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Shepherds of the Doomed


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Er Memoriam has been carrying the honored doomed of the 4th Company's Death Company into battle for the better part of fourteen centuries. Across it's ancient hull are inscribed the planets and campaigns it has driven into, including Baal. A planet that, to the sons of Sanguinius, is second in importance only to holy Terra, and underneath those, etched in gold, are the fallen heroes this machine has ferried to their ultimate fates. It's machine spirit is solemn and intractable, never ceasing in it's duty to deliver the Death Company into the heart of combat. It wears it's scars of battle proudly, as unyielding and unstoppable in it's mission to give it's charges the glorious deaths they deserve as any skull-faced warleader of the Reclusiam. Both it's name and it's hull inscriptions are a silent oath to all who fall to the Black Rage that even in death, their names shall be honored and carried into battle for centuries to come.

And Astorath the Grim


This one turned out darker than the others somehow. I think I may have blocked one of my backlights.






C&C highly appreciated.

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Hi there :P First off Shepard's of the Doomed sounds odd ;p Shepard's of the Damned seems to work more ;p lol.


Anyway, the Rhino is excellent, looks exactly like it should 'on the box' as it were.


Astorath is interesting, I really like the wings, they look like buzzard or hawk wings with those stripes, works really well. The colour contast of the armour is good and really looks like a Damian Hurst style creation with the skin flensed from the muscle and bone, the only slightly odd looking thing are those nipples... I know blood angels nowadays are obsessed with armouring their meaty chest projectiles, but in the scheme you've chosen they stand out a little too much! I would be tempted to paint them either the 'muscle' colour or a slightly darker version to tone them down, but thats just my opinion. The axe blade is particularly well done, you've really got that lightning right there :P . The only other slight criticism would be the base, the slightly wonky tiles are accentuated in looking a little childish by being a mix of red/white/black, perhaps it might be an idea to either: A - have them all one colour, or a duet of colours and B - really weather them so they look wonky for a reason and have bits of stuff growing between them.


But overall a brilliant job, and a unique looking model! :lol:

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Absolutely loving the Rhino and the background story of the vehicle, especially the names of lost brothers etched in the hull. I like how you've giving it a sense of character which is befitting for a DC Rhino.


Inspiring stuff, mate!

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Thanks, guys!


I'm really pleased with the rhino too. It's my first time doing this much freehand on one model. I just thought with that much blank hull space and FW doors it really screamed to have something cool done with it. I'm so relieved that I managed to avoid bullocksing it up.



I can see where you're coming from on the nips, nurglespuss. Yeah, I didn't really know what to do with them, so he ended up with bone nipples of fury, all the better to skewer the eyes of his enemies as they stare at him and wonder why the artificers moulded nipples onto armor made to look like it was flensed skin.

As for the base, I suppose in retrospect it does look a little kid-like. I felt the plain black/white tiles were a little too monochromatic, and I didn't think to do tiles until after the base was glued into place so they didn't turn out QUITE straight. I did another one for the Mephiston model I'm finishing that turned out much better because I made the base before inserting the mini. Maybe I'll go over them with black again later, but as it is I'm content with it for now. You were almost right about the wings. My inspiration was actually the horned owl. I didn't think I had quite pulled it off, but I think I got as close as I could with the paints I had on-hand. I'm glad you like it.




Well, Death Company are invariably doomed, but whether or not they're damned is likely a point of conjecture. ;)

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Minor critique on the backstory of Er Memoriam. While intractable is a lovely word using it twice in short sequence doesn't help. Also, this -

It's machine spirit is solemn and intractable. Never ceasing in it's duty to deliver the Death Company into the heart of combat

- should be one sentence or the second sentence reworded.


Your painting and modelling of Memoriam and Astorath blow me away however, please make more of the same vein :lol:

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I hadn't even noticed that, Thirst, but you're absolutely right. Edited to something more correct. :) You might like my Death Company that I think I posted on here a bit of a while back. Everything's in my B&C album if you're of the mind.
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