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B&C Global Campaign

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Hey all, don't know if you've seen in in Amicus, but Grey Knight Purifier is trying to put together a campaign. We need some more players to sign up!Sign up here!


The way it will work is, you go play games against your friends in your local area, any wins you get are added into the campaign to try and win over planets.


It's loyalist vs chaos, and I'll not have the servants of the false emperor best us again, we will raze Terra in time, this is but a step towards our inevitable victory. Join me and we shall conquer the galaxy!

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I went to that thread and hung out my shingle, excited for a B&C campaing. Finally! The Iron Hounds are for hire, ladies and gentlemen. Abaddon better have more than good intentions and words of thanks if he wants this warsmith's big guns firing for him...
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I'd be happy to join in a properly run campaign...


However... After having read the Amicus thread I'm not sure if its worth it. I'm not convinced the mechanism to smooth over the Imperial vast numerical majority has been countered and at present this seems to be setting up Chaos for a fall. Its not even sub forum v sub forum but large number of loyalists v relatively small number of chaos players.


I'm also not convinced by the exclusion of all the other races. This is likey to lead to a very one dimesional campaign og 'this side posts more reports, they win'


So although I'd be interested in principal, iv not been convinced in the mechanics of the campaign to ensure a fair and competative campaign.

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I'm in....even if it ends up out of balance or what not...It sounds like a fun idea and that's whats drawing me into it....


So the 34th Grand Host of the Word Bearers is preparing for battle....



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-Max-, don't take this the wrong way but Eetion has been doing something on New Badab since April 15th, 2012. The first thread was where the idea was born and the second is the update on the idea itself. If necessary, I will produce the link to the WIP campaign himself. Also, maybe check out the Eternal War subforum and check out the Arena of Death which is a mini-tournament. One has already come and gone, the second is on its way.


Birth of an idea


The Idea itself, the Perseus Crisis


The Eternal War

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It's not and I'm not trying to make it that way. I was just responding to this comment:

Well, sometimes you just have to DO stuff and make a bunch of mistakes to figure out how to do it right next time.


The reality is if I had an army, I'd be participating in both like some people are. I wouldn't still like how it is excluded to only Space Marines and I'm not the biggest fan of the battle zone lockdown since it implies a solidity that doesn't exist, but that's just me.

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My Hydra's Tail warband is ready, as well as my friends World Eaters, but we got only one loyalist (SW) and he is pretty busy so we will might play 1 game or even less.
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Also, I don't know about Imperial numerical superiority.... current count is 9 to 8, however with the inclusion of RapatoR & his friend that makes it 10 to 9 in favor of chaos.


EDIT: we're also waffling about whether zones should be locked or not. it's just a way to be able to make victory possible in the 12 or so weeks that the campaign will be run.

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Well as it is broadcasted in more subforums, it will be exposed to more people. The only problem with B&C is that the majority of the gamer population is Loyalist Space Marine. There are six sub-forums, seven if you count the Inquisition sub-forum, devoted just to Loyalist Space Marines. And each sub-forum has a specific following that could easily number as much as the Chaos players. In the grand scheme of things, we are outnumbered. Right now, it's not that obvious as you pointed out. But if the amount of people who join are proprtional to the people here, it will become apparent.
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-Max-, don't take this the wrong way but Eetion has been doing something on New Badab since April 15th, 2012.


What's to take the wrong way? Some fellow Legio folks are working on an in-house campaign and I want to play in it if they can hammer out the details. If New Badab comes here officially and invites us to participate in an inter-forum campaign I might do that too. I've certainly got enough time this summer...

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Actually, what could be taken the wrong way is this:


I'd be happy to join in a properly run campaign... (snip) So although I'd be interested in principal, iv not been convinced in the mechanics of the campaign to ensure a fair and competative campaign.


-Max-, don't take this the wrong way but Eetion has been doing something on New Badab since April 15th, 2012.


From the word 'go' cross-members from New Badab have been trying to tell us not to do this, that we should wait for them to do it instead, and nay-saying the B&C campaign here on the B&C. I give people the benefit of the doubt, especially online, but this could easily be seen the wrong way.


I've got no inter-forum prejudice of any kind, just pointing out how it could be taken were someone so inclined.

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I hear of these attacks on B&C but I'm still reading the attack that just happened against me.


I wasn't naysaying the B&C campaign. If I was, I wouldn't have said this:


It's not and I'm not trying to make it that way. I was just responding to this comment:
Well, sometimes you just have to DO stuff and make a bunch of mistakes to figure out how to do it right next time.


The reality is if I had an army, I'd be participating in both like some people are. I wouldn't still like how it is excluded to only Space Marines and I'm not the biggest fan of the battle zone lockdown since it implies a solidity that doesn't exist, but that's just me.

Notice the last two sentences. Go back and reread Eetion's comment. New Badab is not mentioned anywhere by Eetion. I mentioned it and Vesper mentioned it once on the Campaign thread. From which he was shot done and then left the topic alone. The whole subject lived and died on the first page. Granted, Vesper could have worded his posts better. But then so can all of us.


You will notice that since then, Vesper has joined the campaign. Joined both in fact. I tried to contribute to it.


With the path you are taking, I'd suggest some sort of time limit or decrease how much each battle is worth.


In the time limit scenario, if a planet reaches 100% control I would not allow it to be locked down. Just that "Here is when the campaign ends" and "This is how long you have left to get it back." So only the other side will be able to attack while the controlling "defends." And I would make the defense mechanic that it can only be equal to how strong the attack is. So if a planet reaches 100%, and someone claims 15%, the defender(s) can only return 15%. And the defense will equal one of their games so they can't land three games in defense and then magically land three more games for an attack. And when the campaign ends, the planet will either be contested or won/loss(depending on your side.). Sound okay?


No mention of New Badab. And this was my response as well as the response to one other idea and :


5% is a bit much isn't it?


If I play 3 kids...I could gain 15% in one day for a planet...


Means in total what, 10 players would need 3 games each to make 150% for one planet...whereas the other side would probably be scattered. You could be all organised and have this campaign in 2 days.


In the initial proposition, GKP had said something about everyone only being able to post one battle a week, which I ma totally supportive of, and which informed my concept of the percentage system. It also neatly sidesteps this issue, because each player is only capable of putting in 5% per week.



With the path you are taking, I'd suggest some sort of time limit or decrease how much each battle is worth.


In the time limit scenario, if a planet reaches 100% control I would not allow it to be locked down. Just that "Here is when the campaign ends" and "This is how long you have left to get it back." So only the other side will be able to attack while the controlling "defends." And I would make the defense mechanic that it can only be equal to how strong the attack is. So if a planet reaches 100%, and someone claims 15%, the defender(s) can only return 15%. And the defense will equal one of their games so they can't land three games in defense and then magically land three more games for an attack. And when the campaign ends, the planet will either be contested or won/loss(depending on your side.). Sound okay?



I put in the lockdown for a very specific purpose, and that is to make victory possible. If there is no way to make sure that what you've secured stays secured -- especially in such a small "playing area" with no rules for army movement -- then everything is going to see-saw and unless one is drastically more successful in their games than another, everything is going to balance out. However, by inserting rules for locking down areas at 100%, what I'm doing is forcing strategic decisions onto the players. For instance, the Arx Listening Station hits 100% Chaos control, while the Gavalar Minehead and Antenna Farm War Zones (also on Arx) are at about 70% Chaos control. Now, the Imperials have a difficult choice to make. Either they continue posting victories to other worlds in hopes of seizing them, or they start hitting Gavalar and the Farm to prevent Chaos from securing an entire world. Instead of the entire campaign being a mathematical equation, the players are being forced to deal with difficult situations, hard truths, and actually try to plan their moves ahead of time.



I personally like the % Idea...maybe 2-3 % per game..So then if somebody goes and plays and wins 5 games over a weekend. They've done a solid 10-15% for their team. That's a real effort. But that might also be reduced by the fact the other factions have fought back. So a single opponent played and won 3 games. Bringing it back to 4-6% gain.


See my first comment. Plus, 5% is a good number. It's low enough that it'll take more than a week for one side (at our current numbers) to seize an entire War Zone unopposed, but high enough that a couple of mavericks playing the raiding game can make the other side nervous about the percentages in those areas that are NOT hotly contested.


The current mechanics are being made for a game with few players. Every suggestion has been made for the possibility of proportionate numbers to the size of B&C and each one has been shot down.

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I hear of these attacks on B&C but I'm still reading the attack that just happened against me.


I wasn't naysaying the B&C campaign.


I wasn't attacking anybody, let alone you Kol, though I am a bit frustrated at Eetion's negativity. Or negativity in general, as opposed to constructive criticism. I realize that Vesper joined in, which is why I didn't go quoting him. I've just seen too many things fall apart because it wasn't perfect enough for somebody or we should wait for someone else to do it. It gets frustrating and I don't want to see that happen to this.

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Okay, sorry for my retaliation. I'm a little short on patience these days. But when I read Eetion's post, all I read was, "This sounds like a good idea and I would like to join. But I'm not sure about the mechanics and the mechanics are what are stopping me." I might be biased so that might be why I saw it different, I don't know. But the official mechanic is each player posts once a week, each post is worth 5% and 100% will lock down a zone and when all three zones are locked down, the planet is locked. To me, it doesn't jive that will. Especially since the subtitle says "Like the Eye of Terror". From what I've read of the game mechanics, a planet was fought over until the game ended. Here, Twenty players can get together, and put all of their victories towards one zone and keep doing so until someone gets a lightbulb and tries to stop them. The problem is, if all twenty post first before the other player can, too late planet locked, one less warzone.
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Okay, sorry for my retaliation. I'm a little short on patience these days. But when I read Eetion's post, all I read was, "This sounds like a good idea and I would like to join. But I'm not sure about the mechanics and the mechanics are what are stopping me." I might be biased so that might be why I saw it different, I don't know. But the official mechanic is each player posts once a week, each post is worth 5% and 100% will lock down a zone and when all three zones are locked down, the planet is locked. To me, it doesn't jive that will. Especially since the subtitle says "Like the Eye of Terror". From what I've read of the game mechanics, a planet was fought over until the game ended. Here, Twenty players can get together, and put all of their victories towards one zone and keep doing so until someone gets a lightbulb and tries to stop them. The problem is, if all twenty post first before the other player can, too late planet locked, one less warzone.

True, that is a bit of a bug...

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Okay, sorry for my retaliation. I'm a little short on patience these days.


No worries on my end. The mechanic may not be great, but I take everything as a learning experience, and I'm totally willing to go through with something that may be wonky just to see what happens. Also, I need the excuse to push my friends into playing me more...

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Yeah I get that. It'll be the same for New Badab and I'm sure it was the same for GW when they did their first tournament as well as any LGS store owners who have run their own tournaments.
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