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How to beat 1k sons

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Hey everyone as the title says I am wondering does anyone have any advice for versing a thousand sons themed army with a Nurgle themed chaos marine army I am just wondering as in a 2 weeks time I am having a 1250pt battle against a thousand son player any ideas I have 21 plague marines, a chaos sorcerer, vindicator, land raider, 2 rhinos and a chaos spawn but don't know what to take any advice will be greatly appreciated


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You have the advantage in that you have far more flexible cult troops compared to 1k sons. Since everything is packing a 4+ save, I would rely on close combat and weight of fire to knock them out.


Bring the land raider, put 7 plague marines with a power fist and the sorcerer in there and use those as your main assault force.

Put the rest of the plague marines in the rhino, with meltaguns for any armor the 1k sons bring. Vindicator provides fire support.

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What power should the sorcerer have I usually run him with Gift of Chaos mainly since the last 2 armies I versed were low toughness armies (eldar and sisters of battle) which would be better wind of chaos or nurgles rot??? Oh yeah forgot to mention I have 2 dreadnoughts able to have them with any weapon combination
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I'd strongly recommend using your sorcerer model as a Chaos Lord with [counts as] lightning claws. I have the Forge World Nurgle sorcerer and that's how I use him. His guys are going to be pretty poor in combat so you should capitalise on that with a decent close combat lord. His sorcerers are going to be stronger than yours so don't try to compete on that level.


Also I think it would be good to use both those dreadnoughts. If you have the arms available I'd give them both 2 DCCWs and heavy flamers. I know they're not popular choices but having two will offset the chance they might go mental and one of the "crazed" results will actually be beneficial.


Your opponent will quite likely have a hard time getting rid of two dreadnoughts if you can get them into close combat because he won't have many (or any) power fists.


This would be my basic list based on the models you have:


Chaos Lord w/ lightning claws

7 Plague Marines

7 Plague Marines

7 Plague Marines

Land Raider

2 x Rhino

2 Dreadnoughts w/ 2DCCWs and heavy flamers


I think you should have enough points for that! I just did a rough count. If you are short on points I'd knock down one PM squad to 5 men with no champion and 2 plasma guns to camp on an objective or anchor your battle line. Still give them a Rhino though, because they can hang around inside it and still fire both plasma guns. It's a bit cheeky but fun!


This is of course my opinion based on my own battlefield experience but I hope you find it useful.


Good luck. :D

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If your opponent is anything like me, he will likely roll very well when it comes to 4+. Don't worry about taking power weapons.


Ensure that you have ways to get a Land Raider in his face. Don't waste time with the vindicator. If you take it, just use it to kill Oblits or Rhinos.


Hop some PMs out into cover and rapid fire with double Flamers, or get into combat.


Dreadnoughts are a GO vs. Tsons.


"What's that? You have a 3+ save? Okay, take like ten of them.


Oh.... and put an armor save on that Sorcerer."



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Pure 1ksons (Even with Oblits.) Do not like armour... be it 2+ or tanks... Hide in bushes and your 4+/FNP will be just as good if not better than his 3+.


The crush him with the rest of your force... Don't throw ICs into combat with rubrics... they die the sorcerer kills your ic... Dreads or DPs cause bigger problems.


You should be able to win the shooting battle and then if he gets close you should have the advantage by that point to win in combat. Just let him charge you XD defensive grenades + SnP will hurt him.

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This is the list I have so far



Chaos Sorcerer 135pts

Mark of Nurgle, Nurgles Rot



7 Plague marines 211pts

2 flamers, champ with powerfist


7 plague marines 216pts

2 meltaguns, rhino transport


7 plague marines 216pts

meltaguns, rhino


Heavy Support

Land Raider 220pts


I don't know if I should add 2 dreads with dual close combat weapons or a dread and vindicator, I like the sorcerer mainly due to he has proven himself over and over in my last few games killing saint Celestine twice and spawning a canoness as well as making a farseer with a warlock and 10 guardians run away off the board and killing a Wraithlord in combat plus I like my model I use.

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Hey again, I'd defo go for the two dreads, it's good to have redundancy in both terms of fire frenzy and one getting nobbled by las fire. Plus, as walkers, they can hide in cover.


I would still recommend using a lord rather than a Nurgle's Rot sorcerer. Your previous opponents sound like they're all toughness 3. I think you'll be wounding on 5+ with the Rot against T4 marines and they'll get their 3+ armour save.


Anyway, it's your army, it's up to you ay? :lol:


Will you let us know how you get on?

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I tend to find that whilst I love them, Vindicators are less likely to make their points back over a Dreadnaught. But then, you've got pie plates that can do serious damage to high-point value marines... your choice.


I think perhaps both might be the more flexible option, but you'd lose the close combat prowess of a Dread that cannot be underestimated, especially against foes that excel at close range.


Personally, I think a Sorcerer would be rendered reasonably null against them, and agree with the sentiment of a hardy Lord character.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone just played against 1k sons yesterday using that list that is posted earlier in this thread with 2 dreads with dual dread arms with heavy flamers we played annilation with me winning by 1 kill point here is a overview of what my opponet took


Chaos Lord

mark of tzeentch, wings, daemon weapon


5 chosen with all plasma guns


2x 9 thousand sons mounted in rhinos with havoc launchers


5 raptors with 2 meltas


2 oblierators each taken as a seperate unit


they were all beautifully painted in thousand sons colours , long story short we played annilation with me winning as I managed to kill off his obliterators and raptors so I managed to pick off most of his army with my land raider as nothing of his remaining units could destroy it, his lord took a meltagun to the face killing him while my sorcerer massacred his raptors and a squad of thousand sons, dreads kept going fire frenzy or the other crazy one but never did anything being destroyed by the raptors and chosen, one sqaud was wiped out by the later wiped out thousand sons leaving the plague champion with the sorcerer to hide in the land raider, the other two plague marines did ok one killed one obliterator and the chaos lord while the other was wiped out by the lord before he was fried, his other obliterator was killed by my land raider who also destroyed a rhino and 3 of the 9 remaining thousand sons ending on turn 7, was a pretty good game my next game in two weeks is a double battle 1000pts each with nurgle daemons though still haven't worked out who we are versing.

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Cheers I am trying save up my money to buy a good video camera so I can film my battles as I am not that great with writing battle reports, as a reward for winning against thousand sons I am converting a squad of thousand sons into plague marines so I will always know that my first ever battle I won was against thousand sons hopefully I can win my next battle.
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You don't really need a video camera- a series of good turn-by-turn still shots is honestly just as good. I would be more inclined to peruse those than watch some other bloke play 40k. :P
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You don't really need a video camera- a series of good turn-by-turn still shots is honestly just as good. I would be more inclined to peruse those than watch some other bloke play 40k. ;)


Yeah, definitely agree there. I never bother watching video batreps but I'll always check out written ones with turn-by-turn snaps when I see them.

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