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Army Dynamics


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+++Urgency: High Priority+++

+++Classification: Adeptus Astartes High Command+++


Evening ladies and gentlemen of the Astartes, a question for you?


I have a fairly large Blood Angels army, or at least the models to make it, but i have always been a huge fan of the Wars for Armageddon. I played all the missions against my cousin, that Ork scum and that the back story and Astartes forces were awesome. The plan as of now is to have my army mainly blood angels, but to also include elements such as devastators from the Salamanders, tactical squad/s from other chapters, support vehicles from other chapters etc. trying to make it feel of the joint force tasked with cleansing the planet of the filthy Ork Xenos. If you look in my gallery you will see that I have already started killing orks with my dreadnought model.


Looking for helpful feedback.


+++End Transmission+++

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There is nothing wrong with this, as long as the army plays by the rules of one codex each game. The devs can be painted as Salamanders, but all units are either out of Codex Blood Angels or Codex Space Marines, not mixing 2 books.
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If you are playing apocalypse you can totally combine armies, even some very strange combinations (Necrons and 'Nids, that was a tough fight). For regular casual gaming there is no real restriction provided your opponent is okay with it. Now you will never be able to play a tournament with a mixed army (Farewell allies rules...) but against your cousin? Go nuts. Remember the golden rule of 40k: Have fun.
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As James1 pointed out, it'll play as Codex: Blood Angels, but will just have multiple units painted in different color schemes from other chapters, I just haven't ever seen this done on a large scale, 1850 to 2000pt list size, and wanted some feedback and whether or not you guys think it would be cool to have a multi-chapter army?
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I think it would be cool.


Myself I would try to avoid the 'rainbow effect' where every squad is different, but a core Blood Angels force with a couple of alternate chapter coloured squads and their attendant vehicles could be great.

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white dwarf 196



the hlot occaisionaly declare a crusade against a world, system, or cluster.

Every chapter is expected to send a marine, or a squad of marines, to aid the imperial cause


i'm moderatly sure that paragraph provided the basis for the sabbat worlds....


There is fluffological back up for paintin everymarine a different colour

but one army on codex.

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