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I Am Legion's E Tenebrae Lux Challenge!

I am Legion

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I...I Am Legion..., answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a 5xman Dev squad with 4xLascannons, a 5xman Sniper Scout Squad, and a 5xman Bolter Scout Squad with Missle Launcher from Codex: Blood Angels of total value of 365 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


Since after I just finished painting those Librarians, I couldn't decide what to paint next, so I'm just doing 3 squads at once. They are already primed, and I'll try to get all the red done by the end of the week. Pics will be posted sometime over the weekend as I lent my camera out...didn't think I'd need it for a while, but then this came along.

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Since I finally quit smoking this week, I needed a way to occupy my time and hands. as it turns out, painting is very good medicine for that. I noticed that I take a heck of alot less breaks during painting, getting a bit more done. But enough about my problems, here is what i got after a week. this is 3 layers of red only, but 15 models. still lots to go. I'll try to update once a weekend.


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Did a bit more painting this week. It's all slowly coming along, and only 7 or 8 more stages of painting left. Only one or two is going to be a big undertaking thankfully. The rest should be done relatively faster. I'm hoping to be done this by the end of june, and hopefully get another Devastator squad done. I wish I could paint fast enough to bump my points up higher, but I'll leave that to the rest of my brothers. Good luck people!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Busy weekend with the stag, and all this week will be getting ready for my friends wedding. I didn't get much painting done, but I did manage still! And at least I got everything glued as well minus the scout heads which need to be painted still. I'll also admit....I've been sucked in by Final Fantasy 13, and spent many an hour on that :)

Keep in mind that the two scout squads will not be part of the same unit, more than likely ever...But in Time I will fill them up to 10 man strong each, plus a third 10 x Scout squad with close combat weapons.

Anyway here's a bit more of an update:


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:D Stunning work there I am Legion! Just awesome!!! The quality of blue is top notch and so is the scouts' camo capes! Fantastic!!!


So just the scout heads you're done? You'd better do it fast because BAs are slipping dangerously... Final Fantasy indeed! ;)






Edit: typos

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Very inspiring work!! You make me want to paint infantry as well :P Incredible job on everything... For some reason I love seeing parts painted individually :P I can never do that I always like to assemble everything when I first get it :cuss
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Awesome, thanks guys!


Compliments are very inspirational, but even painting the heads, doing the touchups, and painting the bases will still take a long while with this wedding (and the weekend after my uncle comes from new jersey)....ugh...and then 6th edition comes out on the same day as the wedding....Best friend getting Married, or 40k? still dunno if I should run over to the GW during the break....;)


And Captin Semper, I NEEDZ some final fantasy....I never get a chance to play video games...it's 1 of two games on my PS3, the other one is FF13-2....and just so you have an idea, I bought FF13 when it came out. I'm only 50 hours into it...since 2010....IT'S MADENING!!!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Holy Cow!!! What a nightmare I've had over the last 3 weeks!! I was almost done at the time and then I had to put it all on the backburner and deal with some life. Fortunetly it only took me two days to finish up and NOW, IT IS OVER!!!! VOW COMPLETE!!!!

Behold!! 2 scout squads and a devastator squad.


Unfortunetly I wont have a chance to add anything else to my Vow at this point as I'm dealing with exciting life changes, but I will slowly begin working on 10 DC with magnetized JPs and some weapons.

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Thanks darklighter, I couldnt find a certain pattern from some psp game (youd think id be able to find a picture somewhere online!!!) for a red and black pattern, but then decided to make it match my tables buildings.


Thanks snorri, I always aprreciate your validations!

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