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Flesh Tearers Army


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Hy everyone,


Please see below the first photos of my Flesh Tearers army. It begins with my stormraven


C&C welcome.
















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Thanks Lsmith for your reply. I do not use hurricane bolters, I find them costly and not very efficient.


Please see new photos of one of my tactical squads plus one attack bike. Please note that I will change the current backpack of the sanguinary priest with a MK5 jet pack.



















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Loving these models. Nice solid painting. Great job! :D


Thanks a lot for your comment.


New photos with a furioso pattern contemptor





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Very nice work. MUCH better than I can paint. I especially like the attack bike, BUT you didn't drill out the Melta barrels or the exhaust pipes. Thats the only sticking point for me.


Yeah you're right, will do. Thanks for your encouragement.


Please see new photos of my devastator squad.







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Please see the chapter master Gabriel Seth and his honour guard. The HG is carried in an heavy flamer razorback.












Feedback welcome!

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Nice looking FT there, I dig the grim dark look you have going on and the mixed armour marks. Also the helm on Seth looks so much better than his normal head, which I dislike as he looks a bit, erm, chubby chopped. I would love to see the barrels drilled out though!
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Nice looking FT there, I dig the grim dark look you have going on and the mixed armour marks. Also the helm on Seth looks so much better than his normal head, which I dislike as he looks a bit, erm, chubby chopped. I would love to see the barrels drilled out though!


Thanks Midnight Runner. From a person who has such a beautiful army, your compliments give me great pleasure.

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Although I have a long standing feud with the Flesh Tearers, I have to say, these models are amazing! Normally I'm an advocate of helmets on marine models, but I personally think Seth looks better bare headed. Also, glad to see I'm not the only one who glued the tail fins of the Stormraven on the wrong way round ;)

Looks more aerodynamic anyway.

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Although I have a long standing feud with the Flesh Tearers, I have to say, these models are amazing! Normally I'm an advocate of helmets on marine models, but I personally think Seth looks better bare headed. Also, glad to see I'm not the only one who glued the tail fins of the Stormraven on the wrong way round ;)

Looks more aerodynamic anyway.


I never noticed that I glued the tail fins on the wrong side :cuss . If someday someone makes me notice that I would say that indeed it look more aerodynamic that way...

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Nice Army your building up here, :D


Only problems I can pick out are weapon barrels and mold lines, and they look a bit too clean (Wheres the blood :) ).



[Edit] Didnt think Seth could have Command squad but a quick look at the codex soon shut me up :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...



Please see some news : one assault squad finished and a land raider crusader/reedemer in wip.


C&C welcome!













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I know I've already commented on this thread before but I have to say again; these models are things of beauty.


It kind of gives me a strange sense of pride to see models like this on the forum; so often at my local gamimg club I see models that are painted to the most basic level and though I don't have a problem with that in the slightest, it's left me feeling a little jaded about the hobby. Just seems like so many players want to do the bare minimum of work to get their uber-killy list onto the table these days (though the logical side of my brain tells me that probably isn't true).


So, OP, from this humble member of the forums, please accept my sincerest congratulations and kudos on some fantastic work. Your work is a credit, and hopefully an inspiration to others.

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Thanks Midnight Runner. From a person who has such a beautiful army, your compliments give me great pleasure.


;) Cheers man!


Digging the new stuff, especially the 'Raider. Nice to see the sponsons on the front appeture, as who wants to disembark in front of the Flamestorm/Hurricane Bolters during a combat situation ;)

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I know I've already commented on this thread before but I have to say again; these models are things of beauty.


It kind of gives me a strange sense of pride to see models like this on the forum; so often at my local gamimg club I see models that are painted to the most basic level and though I don't have a problem with that in the slightest, it's left me feeling a little jaded about the hobby. Just seems like so many players want to do the bare minimum of work to get their uber-killy list onto the table these days (though the logical side of my brain tells me that probably isn't true).


So, OP, from this humble member of the forums, please accept my sincerest congratulations and kudos on some fantastic work. Your work is a credit, and hopefully an inspiration to others.


Thanks shortysl for you very nice words. It is really helpfull to receive such congratulations to stay motivated.

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Thanks Midnight Runner. From a person who has such a beautiful army, your compliments give me great pleasure.


:) Cheers man!


Digging the new stuff, especially the 'Raider. Nice to see the sponsons on the front appeture, as who wants to disembark in front of the Flamestorm/Hurricane Bolters during a combat situation ;)


Yeah I always found strange to disembark in front of flamestrom cannon duing a combat situation...


Also found strange chaos rhino with pikes or chains that prevent to open the trap door.

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  • 1 month later...

Please see below new pictures.


Librarian dreadnought






Death company squad








Tactical squad










Terminator squad (still in WIP)










C&C welcome!

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