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new to blood angels


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Hey all, I have been playing dark angels for the last year and realy enjoy playing them. However I dont like playing them at 1000-1500 points, which is why i began taking some of my spare parts and started building a blood angels army. My goals are pretty simple-


No more than 1500 points

No tanks, raiders, speeders, bikes. I use all these in my DA army so I want to keep away from this.

Use stuff I already have, but willing to buy more jump packs, sanguinary guard, and or libby furioso


Other than that here is what i built up so far

2 assault squads with MGx2 and PF

2 sagunary priests

1 Termi libby

5 TH/SS termis (not sure if worth taking?)


Where i need help is what do I add to make this a somewhat fun/competetive army (fun is prority)

I have availble

2 tac squads



5man vanguard squad

Libby in power armour


I have been thinking making 1 tac squad a DC squad with rhino, or just run tac squad to hold objectives while jumpers run out and have all the fun. Or buy a bunch of jump packs and make lots more assault troops. So as you can see I am not sure where to go with this army. Would a sagunary guard be worth buying and adding in to this group? I understand everything is very tank heavy these days but regardless i REALLY want to stay away from running anything mechanized. May consider a strom raven down the line but not anytime in near future. Like a say If I buy anything thing it will be more jump pack, a furioso or sanquinary guard.

thanks for the help

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It's hard to go just a little mech. One or two rhinos get popped very quickly which is why you tend to see nearly all jumper or nearly all mech. Termies are also hard to fit into this. They can deep strike, but not terribly accurately and can't assault when arriving. Dreads can fit in, but generally if in pods. Now, termies and dreads are outstanding stormraven cargo, but a raven, dread and termies will cost you nearly 600 points alone and will be the target of everything on the board that can possibly shoot.


These units work pretty well together:

Assault Squads x2

Jumpy Priests

Jumpy Libby


Sang Guard

Dante is nice to make the Sang scoring


Not doing the math, that probably gets you to the 1300 neighborhood. All infantry so a lot of opponent melta will be underutilized. You can always add an understrength assault squad or a chaplain to get the points up. Honor guard work well for that as well.

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DC can work. Consensus is that they are too expensive with JPs, but a couple could be fine.


Dante is nice. Makes a unit he joins 0 scatter which really helps a jumper list. That said, one of his benefits is making Sanguinary Guard scoring, so you miss out on that unless they're on your list.

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