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Best Way To Kill Bikes as BA

IK Viper

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got a game this saturday vs. the "Boys in Blue." I know that this guy has and likes to run alot of bikes and I have litte experience vs. bikes, anything to lookout for? best way to deal with them?


BTW I use ML Dev. Squads and JP RAS slot with a Sang Priest or 2 and Sang Guard lead by a JP Libby. Not exactly sure of the mixture exactly yet. Toughness 5 concerns me in dealing with the bikes a little bit.

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From a thread about dealing with necron wraiths:


Same way Blood Angels deal with anything.


Death company.


DC with a chaplain dont care about toughness of the bikes, as they reroll to wound.


You are S5 on the charge with priests anyway, so the toughness is not an issue. The bikes have the advantage of maneuverability, which is negated by the ability to move quickly of the BA.

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As Xenith said, DC all the way. If you want to go shooty drop loads of bolter shells into them, the best way to do that is a Baal or two. They have a 3+ coversave, but that means they'll die like normal marines against massed anti-infantry fire. Or use that flamestorm-cannon, but don't expect your Baal to survive after that.



If you go the DC route, try Lemartes just for fun. He makes marines cry like babies.




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I will probalby do D Pod DC then, 8 in a pod with Lematres, all bolters and 1 PF, I was concidering this already but worry that the bikes would just run away leaving my Black Rage filled guys to WALK after them :-(
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I will probalby do D Pod DC then.

Possibly the worst idea. You pod in, kill a bike, then they turboboost away from you, never to get into combat. Jump packs or a land raider/raven all the way. You have to hem them in.


Also, Lemartes cannot get into a drop pod.

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I will probalby do D Pod DC then, 8 in a pod with Lematres, all bolters and 1 PF, I was concidering this already but worry that the bikes would just run away leaving my Black Rage filled guys to WALK after them :-(


Nah not the best idea bro. Take the Stormraven or a Landraider instead, gets you where you want them and you can embark on the transport after you got the job done.


If you go DC, better go all close-combat weapons, the fists/hammers get bolters. CC is what they were made for, after all. And re-rolling to-hit and to-wound rolls is much more fun with powerweapons. ;)





Edit: Damn! ninja'd! ;)

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Watch out for characters mixed amongst them, I've found a captain on a bike with a relic blade a really nasty proposition to face.


He can turbo boost around with a squad of bikes making him hard to shoot and then slow down to assault.


Best option I've found is a Dreadnought, especially a Furioso or Librarian (Non libby needs a Raven avoid getting the run around). you can ignore the Captain (relic blade can't hurt AV13) at first if there is a power fist on the squad sgt, if not kill him then eat the other bikers and just hope he doesn't get lucky with a melta bomb.

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I think the best option would be some Blood Talon love sent their way.

Strength 6 with re-rolls, so wounding T5 isn't too hard? AV 13, so attacking back isn't too dangerous? Every wound you cause creates more? Bikes? WHAT bikes?! :)



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Sounds good, had not concidered the Relic Blade captain much but I am sure that would be a smart play on his part. Right now I am planning on fielding 2 full JP RAS, Sang. Guard, JP Sang Priest and JP Libby so I think I can track him down, Got a big 10 man Tac Term Squad to deny the midfield hopefully, and am currently debating on taking 2 ML Dev. Squads or going with 1 Dev. Squad and a Podded MM Dreadnought to round things out. Leaning toward the 2 Dev Squads unless the map is pretty cluttered.
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I will probalby do D Pod DC then, 8 in a pod with Lematres, all bolters and 1 PF, I was concidering this already but worry that the bikes would just run away leaving my Black Rage filled guys to WALK after them :-(

Even though the other guys said Death Co. in a DP were bad, but you were right about the bikes and their ability to fail morale and fall back intentionally. Combat tactics is very, VERY good against bikes. If the guy is running Shrike, he won't have Combat Tactics, but if he is running Captain on bike, be ready. If you are going to assault them, you better be sure you can wipe them out that turn of combat. Otherwise they will fall back and shoot you again! My buddy plays this army and it does very well against it. I would take as much mobile firepower you have. Baal preds, autolas preds, razorbacks, typhoons would be great against them. Shoot them to pieces, beat them at their own game. Everything they tote is only 24" range, and you have the ability to move 12" and still shoot. Assault them as a last resort or take get them off objectives. I say nay for the Death Co on this one.


Same way Blood Angels deal with anything.


Death company.

That is pretty awesome though.

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I would take as much mobile firepower you have. Baal preds, autolas preds, razorbacks, typhoons would be great against them. Shoot them to pieces, beat them at their own game. Everything they tote is only 24" range, and you have the ability to move 12" and still shoot. Assault them as a last resort or take get them off objectives. I say nay for the Death Co on this one.


Nah, wouldn't go too much into the firepower thing, though. A bike squad is no problem in CC for us Blood Angels, while they are very resilient against shooting due to their increased toughness(well, that's in cc too) and the possible 3+ coversave. With lascannons and typhoons you lose more than you gain, actually since the save will be there, no matter what AP you have.


Get into CC, and their biggest strength, mobility and therefore the aforementioned cover save will be gone. We are more mobile, and better in CC. There's nothing to say against some shots prior to assault to soften them up, but relying on shooting is probably not the best idea.


A captain with relicblade? Send Lemartes, Astorath, Mephiston, or a normal Captain of us w/ furious charge after him. No probs. A command bike squad? How about some Sanguinary Guard, DC or a Furioso dread with Blood Fists? Take half of the squad down in one phase and watch the rest die like flies.



I advise a Stormraven. Sure it's expensive, but hey, meltaweapons don't gain the extra D6, you have Spirit of the Machinegod(or how it's called) and a coversave! Load it up, fly it across the board, make impact.


Mission accomplished.




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I don't think they'll be zooming around the board the whole game to claim 3++, other wise they won't get anything done! I'm not saying we are bad at combat, I am saying that their combat tactics makes for a bad recipe to get shot up, over and over again. I have always played by the motto, "If you can outrange them, do so."


T5 is no matter for assault cannons, missiles, autocannons, and lascannons. S8+ is enough to get rid of those pesky bikers in 1 wound. Really, a 3++ save is just as good as their normal save. Bikes don't want close combat, and will try to stay at a 24" range. Play their game and outrange them!

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What about some happy medium here. Shoot them until they have to come in and then counter assault with the JP's


I am going to field the following at 1750 points tommorrow I think, BTW I do not have a SR yet otherwise I would use it here, also no Mephiston, im still building my army :-(


2 10 man RAS with JP, (2 Melta 1 PF in each squad)

Sang Guard with Chap Banner and 2 Inf. Pistols

2 JP Sang Priests

JP Libby


2 Dev Squads with 4 ML

10 Tactical Terminators with 2 Assault Cannons and 2 Chain fists.




2 10 man RAS with JP, (2 Melta 1 PF in each squad)

Sang Guard with Chap Banner and 2 Inf. Pistols

2 JP Sang Priests



1 Dev Squad

10 Tactical Terminators with 2 Assault Cannons

Power Armor Sang Priest


I think these lists are correct, I have them written down at the house but I'm on break at work typing this so its from memory and they may be a little off but you get the basic idea. I was Thinking that if I can get the terminators to midfield toward cover I can put out alot of shots, hoping to cause them to fail alot of saves since a 3+ and a 3++ are all the same when your talking wbout AC and Storm Bolter shots. Hoping to draw him in and counter charge with my Jumpers.


What is different about a Bike command squad vs a normal squad of bikes? they have FnP from the Apothicary right? and 2 attacks base?


How devastating should I expect a relic blade captain to be? I feel like he could probably put alot of hurt on my Sang Guard if he strikes 1st :-(

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What about some happy medium here. Shoot them until they have to come in and then counter assault with the JP's


I am going to field the following at 1750 points tommorrow I think, BTW I do not have a SR yet otherwise I would use it here, also no Mephiston, im still building my army :-(


2 10 man RAS with JP, (2 Melta 1 PF in each squad)

Sang Guard with Chap Banner and 2 Inf. Pistols

2 JP Sang Priests

JP Libby


2 Dev Squads with 4 ML

10 Tactical Terminators with 2 Assault Cannons and 2 Chain fists.




2 10 man RAS with JP, (2 Melta 1 PF in each squad)

Sang Guard with Chap Banner and 2 Inf. Pistols

2 JP Sang Priests



1 Dev Squad

10 Tactical Terminators with 2 Assault Cannons

Power Armor Sang Priest


I think these lists are correct, I have them written down at the house but I'm on break at work typing this so its from memory and they may be a little off but you get the basic idea. I was Thinking that if I can get the terminators to midfield toward cover I can put out alot of shots, hoping to cause them to fail alot of saves since a 3+ and a 3++ are all the same when your talking wbout AC and Storm Bolter shots. Hoping to draw him in and counter charge with my Jumpers.


What is different about a Bike command squad vs a normal squad of bikes? they have FnP from the Apothicary right? and 2 attacks base?


How devastating should I expect a relic blade captain to be? I feel like he could probably put alot of hurt on my Sang Guard if he strikes 1st :-(

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What about some happy medium here. Shoot them until they have to come in and then counter assault with the JP's


I am going to field the following at 1750 points tommorrow I think, BTW I do not have a SR yet otherwise I would use it here, also no Mephiston, im still building my army :-(


2 10 man RAS with JP, (2 Melta 1 PF in each squad)

Sang Guard with Chap Banner and 2 Inf. Pistols

2 JP Sang Priests

JP Libby


2 Dev Squads with 4 ML

10 Tactical Terminators with 2 Assault Cannons and 2 Chain fists.




2 10 man RAS with JP, (2 Melta 1 PF in each squad)

Sang Guard with Chap Banner and 2 Inf. Pistols

2 JP Sang Priests



1 Dev Squad

10 Tactical Terminators with 2 Assault Cannons

Power Armor Sang Priest


I think these lists are correct, I have them written down at the house but I'm on break at work typing this so its from memory and they may be a little off but you get the basic idea. I was Thinking that if I can get the terminators to midfield toward cover I can put out alot of shots, hoping to cause them to fail alot of saves since a 3+ and a 3++ are all the same when your talking wbout AC and Storm Bolter shots. Hoping to draw him in and counter charge with my Jumpers.


What is different about a Bike command squad vs a normal squad of bikes? they have FnP from the Apothicary right? and 2 attacks base?


How devastating should I expect a relic blade captain to be? I feel like he could probably put alot of hurt on my Sang Guard if he strikes 1st :-(

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sang guard can do a nice little number on his bikes, ignoring armour, wounding on 4s and his bikes will be in small units.

The also wil be cheaper than DC, as DC are more expensive, need a character and delivery system (stormraven/land raider)


a relic blade captain is nasty if he charges....4 S6 power weap will kill a good amount of SG. So, don't let him charge ! we have JPs for a reason after all !

Charge the unit he's with, and attack him directly and kill him....the unit will not have much punch left afterwards, and happily finish them next turn.

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