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Star Phantoms *Valerius the Elder*

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Love the sternguard!!


Great to see some star phantoms to counter the heresy of your (epic) world eaters!!


Interestingly the more I see them, the more incentivised I am in maybe running a small SP force myself............

Lol, no patience. :D I have only added details to a couple as Im still waiting on my GK grenades and other bits arriving. ;)


Sgt ( no name yet ) carries the ashes of former Veterans in an hourglass on his belt.




Charger, carries the bone of a former brother in arms. ( a few of my more senior Marines will do this)




Pointy carries the scrolls of all the names of the marines who have joined "Imperator Mortifex" to be judged in honoured death.




Still need to work out some fluff for this squad.

Liking this so far. I always enjoy it when people invest time into their models and give some interesting background information. Heathens does an amazing job at this. Looking forward to your squad being fleshed out. So far so good!

Thanks buddy, the backpacks are from the RW command squad as well, I wanted a few recurring elements on these guys hence the (mostly) mk6 armour and the same backpacks.


As for work continuing I will try but between work, a couple of commissioned drawings and moving flat I don't think ill get a lot done this month to be honest.

  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks buddy, can't share the drawings yet as the client doesn't want them shown. And thanks for the offer of help. Ill keep that in mind for next time although the transatlantic commute might be a pain ;)


Looking through a few blogs tonight got me in the mood to start chopping plastic although when I went to start I realised most of my bits and knives are still in one of the dozen boxes I've still to unpack. Not to be put off I cracked on with what I had to hand and knocked together a very rough Chaplain on Bike. Obviously all the RW insignia will be removed. I'm thinking of having this guy lead my Wraithwing. I may switch the helmet out for the Chaos one that's on my other Chaplain at the start of this thread.





Really digging your WIP chaplain on the bike, but could I entreat you for some pics of different angles?  I'd really like to see a bird's eye view and a more detail oriented shot of the tabernacle on the back?


I agree with Kizzdougs, the head on the WIP works a lot better on the body than the chaos mk V helm.  You have a real unique piece with the Seraphicus head that makes the bike chaplain stand apart. Are you planning on adding any ornamentation on the upper robed torso?  I'd imagine grimaldus style litany strips would really make it "pop".


My only real concern is that the skulls on the censers are face inward, so the detail may be kind of lost there, and also they are perilously placed being on the rear like that.  Are you planning some kind of candleabra/torch holder to put them in?


What is the crozius arcanum head going to be?  As always, looking forward to seeing more.

Thanks for the replies folks.

The Chaplain: I've no idea what the crozius head will be yet, ill need to have a proper look in my bitz once I fully unpack. As for the censers I initially had them mounted where I'd removed the RW Wings but once I put the backpack on the skulls were completely obscured. I like the idea of a candelabra type holder though to maybe raise them up a little. Also he will have some detail added to his torso. :tu:


Also thanks for the opinions on the head I think you're right and ill stick with the Seraphicus head. I have plans for a jump pack chaplain as well so I can maybe use the mk5 there....

Nighthunters I love that idea! I think I could make that work. I'm on a run of night duties at the moment but once I'm finished ill hopefully get back to working on him. I will definitely try something along those lines though. :) Cheers buddy.


Disease. RSJake the guy who made those heads is a fairly regular poster over on Dakka. It may be worth dropping him a pm over there. :tu:

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys, no more work on the Chaplain but I have been working on this guy.


I wasn't gonna post it yet but I thought this is probably the best place to get some decent feedback. I want to show that the Dread is laying down a withering hale of fire to cover his brothers advance. Obviously this is still very WIP but feel free to let me know what you think.


And again I'm obviously well aware of the similarity to one of my Chaos Dreads. I just really want to push the skull imagery of the Phantoms and this is easily the best bit for that. :)


I give you Venerable Brother Valerius the Elder.......take 2.




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