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Pivoting vehicles...


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I called a player on this today but was unable to find the rule to back me up.


Vehicles can't pivot in the shooting phase? Yes? No?


I was always under the impression this was a no-no other than walkers.


Does anyone have a ref. for me ? Thanks!

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They most definitely can't, although unfortunately I don't have a reference right now, rulebook isn't to hand. I think the noteworthy point to make is that they mention explicitly that Dreads are stated as the exception to the rule.
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pg 58 of the BRB, shows LOS and shooting for vehicles, unlike dreads as already stated it doesnt allow pivoting in the shooting phase.

what it does show is that pivoting doesnt count as moving for clarifying how many weapons can fire.. but thats all, nothng more.


personally id have challenged him to prove his case, rather than the other way around


edit: page 57 under vehicles and movement defines what a pivot means, its wheeling or turning on its centre point done during the movement phase

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Potentially relevant; Pg 11, col 2 para2:

"Infantry models can also be turned to face their targets in the shooting phase..."


Page 57, col 1 para 6:

"Pivoting on the spot alone does not count as moving, so a vehicle that only pivots in the Movement phase counts as stationary (however, immobilised vehicles may not even pivot)."

(Italics mine)


Usually people read that as saying that pivoting does not count as moving. However, they tend to forget that the full rules says "in the movement phase". There is no way its allowed to pivot in teh shooting phase, unless it has a rule that allows it to move in the shooting phase (akin to Jet-packs on Tau battlesuits). I included the infantry quote at the top since it says that infantry models are allwoed to make that pivot in teh shooting pahse - of interest is the fact that infantry models specifically can do it - not any model.

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where does it say that a dread can pivot in the shooting phase? its not infantry



Page 72 brb.



And infantry has 360 view so you dont need to pivot them, eyes in the back of their heads you know.

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It's funny how the rules flip-flop with each addition. In 2nd Ed, turning was even more restrictive; it was limited to 90 degrees or even 45 degrees depending on your movement speed. 4th Ed you can pivot freely any time and even before shoot. 5th Ed and you have to be in position at the end of Movement phase.


As a good rule of thumb, the rules are permissive. If it does not state you can pivot in the Shooting phase, then it is not allowed. It never says a vehicle can't move in the assault phase either but that does not mean you can.

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This topic was brought up in my last game too. It was more of a curiosity then a major thing. (since he was pivoting in the movement phase anyway)
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It's funny how the rules flip-flop with each addition. In 2nd Ed, turning was even more restrictive; it was limited to 90 degrees or even 45 degrees depending on your movement speed.


You should see the first edition! Anyone remember Turn Radius Ratios?

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It's funny how the rules flip-flop with each addition. In 2nd Ed, turning was even more restrictive; it was limited to 90 degrees or even 45 degrees depending on your movement speed.


You should see the first edition! Anyone remember Turn Radius Ratios?

Mmmm, the "good ol' days". B)

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You should see the first edition! Anyone remember Turn Radius Ratios?




And acceleration/deceleration stats? My friends and I put up with that for about two games before we started using our own house rules for vehicle movement.

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from what im getting on this is that i can NOT face my target with my dread, wait to fire it if something else comes up or i kill its target with something else, then pivot it to face a new target if i need/want to?


Dreads can pivot in the shooting phase as they're similar to infantry. So you can face them towards a target, kill it with something else and then pivot them to shoot at something else.

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  • 4 weeks later...
thats so wrong................


I believe it's supposed to represent the ability of a Walker to pivot at the hip as opposed to tank having to pivot it's entire hull. Have you never played Mechwarrior? <_<

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thats so wrong................


I believe it's supposed to represent the ability of a Walker to pivot at the hip as opposed to tank having to pivot it's entire hull. Have you never played Mechwarrior? <_<


That is honestly the best example to explain it. Walkers (at least dreadnoughts) are mounted on their legs in such a fashion as to be able to simply rotate on the spot. A tank has to literally use both treads to turn the hull. It takes much longer to turn a tank then something like a walker.

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