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IA Solvo Angelus 1.5

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Thanks guys for your replies. I do understand the points that have raised and because of this I am going to do a 2.0 version. I really like the suggestions being made for the direction of the chapter, there is a lot of fun to be had exploring them. Feel free to give any more awesome ideas in the same vein :).
  • 2 months later...

Hi All, below are my current ideas for the next incarnation of the Solvo Angelus.


- Refuse to acknowledge other BA chapters when dealing with them, happy to give their opinion on their kin to other Imperial bodies.

- Think they are the proper descendants of Sanguinius.

- Organisation based on a scaled down version of how the Blood Angels legion was organised into the 300 Companies, instead the Solvo Angelus have 3 Companies of approximately 400 Space Marine strong.

- Appears they have halted the affliction the Flaw has on the chapter, no reported cases of the Black Rage and so Astorath conveniently does not visit the chapter.

- No Death Company, rumoured that they secretly kill affected marines.

- Chapter does not use the insanguination process and instead creates marines using the implantation of the 19 Space Marine organs derived by from the chapter’s progenoid glands like most other chapters.

- Mechanicum confirms the apparent stability of the chapters geneseed, still degraded just nowhere as bad as the rest of their kin.

- Other BA successors have cast out the chapter as the Solvo Angelus has turned their back on path and teachings of Sanguinius, by not having Sanguinary Priests etc.

- Use Pre-Heresy Wardens instead of Chaplains, Wardens have the same role.

- 4th Founding from the destroyed Exsanguinators chapter.

- Still have Sanguinary Guard.

- Believe by acting and being like the Pre-Heresy Blood Angels legion they are protected by Sanguinius against the excesses of the Flaw.

- Still have the Red Thirst.

- The chapter sees the current decline of the other BA chapters, including the loss of the Exsanguinators as proof that they alone have are following their Primarch’s graceful path.

- The neophyte scout graduates into a Devastator he must take a name of one of the legionary legionnaire of the original BA legion. This is because they believe the spirit of the namesake will help to them to control the Flaw within their veins.

- The name a neophyte chooses signifies a lot about the kind of marine the neophyte aspires to be.

- The chapter battle brothers believes that the act of being rechristened turns them into Sanguinius’s chosen sons and because of this it spares them the attention of Ka’Bandha, as there have been no reports of the Greater Daemon attacking the Solvo Angelus.

- Fleet primarily based around 3 battle barges, which each transport one of the 3 Companies.

- The chapter tries to emulate the original BA legion as much as possible.

- Use Storm Eagles instead of Storm Ravens.

- Homeworld is the moon Horvan Prime orbiting a gas giant Horvan 4, located in Segmentum Obscuras close to the border with both Segmentums Solar and Pacificus.

- Due to Horvan Prime’s elliptical orbit the moon suffers from gravitational tidal forces which cause extreme tectonic activity which creates hyper volcanism on the moon.

- This in turn spurs out deadly toxins in the moons atmosphere which cause high mortality and mutation rate within the human population, the constant mutation rate has created numerous mutant tribes on Horvan Prime.

- The humans have been reduced to a feral nature due the constant warfare with the mutants. The human tribes typically follow a seasonal migration to maximise the limited resources around them. Competition is high amongst both human and mutant tribes over the scarce resources present.

- The neophytes produced by Horvan Prime are all malnourished by the harsh environment.

- The implantation process turning a neophyte into a battle brother turns the scrawny child into a shining paradigm.The Solvo Angelus sees this as further proof of Sanguinius’s patronage of the chapter.

- The 3 Companies rotate with 2 Companies on active deployment with one Company on stewardship of Horvan Prime and the chapter’s facilities.

- Command Structure:

1) Chapter Master protected by the Sanguinary Guard.

2) Chapter support bodies Wardens office, Librarius, Armoury, Fleet Command, Logisticiam and Apothecium. The Apothecium is responsible for induction and secondment of new recruits to the 3 Companies.

3) The 3 Captains, each marine is responsible for one of the 3 Companies. Each Company numbers approximately 400 battle brothers like the pre-heresy BA legion Company size.

4) Each of the 3 Companies has 4 Element Commanders responsible for each of the squad types within the 3 Companies; Veteran, Tactical, Assault and Devastator. Specific elements can be detached from the 3 Companies under the appropriate Element Commander as required and can be independently deployed using one the chapters mothballed Strike Cruisers.

5) Individual Squad Sergeants.

- Significant part of the chapter’s fleet is kept at extended readiness waiting for the chapter to to call. This includes the chapters few strike cruisers and the majority of the chapters rapid strike vessels. The mothballed vessels undoubtedly have cantankerous machine spirits.

- The Solvo Angelus practices the same combat doctrine as the Pre-Heresy BA Legion, using the fluid graceful approach favoured by Sanguinius.

- Try to actively to save as many Imperial citizens lives as possible and reduce collateral damage unlike other BA legion chapters.

- Favoured tactic is to deploy the entire company by jump pack in similar manour to how the BA conducted the battle of Melchior, descending down upon their enemies on fires of vengeance.

- The Solvo Angelus uses the Pre-Heresy BA legion colour scheme, squad markings and chapter symbol etc.

- This act has caused confusion among the wider Imperium etc. Helped to burn relations and opinions between the Solvo Angelus and other BA chapters.

- Suspected by Imperial authorities that the chapter believe that the Blood Angels chapter falsely inherited its insignia and should not display them as they have fallen from the Angel’s (Sanguinius) grace.


Please feel free to exsanguinate the above ideas at you own leisure :lol:.



Well, it's a lot better than your last version, I'll give you that. :)

My main concern at the moment is that it's got too weak a theme - there's too much content unrelated to the core concept.


- Refuse to acknowledge other BA chapters when dealing with them, happy to give their opinion on their kin to other Imperial bodies.

- Think they are the proper descendants of Sanguinius.

They think that they're better than their forefathers. Excellent. :(


- Organisation based on a scaled down version of how the Blood Angels legion was organised into the 300 Companies, instead the Solvo Angelus have 3 Companies of approximately 400 Space Marine strong.

Yeah, this works; although I might go with 2 Companies instead, to preempt whining, and because of your next point...


- Appears they have halted the affliction the Flaw has on the chapter, no reported cases of the Black Rage and so Astorath conveniently does not visit the chapter.

- No Death Company, rumoured that they secretly kill affected marines.

Yes, excellent. As such, though, I'd go with 2 Companies - if they kill off everyone suffering the Rage, they probably wouldn't be over strength compared to a normal chapter. Additionally, I'd just imply the killing, rather than outright stating that it's rumoured.


- Chapter does not use the insanguination process and instead creates marines using the implantation of the 19 Space Marine organs derived by from the chapter’s progenoid glands like most other chapters.

Any particular reason why?


- Mechanicum confirms the apparent stability of the chapters geneseed, still degraded just nowhere as bad as the rest of their kin.

Why's this?


- Other BA successors have cast out the chapter as the Solvo Angelus has turned their back on path and teachings of Sanguinius, by not having Sanguinary Priests etc.

I'd change this to "not associating with them because they're arrogant jerks with a superiority complex".


- Use Pre-Heresy Wardens instead of Chaplains, Wardens have the same role.

Sounds alright.


- 4th Founding from the destroyed Exsanguinators chapter.

Always good to see more indirect successors.



- Appears they have halted the affliction the Flaw has on the chapter, no reported cases of the Black Rage and so Astorath conveniently does not visit the chapter.

- No Death Company, rumoured that they secretly kill affected marines.



Remember there are two flaws, Red Thirst and Black Rage. Presumably both have been halted, since the geneseed has been declared 'stable'?


- Chapter does not use the insanguination process and instead creates marines using the implantation of the 19 Space Marine organs derived by from the chapter’s progenoid glands like most other chapters.


Isn't the insanguination used simply to activate the organs? BA implant the 19 like anyone else, with insanguination as their method of activation, while other chapter do it differently.


Also, Phoros, is that an Avatar reference in your sig?

  Phoros said:
Well, it's a lot better than your last version, I'll give you that. :P

My main concern at the moment is that it's got too weak a theme - there's too much content unrelated to the core concept.


- Refuse to acknowledge other BA chapters when dealing with them, happy to give their opinion on their kin to other Imperial bodies.

- Think they are the proper descendants of Sanguinius.

They think that they're better than their forefathers. Excellent. :P


- Organisation based on a scaled down version of how the Blood Angels legion was organised into the 300 Companies, instead the Solvo Angelus have 3 Companies of approximately 400 Space Marine strong.

Yeah, this works; although I might go with 2 Companies instead, to preempt whining, and because of your next point...


- Appears they have halted the affliction the Flaw has on the chapter, no reported cases of the Black Rage and so Astorath conveniently does not visit the chapter.

- No Death Company, rumoured that they secretly kill affected marines.

Yes, excellent. As such, though, I'd go with 2 Companies - if they kill off everyone suffering the Rage, they probably wouldn't be over strength compared to a normal chapter. Additionally, I'd just imply the killing, rather than outright stating that it's rumoured.


- Chapter does not use the insanguination process and instead creates marines using the implantation of the 19 Space Marine organs derived by from the chapter’s progenoid glands like most other chapters.

Any particular reason why?


- Mechanicum confirms the apparent stability of the chapters geneseed, still degraded just nowhere as bad as the rest of their kin.

Why's this?


- Other BA successors have cast out the chapter as the Solvo Angelus has turned their back on path and teachings of Sanguinius, by not having Sanguinary Priests etc.

I'd change this to "not associating with them because they're arrogant jerks with a superiority complex".


- Use Pre-Heresy Wardens instead of Chaplains, Wardens have the same role.

Sounds alright.


- 4th Founding from the destroyed Exsanguinators chapter.

Always good to see more indirect successors.




Awesome :P.


Im happy for there to be 3 companies, it makes sense as most chapters are around 1200 marines at full strength once in include all the specialist marines on top of the 1050 battle brothers in the companies. In addition to this having half your fighing strengh sitting at home is a bit silly now :P. Saying that they could have the 2 companies on deployment with only 1 or 2 elements being left to sit next to the post box.


The other BA would probably leave the Solvo Angelus alone because of that, but my reason feeds the Solvo Angleus superioty complex.


It seemed appropriate at the time when I was generating ideas. lol. Im thinking of taking the theme that the chapter's superioty complex and ego is build on a big shining lie; the Solvo Angelus are just as flawed as the other BA, just that the chapter command have kept it under wraps from the wider chapter. You know secretly killing marines who suffer from the black rage, giving over geneseed to the mechanicus from a time when it was not so mutated etc. Creating marines normally would help to add another layer to deception. I could alter the process so that they implant the first 18 implants into the neophyte, the neophyte then goes into the blood pod for insanguination and then gets his black carapace after he leaves the pod. Saying all this if the chapter does not have sanguinary priests to store Sangi's blood for the insanguination process, then by default you'd use the other process surely?


Let the blood flow :(.

  Messor said:
- Appears they have halted the affliction the Flaw has on the chapter, no reported cases of the Black Rage and so Astorath conveniently does not visit the chapter.

- No Death Company, rumoured that they secretly kill affected marines.



Remember there are two flaws, Red Thirst and Black Rage. Presumably both have been halted, since the geneseed has been declared 'stable'?


- Chapter does not use the insanguination process and instead creates marines using the implantation of the 19 Space Marine organs derived by from the chapter’s progenoid glands like most other chapters.


Isn't the insanguination used simply to activate the organs? BA implant the 19 like anyone else, with insanguination as their method of activation, while other chapter do it differently.


Also, Phoros, is that an Avatar reference in your sig?


I have stated they will still have the Red thirst.


I am not sure the BA dex says that the geneseed of Sanguinius is implanted after the aspirants drink the Angel's Blood. So its either they have all 19 implants fitted first or the genessed material is implanted in the correct parts of the aspirant's body and from there the organ tissue grows and develops while in the blood bath.

Okay, the rest of it:


- Believe by acting and being like the Pre-Heresy Blood Angels legion they are protected by Sanguinius against the excesses of the Flaw.

...And are they, or are they just big hypocrites?


- The neophyte scout graduates into a Devastator he must take a name of one of the legionary legionnaire of the original BA legion. This is because they believe the spirit of the namesake will help to them to control the Flaw within their veins.

- The name a neophyte chooses signifies a lot about the kind of marine the neophyte aspires to be.

- The chapter battle brothers believes that the act of being rechristened turns them into Sanguinius’s chosen sons and because of this it spares them the attention of Ka’Bandha, as there have been no reports of the Greater Daemon attacking the Solvo Angelus.

Nice touch. Make sure to expand on it.


- Use Storm Eagles instead of Storm Ravens.

Why? I thought that the BA used the Storm Ravens during and before the Heresy.


- Homeworld is the moon Horvan Prime orbiting a gas giant Horvan 4, located in Segmentum Obscuras close to the border with both Segmentums Solar and Pacificus.

- Due to Horvan Prime’s elliptical orbit the moon suffers from gravitational tidal forces which cause extreme tectonic activity which creates hyper volcanism on the moon.

- This in turn spurs out deadly toxins in the moons atmosphere which cause high mortality and mutation rate within the human population, the constant mutation rate has created numerous mutant tribes on Horvan Prime.

- The humans have been reduced to a feral nature due the constant warfare with the mutants. The human tribes typically follow a seasonal migration to maximise the limited resources around them. Competition is high amongst both human and mutant tribes over the scarce resources present.

- The neophytes produced by Horvan Prime are all malnourished by the harsh environment.

Okay? Not sure I get the intent here... Is this moon meant to be a mirror to Baal?


- The 3 Companies rotate with 2 Companies on active deployment with one Company on stewardship of Horvan Prime and the chapter’s facilities.

400 Marines seems a bit much to leave at home...


But otherwise, this all looks okay.

  Epistolary Exander said:
I have stated they will still have the Red thirst.


I am not sure the BA dex says that the geneseed of Sanguinius is implanted after the aspirants drink the Angel's Blood. So its either they have all 19 implants fitted first or the genessed material is implanted in the correct parts of the aspirant's body and from there the organ tissue grows and develops while in the blood bath.


Ah, must have missed the Red Thirst bit, then, my mistake.


Honestly, my input is gimped by the fact that I don't have the BA codex. I've read it a couple times, but most info I have I just get online, which is also where I got my understanding of insanguination. I believe it was the 40k wiki article on the process that said it merely activated the 19 already implanted organs, parallel to other Astartes rituals like the SW Blooding, the Imperial Fists Hand of Faith, etc. This seemed to imply that the initiates already had all the organs, and needed only to prompt them to function. Who knows, that may make it simpler to exclude insanguination from the Salvo Angelus if they discover/employ some other means of activation. A codex would help to confirm this, though XD.

  Phoros said:
Okay, the rest of it:


- Believe by acting and being like the Pre-Heresy Blood Angels legion they are protected by Sanguinius against the excesses of the Flaw.

...And are they, or are they just big hypocrites?

Im thinking of taking the chapter’s IA that way.


  Phoros said:
- The neophyte scout graduates into a Devastator he must take a name of one of the legionary legionnaire of the original BA legion. This is because they believe the spirit of the namesake will help to them to control the Flaw within their veins.

- The name a neophyte chooses signifies a lot about the kind of marine the neophyte aspires to be.

- The chapter battle brothers believes that the act of being rechristened turns them into Sanguinius’s chosen sons and because of this it spares them the attention of Ka’Bandha, as there have been no reports of the Greater Daemon attacking the Solvo Angelus.

Nice touch. Make sure to expand on it.



  Phoros said:
- Use Storm Eagles instead of Storm Ravens.

Why? I thought that the BA used the Storm Ravens during and before the Heresy.

The BA dex says the Storm Raven was introduced recently to the BA, and in Fear to Tread the BA legion used the Storm Eagle.


  Phoros said:
- Homeworld is the moon Horvan Prime orbiting a gas giant Horvan 4, located in Segmentum Obscuras close to the border with both Segmentums Solar and Pacificus.

- Due to Horvan Prime’s elliptical orbit the moon suffers from gravitational tidal forces which cause extreme tectonic activity which creates hyper volcanism on the moon.

- This in turn spurs out deadly toxins in the moons atmosphere which cause high mortality and mutation rate within the human population, the constant mutation rate has created numerous mutant tribes on Horvan Prime.

- The humans have been reduced to a feral nature due the constant warfare with the mutants. The human tribes typically follow a seasonal migration to maximise the limited resources around them. Competition is high amongst both human and mutant tribes over the scarce resources present.

- The neophytes produced by Horvan Prime are all malnourished by the harsh environment.

Okay? Not sure I get the intent here... Is this moon meant to be a mirror to Baal?

Maybe if you are looking at a mirror through a kaleidoscope? :( I could change it so that the intense competition on the moon creates aspirants to the normal space marine standard?


  Phoros said:
- The 3 Companies rotate with 2 Companies on active deployment with one Company on stewardship of Horvan Prime and the chapter’s facilities.

400 Marines seems a bit much to leave at home...


But otherwise, this all looks okay.

Indeed it is, which is one of the reasons why the chapter deploys specific Company elements on its mothballed strike cruisers.



  Messor said:
  Epistolary Exander said:
I have stated they will still have the Red thirst.


I am not sure the BA dex says that the geneseed of Sanguinius is implanted after the aspirants drink the Angel's Blood. So its either they have all 19 implants fitted first or the genessed material is implanted in the correct parts of the aspirant's body and from there the organ tissue grows and develops while in the blood bath.


Ah, must have missed the Red Thirst bit, then, my mistake.


Honestly, my input is gimped by the fact that I don't have the BA codex. I've read it a couple times, but most info I have I just get online, which is also where I got my understanding of insanguination. I believe it was the 40k wiki article on the process that said it merely activated the 19 already implanted organs, parallel to other Astartes rituals like the SW Blooding, the Imperial Fists Hand of Faith, etc. This seemed to imply that the initiates already had all the organs, and needed only to prompt them to function. Who knows, that may make it simpler to exclude insanguination from the Salvo Angelus if they discover/employ some other means of activation. A codex would help to confirm this, though XD.


You appear to be correct I read the 40k wiki entry and I think most of the info on there is taken from the BA dex. Lol. Atm the main motive why I have the Solvo Angelus not using the insanguination process is because I haven’t decided whats happened to Sangi’s blood as they don’t have sanguinary priests. Maybe they’ve kept it in cold storage or simply lost it, but I don’t think it’s a question I will answer as the reason is probably linked to why the chapter developed its beliefs etc.


Thanks for the feedback it is appreciated :confused:.

  Epistolary Exander said:
  Phoros said:
- The 3 Companies rotate with 2 Companies on active deployment with one Company on stewardship of Horvan Prime and the chapter’s facilities.

400 Marines seems a bit much to leave at home...


But otherwise, this all looks okay.

Indeed it is, which is one of the reasons why the chapter deploys specific Company elements on its mothballed strike cruisers.



  Messor said:


You appear to be correct I read the 40k wiki entry and I think most of the info on there is taken from the BA dex. Lol. Atm the main motive why I have the Solvo Angelus not using the insanguination process is because I haven’t decided whats happened to Sangi’s blood as they don’t have sanguinary priests. Maybe they’ve kept it in cold storage or simply lost it, but I don’t think it’s a question I will answer as the reason is probably linked to why the chapter developed its beliefs etc.


Thanks for the feedback it is appreciated :D.


I find the idea of 3 Companies, and the way you have them deployed, really interesting, though I also see the strangeness Phoros does. You could easily justify it by portraying their homeworld as a place frequently under threat of invasion, but I don't think it necessarily needs justification. 400 Marines are good to have around, should the worst happen.


Also, I think this is one instance where it won't hurt, but will actually add mystery to leave a question unanswered. Let the imperium and the BA squirm wondering how the Solvo make use of their 19. :D

  Messor said:
  Epistolary Exander said:
  Phoros said:
- The 3 Companies rotate with 2 Companies on active deployment with one Company on stewardship of Horvan Prime and the chapter’s facilities.

400 Marines seems a bit much to leave at home...


But otherwise, this all looks okay.

Indeed it is, which is one of the reasons why the chapter deploys specific Company elements on its mothballed strike cruisers.



  Messor said:


You appear to be correct I read the 40k wiki entry and I think most of the info on there is taken from the BA dex. Lol. Atm the main motive why I have the Solvo Angelus not using the insanguination process is because I haven’t decided whats happened to Sangi’s blood as they don’t have sanguinary priests. Maybe they’ve kept it in cold storage or simply lost it, but I don’t think it’s a question I will answer as the reason is probably linked to why the chapter developed its beliefs etc.


Thanks for the feedback it is appreciated :).


I find the idea of 3 Companies, and the way you have them deployed, really interesting, though I also see the strangeness Phoros does. You could easily justify it by portraying their homeworld as a place frequently under threat of invasion, but I don't think it necessarily needs justification. 400 Marines are good to have around, should the worst happen.


Also, I think this is one instance where it won't hurt, but will actually add mystery to leave a question unanswered. Let the imperium and the BA squirm wondering how the Solvo make use of their 19. :)


Well the chapter has to have some combat force sitting at home and I think a single element from one of the 3 Companies is too small to be sufficient for this. The break in active tour for the Company that is on Horvan Prime gives it the chance to recover its numbers, as unlike in Codex chapters the 3 Companies have no reserve companies to draw replacement marines from to keep them at full strength.


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