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Caffeineated's DAPC Vow

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So thus far I've vowed to complete an 8 man squad of Khorne Berzerkers w/ a Skull Champion with a Powerfist and a Rhino w/ a combi-melta. So I put the bezerkers together last noght. Couldn't find my camera, so I just got pics taken so I could put them up. This is my first time making Khorne Bezerkers(most of my models are pre-owned) as well as my first time making a whole squad of custom models, this will also be my first time using the new citadel paint range. So here they are, let me know what you think.


The 13th Coterie:





The Skull Champion, to be named:



The Blood Acolyte/Icon Bearer, also to be named:



Three of the Slaughterer-Brothers:



The last 3 Slaughterer-Brothers:



Will Be priming these now, will hopefully have more pics up of the painting progress soon.

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Looking good!

Some nice poses and parts.

Thanks, I thought a lot on those, some of my used berzerkers have terrible poses, the worst being this one 'zerker standing and facing forward, a bolt pistol sticking straight out, and a chainsword held at arm's length vertically like a priest holding a crucifix at something unholy... w/out the dynamism of pose that such a priest would have... :lol:

Very nice! I'm loving the WFB chaos warrior parts, is that where that banner is from? Might have to snag some warriors up for the next Zerker squad I assemble now!


And Evil eyeball, that was awful, really corny. (whoops!)




Very nice! I'm loving the WFB chaos warrior parts, is that where that banner is from? Might have to snag some warriors up for the next Zerker squad I assemble now!


And Evil eyeball, that was awful, really corny. (whoops!)




I rather liked it, though I have a weakness for puns. And no, the banner is from the standard 10 man CSM squad box, might also be on the 5-man one... but I've never gotten that one.


And thank you everyone for the feedback. I've been busy since putting them together, but am base coating them now, should have pics up tomorrow(left my camera at work, and I refuse to go in on my day off)

Well I finally have time(and my camera... '>.>) to upload new pics so first off, pics from after my first round of basecoating them:




And where they are currently after having done some of the detail work, mostly weapons and faces:



My skull-helmed Blood Acolyte/icon bearer:


My Skull Champion:


And the other guys:



Anyway I'm rather happy with how well they're coming along. Again, any comments, suggestions, or criticisms are appreciated.

Nice :)


Only issue I can see is the Gold on the Standard Bearer looks a bit goopy, like it had split whilst you were painting it.


If you want to get a nice smooth Gold try mixing it 60/40 with one of the richer shades of brown (Calthan, Scorched or even Snakebite would do, Mournfang with the new paints) and apply 1-2 thin coats of thatt then put a couple of thin coats of Gold over that.


This will give you a nice even Gold with a bit of depth, which a light Sepia wash will richen.


Other than that I can't see any other issues and I like the Red.


Keep it going :)

Nice :)


Only issue I can see is the Gold on the Standard Bearer looks a bit goopy, like it had split whilst you were painting it.


If you want to get a nice smooth Gold try mixing it 60/40 with one of the richer shades of brown (Calthan, Scorched or even Snakebite would do, Mournfang with the new paints) and apply 1-2 thin coats of thatt then put a couple of thin coats of Gold over that.


This will give you a nice even Gold with a bit of depth, which a light Sepia wash will richen.


Other than that I can't see any other issues and I like the Red.


Keep it going :)

It's the new Khorne red. And yeah, I'm redoing the gold, my normal golds are fine but I tried using the new Auric Gold, I still don't think it's quite all the way mixed and is way more yellow than I want, even moreso than shining gold(which I usually put over dwarf bronze for my gold/brass stuff), ty for the suggestion though, haven't tried sepia over the gold yet, I think I will, and I'll use a test bit to try the brown underneath instead of my usual.

They look tre cool Caffeineated! I particularly like the dark red you are using there - much better than the orangey red that we are used to.

Yeah I've always hated the warm red on them, they looked kiddish, I know that they have bunny ears but this isn't teletubby40k. So I've always used scab red for my 'zerkers, and with the new line listing Khorne red as the replacemt for scab, I decided to try it out. The dark red also is nice since my DIY chapter, the Brotherhood of Slaughter, is a highly religious World Eaters offshoot containing Word Bearer-esque elements, so I like that the dark red makes them look a little more like the bearers of the word


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