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Modeling Kharn, the Betrayer

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As I slowly begin to amass the pieces I need for my World Eaters army, I find myself staring at Khârn the Betrayer. What a clunky old model this is!! His static pose just screams bolt gun up the you know where!! SO, I am going to kit bash one up for my army.


I want him is this kind of pose:



That shouldn't be too hard.


I'm converting the Black Templar power axe bit into Gorechild because the original bit has a chain already wrapped around the wrist. This will however switch the weapons into different arms. Do you think this is okay??


I also want the plasma pistol in the other hand to be lying on the ground as if he's just dropped it in a fit a berzerker rage, I'll be using the Blood Angels Sanguinary guard open hand for this. And chaosing up a regular marine plasma pistol since I think the design looks cooler.


Lastly, and this is the main question I want feedback on, I also want Kharns' helmet to be lying on the ground exposing his long haired screaming face. Do you think this would look good?? I searched and found nothing on or in regards to the hairstyle of said crazy man. I know it may sound funny, but I want the model to look super badass, and I picture him with long dirty blonde hair.


Anyways, I'll be using this thread as my WIP spot as well so check back once and a while to see how he's coming together!!


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Personally I'm really fond of Khârn's sculpt, but that's me. I say arm switching is fine. ADB's "Butcher's Nails" seems to suggest that Khârn used to dual-wield chain-axes, like his primarch, at least in the gladiatorial arena(ADB might clarify and prove me wrong, which is perfectly fine), so I'd imagine Khârn's fairly ambidextrous, also don't think it'd be too much issue for him to switch it up any which way
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in one of the horus heresy books they describe his looks(one of the earlier book but i cant remembr which one) but i highly doubt he still looks like that 10,000 years later. I think you should keep the helmet on since i dont think he ever takes it off anyway. He does drop his pistol a few time in the fluff but never takes off his helmet. plus, its iconic
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in one of the horus heresy books they describe his looks(one of the earlier book but i cant remembr which one) but i highly doubt he still looks like that 10,000 years later. I think you should keep the helmet on since i dont think he ever takes it off anyway. He does drop his pistol a few time in the fluff but never takes off his helmet. plus, its iconic


See, this is the kind of thing I wanted to know about before getting into this project, which I have not. Yet. Thanks for the information empchildrenbob.


I was hoping to avoid grinding down a metal model for it's head... None of the Zerker helmets have the menacing flair that Kharns does... Well :).


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I was hoping to avoid grinding down a metal model for it's head... None of the Zerker helmets have the menacing flair that Kharns does... Well :).

Well, then good news! His head is a separate piece :)

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I was hoping to avoid grinding down a metal model for it's head... None of the Zerker helmets have the menacing flair that Kharns does... Well <_<.

Well, then good news! His head is a separate piece :lol:


Best. News. Evar!!


Thanks for all of the input so far guys, I do appreciate it.


I ordered a Khârn from my LGS last night, but it could take a week to arrive, or it could take months... I have a small bits package en route to me from an ebay seller I use and once those arrive I will start working on him and get some photos posted.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Here's my rebuild of Khârn to give you inspiration. Legs are from a MKVI marine from the froge world kit. A MKV torso from the SM sprue. Molded his belt with green stuff since it's rather iconic. Took his left arm and his head from my old metal model and his backpack. Right arm is from the zerkers sprue.






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Yeah, had trouble to fit them with the pose so i cut them of, he's way better without them, he can turn his head. He thanked by slaying for khorne. Looking forward to see your conversion, the pose idea is great.
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  • 2 months later...
Here's my rebuild of Khârn to give you inspiration. Legs are from a MKVI marine from the froge world kit. A MKV torso from the SM sprue. Molded his belt with green stuff since it's rather iconic. Took his left arm and his head from my old metal model and his backpack. Right arm is from the zerkers sprue.







That pose... looks so similar to mine, but mine is a complete scratch build...

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Epic Khârn Warspirit! Really a great and easy conversion, those are always the best.


My personal aim now is to create this Khârn:




Which will be very similiar looking like that of Warspirit.




There are just a few models who will really let you able to create the dynamic pose Angron has on the cover of the e-book/story book.


My personal advice is going the sculpting route and perhaps thake arms/pieces from Ogre Kingdoms (plastic ogres) to form your own model.

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Epic Khârn Warspirit! Really a great and easy conversion, those are always the best.


My personal aim now is to create this Khârn:




Which will be very similiar looking like that of Warspirit.




There are just a few models who will really let you able to create the dynamic pose Angron has on the cover of the e-book/story book.


My personal advice is going the sculpting route and perhaps thake arms/pieces from Ogre Kingdoms (plastic ogres) to form your own model.



I understand you, as soon as i saw this picture i wanted to do one myself

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Question; why does Khârn even have a pistol, especially a plasma pistol? I mean plasma tech is high maintenance and I doubt he ever rests to maintain it so... how does it function at all anymore? I would rather just see someone model a Khârn with his plasma pistol holstered and swinging Gorechild 2 handed, much like Astorath the Grim's pose.
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in one of the horus heresy books they describe his looks(one of the earlier book but i cant remembr which one) but i highly doubt he still looks like that 10,000 years later. I think you should keep the helmet on since i dont think he ever takes it off anyway. He does drop his pistol a few time in the fluff but never takes off his helmet. plus, its iconic



In the audio drama "Chosen of Khorne" it refers to him without a helmet, but I cannot remember if it goes into a lot of detail about his face.

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Question; why does Khârn even have a pistol, especially a plasma pistol? I mean plasma tech is high maintenance and I doubt he ever rests to maintain it so... how does it function at all anymore? I would rather just see someone model a Khârn with his plasma pistol holstered and swinging Gorechild 2 handed, much like Astorath the Grim's pose.


Well, if you have read a bit more of fluff about him in the books, he actually does have the rest to maintain it. In short I don't know why GW gave it to them, it's just that all the cool named cats have one.


I heard he has really big ears underneat that helmet :)

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