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Conversion bitz

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You've seen it before: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...Id=prod1530028a


..I never noticed all the books..


The wizards and students would make perfect objective markers, and Thousand Sons could always use a giant clockwork planet map with tons of candles and books. Oh my... If they give us some sort of Thrall like in the old book? Ooooooooh. I am already scrambling to find 25mm bases for the minis included in this Empire kit.


The conversion potential is insane. Anyone else plan on using this kit for anything Thousand Sons?


Knowledge is power. ^.~

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It is packed with potential!

I wonder how the wizard heads would look on marine bodies (for helmetless sorcerers)?


The orrery-like parts would make fantastic scenery, and the luminark could be used as some kind of weapon...perhaps mount it on a Silver Tower of Tzeentch?

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I was looking at this, loved the model but would never have any use for it in any setting... now I do. Damn you and your great idea! If we are £35 short on paying for our wedding, I shall tell my fiance whose fault it is! :lol:
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