds good.


Then we can look at the next increment with the remaining time.


My two yen.




P.S. You are doing an awesome job!

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I appreciate the advice honda, but in fact work is slowing down, I am work in a kitchen in florida, summer is our off season, so yeah more time, and I am also getting a week off starting the 30th of this month thus more time to paint, this is the last big push for me, I will after this probably be doing lone marshals, as for what i need in my force, I am using models already built, (have been for a long time), I am just finally painting them now, lol.


thanks for the advice though, I thought this one through pretty hard as I will not give up nearly 3000 points for this thing! also what is said is said and shall never be unread, or, eh, I already vowed it so I gotta paint it :ermm:

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Captain Semper, please consider my Vow fulfilled:






And my second Vow I would like to add High Marshall Hebrecht, weighing in at a respectable 175 points.



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Outstanding my brothers. You have all encouraged me for my 6th vow althought my game tonight has swayed my choice. My 6th vow shall come tomorrow brothers. For Sigismund, For Dorn, For the Emperor!
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Captain Semper, please consider my Vow fulfilled:






And my second Vow I would like to add High Marshall Hebrecht, weighing in at a respectable 175 points.


I really, really like them. The white is so nicely done. How did you do it? Did you highlight the Cross on the shoulderpad or is it a natural reflection?

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I have completed my third vow for E Tenebrae Lux and am providing proof of my deed below:



Brother Chaplain Wolfram - Reclusiarch and The Emperors Champion Siegfried



My fourth vow will be forthcoming shortly...


Your honor is your life, let not dispute it!


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@ Reinhard: Did not expect to see a Moloc conversion so soon! Great work there - and a Chaplain made out of a Libby? Oh, the irony!


@ Ryld: You an Stobz should found the NZ school of painting! These are some excellent BTs there and the choice of that particular jump packmade an otherwise stout mini as a credible jump infantry! Bravo!!!


@ Chaplain Cliff: You are a hero of the Chapter with not only 5 completions to your credit (and a sixth one in the making) but also you have the highest contribution in points (uo to now). But Chapter Banner? Do you have a pic of it? Because (unless I got it wrong) you're claiming 25pts for the standard bearer (Fighting Comp.) and another 25 pts of the Chapter banner. So you must come up with something very elaborate or reuce the vow down to just Fighting Company Standard. Since there is no Universally accepted BT Chapter Banner I'd advise for the latter but it's up to you. Impress us! :)

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Second Vow complete


One Terminator Sword Bretheren Squad of five men equipped with two Cyclone Missile Launchers





Im not too happy with the eyes and the CML will be getting replaced sometime soon but I think Im getting better at this : )


Third vow:


“I redmapa answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete One Venerable dreadnaught with Multi-Melta and Heavy Flamer from Codex: Black Templars of value 145pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”

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This is turning into an "R&R" weekend!


Ryld, Reinhard, and Redmapa, you are truly awesome! Excellent additions to our crusade!



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Thanks for the kind words guys.


Captain Semper: Stobz blows me out of the water. His work is amazing when you see it up close.


Dark Scipio: The white is a base of codex grey with two or three thin coats of skull white, and the tabbards are a coat of graveyard earth, then progressively highlighted with desert yellow, bleached bone and then skull white. The highlights on the armour are chainmail. I've swapped to that from shadow grey. It makes the black armour look so much better.


redmapa: Do you think your eyes stand out too much because your helms are so white? Try a black wash and that might help out.


Reinhard Once again, sensational work. Truly, your stuff is inspirational.

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@Captain Semper; I will see what I can do about the chapter banner, as I see it the BT probably have a few to half a dozen 'chapter banners' banners that represent the chapter more than just a particular crusade, I will try to figure out what to do and get back to you by wednesday whether I can pull the look off properly, if not I will just downgrade the 25 points for the chapter banner, but a challenge has been given and I will attempt to meet it!


@Ryld; that chaplain is just awesome, everything fits so well with him, you do well for the chapter brother!

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Do you think your eyes stand out too much because your helms are so white? Try a black wash and that might help out.


I might do that later but the eyes suck because I put too much paint in the brush and ended up painting more then just the eyes ><, its looks worse irl but a black wash will probably fix it besides adding more depth to the helmets, thanks for the advice : )


I absolutely loved reinhard's EC, it looks very menacing..

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Thanks for the kind words everyone.


Redmapa: I was gonna say that getting too much paint when doing eyes isn't so much a mistake, as it is a neccessary evil. I've painted more than 20 terminators now, and I don't think there was a single case where i didn't get paint outside of the eye as well in it. It's always the case of going back with the helmet color and going over the spillover. Fortunately this somewhat easier to do with terminators than regular marines because of the many angles you can approach with the brush from

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<taking a deep breath, he tightens the grip on his chainsword and stands, reciting the "Litany of Divine Retribution"...>

I, Honda, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 Landraider Crusader and Landraider standard (both with smoke launchers) from Codex: Black Templars for a total value of 521 pts on or before August 15.

Success will bring eternal glory to The Black Templars.

Meanwhile, from the depths of sludge shall emerge two mighty battle fortresses...


Excuses are the refuge of the weak.

No Pity, No Remorse, No Fear!

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Captain Semper, I have been thinking about this, and in our codex (on page 7) there is a picture of many of our battle brothers marching from the gate of a fortress monastery, they are flying a banner which just screams 'Chapter Banner' to me. I intend and have started work on a replica that will represent this banner in the best way that I can, a finished pre-paint picture can be provided if you want. To establish context the page in question is talking on the aftermath of the heresy and the founding of the Black Templars chapter under High Marshal Sigismund.
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