ZAChos Posted May 15, 2012 Share Posted May 15, 2012 I ZAChos answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 5 scouts from Codex: Space Marines of total value 85 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Crimson Fists and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end. This is my story ;) 1st WIP: Time to get moving. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zynk Kaladin Posted May 16, 2012 Share Posted May 16, 2012 Oooh, that's and interesting scout model in the middle. The others are kind of hard to see because of the black, but I'm lookin' forward to your success. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted May 17, 2012 Share Posted May 17, 2012 Yeah, that (I presume) sergeant looks good! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZAChos Posted May 17, 2012 Author Share Posted May 17, 2012 @ZK: Thanks man. The pictures are just from my phone. When they're finished I'll see if I can get better photos with a proper set up. @Kierdale: That is indeed the Sergeant. He's meant to be calling in support, having spotted the enemy. Well I based and undercoated them all yesterday, and then painted for about an hour and a half. Really enjoying using the new paints, and the FW brass etch are excellent. I've just taken some photos which I'll upload in a minute. They won't be great though: only phone photos. The DA challenge allows me to increase my vow as things go on. I've got a 1000pts army worked out, so with the right amount of time and effort (and encouragement) I'll see how far through that I can get... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZAChos Posted May 18, 2012 Author Share Posted May 18, 2012 Getting in a couple more hours painting time today meant that I finished the scout squad! Huzzah! So instead of rubbish phone WIP pictures, you all get rubbish camera finished pictures. Double Huzzah! The squad as a whole. The bases may need a bit more pep, but I can't decide what to do... This squad is squad II. When painting my armies I like to paint the least important models first, that way by the time I get to the chapter master I've got all the little tricks worked out, and they (hopefully) look better for it. The Sergeant had a sheathed sword so that if I have some spare points knocking around he can take a Power Sword. I didn't cost that in the vow, and I should have. Oh well. Live and learn. This guy will probably be the only all-metal model in the whole army. I really dislike the scout heads. This is the one I've painted the best. I can't go back and do more on the others. I'll improve them on the next squad. Well that's the initial vow finished, so the next part is to expand the vow. I'm working to a 1000pts army list that I worked out, with Kantor at the head, but for now the next unit (and the expansion of my vow) will be a land speeder Typhoon: Cannibalised from a mates old ultramarine army, the weapons will be completely magnetised so that I can add extra options later on. So vow part two: I ZAChos answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete an additional 1 Land Speeder Typhoon from Codex: Space Marines of total value 90 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Crimson Fists and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted May 18, 2012 Share Posted May 18, 2012 They look good, but can you take some photos in natural light? That should show them off far better. Congratulations on finishing the first part of your vow already! Mine are still on the sprues! P.S. love your signature's link to this thread :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZAChos Posted May 25, 2012 Author Share Posted May 25, 2012 They look good, but can you take some photos in natural light? That should show them off far better.Congratulations on finishing the first part of your vow already! Mine are still on the sprues! P.S. love your signature's link to this thread :D Thanks Kierdale. I've taken your advice with these next photos. Hopefully they show up better, although maybe a bit earlier in the evening would've made it a bit better. As for the signature link, it's always worth trash talking in these situations. Well, due to the fact that I don't have lectures at the moment, I have now finished the land speeder typhoon. Well, everything except the base. Don't worry though, pictures are provided: The shoulder pads in this army are a mix of old pewter Imperial Fists ones, and FW brass etch icons. I can't recommend the brass etch enough. Completely cool, and well worth the money considering how much the crimson fists pads are currently going for from GW. The Land speeder has suffered superficial damage, but the limited resources currently available requires that it remain in theater while the chapters Techmarines work on more heavily damaged craft. It is hoped that once the forges are completely restored, the heavily abused vehicles will get the complete overhauls they desperately need. The speeder is driven by Brother Lo Chang, and his speeder has his name scrawled on top with brass etch. Yes I know the Crimson Fists have Spanish names, but in my 40k the worlds have more than one naming convention. So yes, some people from my Rynns World aren't spanish. It is a whole planet after all. The Typhoon launcher is a resin part from Kromlech, magnetiZed so I can switch in and out of configurations (the Heavy Bolter is as magnetized too). For the purposes of this challenge, it's a Typhoon, and I couldn't be happier with the part. The heavy bolter marine is known as brother Hyle, pronounced Hill. The assault squads of the crimson fists suffered heavy losses in the Rynns world incident, due to the Orks natural predisposition to close quarters fighting. Once an assault squad was reduced to below the numbers of an active squad the brothers are rotated out of deployment and take a fire support role, manning the chapters remaining Land Speeders and Bikes. Hope you enjoyed these photos. I'll take advisement on whether or not my second vow is completed without a base, but even if it isn't it will be by Monday. I have the next squad almost ready for paint now. I'm trying to decide how to represent Brother Sergeant Telion. Do I convert a guy from scratch, or use the GW model sans UM symbols and added brass etch? Comments and Crits gladly received brothers. Zac. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted May 25, 2012 Share Posted May 25, 2012 Looks good! Nice colour and very good damage. She's been in the wars, and no mistake! That missile part is interesting. As for Telion, I think the finecast would be easy to work with, easy to slice off those 'U's. I plan to do so myself in the future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kizzdougs Posted May 26, 2012 Share Posted May 26, 2012 Wow! I really like the scout sergeant! The weathering on the speeder is really Weldon too and the etched brass finishes it off nicely. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZAChos Posted May 28, 2012 Author Share Posted May 28, 2012 Looks good! Nice colour and very good damage. She's been in the wars, and no mistake! That missile part is interesting. As for Telion, I think the finecast would be easy to work with, easy to slice off those 'U's. I plan to do so myself in the future. Thanks again Kierdale. The Missile part I think was originally designed as a different piece for a Terminator cyclone missile launcher, as it comes with a mount. As it's magnetised here, that wasn't needed. Good cast quality though. That's exactly why I was excited when I heard he was being released in Finecast. Bit gutted he won't be available in store though. It'll take longer to get him if I have to send him back at all. Wow! I really like the scout sergeant! The weathering on the speeder is really Weldon too and the etched brass finishes it off nicely. Thanks kizzdougs. It took we a while to work out what Weldon was. I thought it was some kind of slang I hadn't come across. Glad you like the weathering. I've done so many tests trying to work out which brown to use. I think I'm finally happy with this one. Just enough pop to be visable around the edges of the metal. Thanks for the complements about the sergeant too. I came up with the pose, but had to change the head, as I was using the one with the visor, and with modelled on hair he looked too much like cyclops from X-Men. I'm very pleased with how it's turned out. I've just sold something on e-bay, so once funds come through I can continue expanding this army. For now, I'll be working on the LS's base, and on a name for the army. The idea is that it's after the relief forces have arrived, and the waargh has been broken. Kantor is bringing in new blood to the chapter, but the planet is still at risk from pockets of Orks. This force will be led by Kantor. How about "Reaction Force Kilo"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted June 12, 2012 Share Posted June 12, 2012 Very nice Zachos! As for the name for your army, maybe "Kylo" would be better (kilo being a measure of weight, so maybe it doesn't sound that good...)? Looking forward to seeing updates :P Ludovic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZAChos Posted August 14, 2012 Author Share Posted August 14, 2012 Well, it's been a while, and a lot has happened. Not in the painting world, but in real life. Anyway, back to Kantor's force: Very nice Zachos! As for the name for your army, maybe "Kylo" would be better (kilo being a measure of weight, so maybe it doesn't sound that good...)? Looking forward to seeing updates :) Ludovic Thanks Ludovic. I chose Kilo because it's K in the phonetic alphabet. Kylo would be a suitably 41st millenium change to it. As for updates: The first land speeder is finished now. You can't see the bit of orky detritus on the base in this shot so: Along with the already finished scout squad. Next thing to finish is second scout squad, this time led by the crimson fists version of Telion: They're further along now, but this is the most recent WIP shot of them. This squad has a slightly different fist symbol than the first, for easy differentiation on the table. Each squad will have something that links them together in this army. Gone are the days when I won't be sure who goes with what unit. I've really enjoyed taking part in the ETL challenge. I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped, but this new army will continue to grow after the challenge, and hopefully I'll have a bit more time to spend on it now. Zac Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZAChos Posted September 18, 2012 Author Share Posted September 18, 2012 Hey Guys, I'm back, and as the E Tenebrae Lux is now over, the thread just got a new subtitle. But that's not all. With University fast approaching, gears have been shifted in an upward direction, and the army is coming on apace. I even got to use it to play my first two games of 6th edition. Yes, only 500pts, but more on that later. In the meantime, here are some pictures of what I've been up to: The second scout squad is now finished, rocking good old Te-Fist-Lion as their teacher, and a rocket launcher guy who doesn't quite get it. Telion doesn't quite fit into my first 500pts, but I hope he'll really allow the rocket launcher to do some damage when I have 1000pts painted. Of course, no crimson fist army would be complete without SternGuard, and these are my first unit of five, all battle damaged up. It's been my intention that everyone above scout level in this army should carry individual equipment, so each of these guys has his own individual bolter. I'm also keen that each squad be easily recognized as it's own distinct unit, so this lot are the "advanced optics" unit, where everyone has advanced senses of some kind. These guys are part of my next sternguard squad, the combat weapon specialists. While I make sure all of the models are WYSIWYG as far as bolt pistols are concerned, these guys understand that when hunting Ork, you need to get ready to get physical. Every one of them has their own extra close combat weapon for when the Xenos get close. This is possibly my favourite personal equipment so far. I was keen that these guys shouldn't be mistaken for a vanguard squad, so decided that chainswords were out of the question. Making this little chain dagger was great fun, and although the join is just visible I'm hoping some hazard stripes will cover that up. During the assault on Rynns World, the assault squads of the crimson fists took heavy casualties, due to the Ork's natural strength in that area. Once they were reduced to just four members the marines of Assault Squad Jarret were issued with land speeder Typhoons. This is the second of my Land speeders, again slightly modified from the standard pattern. The pilot of this speeder wears mark VI plate, and his name is etched above the speeder's canopy. The squad's sergeant is the gunner, and uses his advanced comm relay to stay in touch with the other speeder attached to Reaction Force Kylo. Here is the full 500pts force as of today, Led by Veteran Sergeant Farro, one of the few survivors of Badlanding. Next on the list to paint is the combat weapon sternguard, followed by Kantor himself. After that it's just two Razorbacks away from 1000pts. The games I played the other day were great fun, and a real learning curve. The Warlord traits are really cool. Being a combat patrol my force was led by Veteran Sergeant Farro, and I managed to roll the one that makes him a scoring unit for both games. That made me really pleased as scoring sternguard is exactly what this army is about. Things I have learned about 6th edition: Sergeants should not always lead from the front. Heavy and special weapons should not always lead from the front. SternGuard special ammunition is exactly as good as everyone tells you it is. So yes. My special models did very little in these games, biting bullets far too early for my liking. Sensible placement is something I really need to work on. The Sternguard did admirably when they got to shoot, but were a real threat and so went down pretty fast once lines of sight were gained towards them. The real men of the match were the Typhoons, zooming about the board and knocking hull points off enemy vehicles and ripping up imperial guard squads like in aint no thang. All in all I enjoyed these two games, winning one and drawing the second, and I will return for much more of the same. Any comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Although everything is now gameworthy, there are still things I want to do to finish the models off, so extra ideas and comments would be great. Thanks for dropping by. Zac Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted September 19, 2012 Share Posted September 19, 2012 Good to see you back. Nice work. I think the yellow hazard stripes on the Landspeeder are a great idea though they could use another coat of yellow. I like the positioning of the heavy bolter too. Nice work on the chain dagger too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
subtlebrush Posted September 19, 2012 Share Posted September 19, 2012 Everything looks awesome ZAChos! The little chain-knife is amazing. Keep up the awesome work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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