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Hi there guys. I was discussing Deathmarks with my friend, in particular Deathmarks and abyssal staff Crypteks. Quite a nasty unit, if used right, especially with a Veil.


However, he pointed out to me that if he deploys first, he'd have to deploy the unit on table, and therefore he wouldn't be able to use their Hunters from Hyperspace rule as nothing else is on the board. I said I doubt it, but when checking the Necron Codex found this:


When a Deathmark unit deploys, choose a non-vehicle enemy unit on the battlefield (even a unit in a transport) to be their prey...


Emphasis mine. So when they deploy is during the deployment phase here, and they get to choose a target to be their prey. But that's not anything now, because nothing is on the battlefield. The opponent has no units on the field to pick between, and so therefore Hunters from Hyperspace doesn't work. I checked the FAQ but couldn't find anything, so is this really the correct way of reading things? I'd heard horrible things about this Deathmark and veil Cryptek combo, but can it really be negated by just going second? Or even by just reserving? I believe the FAQ says you can't deploy the unit by Deep Strike if there is a Cryptek attached, so they have to walk on normally or deploy normally.


Note that this only applies to units with Crypteks joined onto them, units without can obviously deep strike to get around this problem etc.


Thanks in advance guys.

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take a 2nd small deep striking unit. once a unit is marked any deathmark units get bonus. if im reading rule right


That would be correct, but feels like an awful lot of work and moving parts for a bonus like that.

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Don't they have some weird rule that allows them to deepstrike in on their opponents turn?


They do, but that rule is nullified when a non-Deathmark model is attached to the unit. That;s the crux of DarkGuard's observation. If you attached a Cryptek or Lord to Deathmarks, they cannot deepstrike onto the board when an enemy unit arrives, largely removing the usefulness of the Hunters from Hyperspace rule. If you deploy that unit onto the board normally at initial setup, and don't hav an enemy unit on the baord to target, the rule is completely nullified.

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Shiny Rhino has the gist of the argument, and that what it seems like to me.


But they do have a work around, deploy them in normal reserves (ie. don't declare Deep Strike) with their veil Cryptek. And because their FAQ is so nice they can use veil when available from reserves instead of moving on normally. So they deep strike normally (but not in opponent's turn) and most likely get their Hunters from Hyperspace rule, which would be why it's still popular I believe. My friend and I were wondering why it was so popular with that reading, but a veil Cryptek and the FAQ still lets them function very much like they should do.

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Do remember that because the Cryptek has Veil that he can deep strike so you can still use Hunters from Hyperspace. It only says if a model that can't deep strike joins the unit but because of the Veil they can deep strike now so can still deep strike onto the board and get Hunters from Hyperspace.
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FYI: Space Marine Vanguard Veterans cannot use their 'Heroic Intervention' rule and Eldar Swooping Hawks cannot use their Grenade packs when they are not deep striking onto the boatd. A unit not being able to use its special deep strike rule when it is not deep striking is not uncommon. Though at least the Deathmarks can still use that rule when being deployed normally at the beginning of the game, provided there are targets on the table at the moment they are deployed.
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