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Night Lord Bikers...

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Not just Night Lord's I guess, but really, if you read the Chaos Biker description, it's such a Night Lordy thing...mercilessly hunting down the weak & fearful to capture them as slaves. They're also described as even more cruel amongst Chaos marines..


Why does nobody ever use them in fluff based armies? Or are they proper just..useless?

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I've been considering adding some to my force but with 6th so close I'll wait to see what happens :D


Having said that though, I have recently used a 8 strong khornate marked unit to exterminate a potentially pesky avatar (khorne loves those twin linked bolters lol) in a codex battle missions game (black crusade) against a mates eldar.


Fluff wise I love it :P

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I used them for the first time last weekend... here's what happened... turn one turbo boost, turn two 12" move fire plasma weapons... one died from gets hot! the others missed, opponents next turn the other 2 were gunned down. So, no kills three fatalities... one self inflicted. I'll give them another chance another time, but things are looking bleak.
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I've never used any but reading this thread and thinking about Night Lords did give me a modelling idea:

A loyalist Astartes/Imperial Guard being dragged along behind the NL biker via a chain.

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The reason why nobody uses bikes is the same as why nobody uses possessed...they are very overpriced and other units in the codex do the same thing as them on the battlefield...only better...
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Like jeske said, Chaos Bikes are pretty bad from a strictly game-winning perspective. Being eight points per model more than the loyalist equivalents, having no options for a heavy weapon-equipped attack bike, and the fact that Icon point costs penalize units that aren't at max numbers all hurt them.


Fluff-wise, they're great, but the bulk of gamers are never going to be all that enthusiastic for a unit that has dubious viability on tabletop.

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I dont think its a game wining question . the thing is termicid does the same thing only cheaper with being harder to counter [and I think we agree that termicid is not a win unit , its just something we have to take when we play more then 1850pts].


ah forgot stuff about the bikers . old and ugly models [i have nothing against old and awesome models] .

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I'm currently putting together a 5-man unit for my Night Lords, using a combination of the current bike bodies with the metal fronts and side scythes from the old bezerker bikers. They look a bit front-heavy, but very mean and nasty-looking, which is just the thing I would expect the Night Lords to use.


And yeah, while they are currently fairly useless in the current rules due to massive overcosting, I'm hoping that with the upcoming codex that they drop in price so that they are at least useable on the table. I'm more of a fluff gamer than a crunch gamer, but I like my lists to not be TOO handicapped...

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I don't run Night Lords... but biker units could be useful to bulk out an Apocalypse-level force.


Switching to my jaundiced, cynical mode, I'm expecting 6th edition Codex to suddenly and loudly declare Bikers as the BESTEST and BADDEST EVAH unit in the universe -- and why the &%£"$ is no-one using them???!???


Uh, cost per model might be a sticking point... but then, most of us don't work at GW HQ and get our hobby subsidized (grumble)...

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I also do not run Night Lords, but I am planning my warband's build to be based off of a Battle Company, and so 2 Assault Squads will be in the final build for the stable. One Assault squad is already set up as Jump Marines (with Icon of Khorne) and I'm already planning on the other squad being Slaaneshi speed freak bikers. But that's after I complete the rest of the Company, sadly.


And yeah, it's too bad their cost to efficiency ratio is far too low to be a desirable option in most games.

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I don't see motorcycles fluffy at all in the far future... I may think of running some Jetbikes as "counts-as" Bikes, but it's not really the same. They never fit into the setting, IMO.
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