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Hello from Motown!

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I'm a new 40k player in the Detroit area, and I'm starting with basic codex Space Marines.


Just got my first batch o' plastic men today--a good set of used stuff. I focused on basic stuff--tactical squads, terminators, scouts, a command squad & captain, and a few vehicles (Rhino and Predator). I figured that would be a good way to start simple and get the rules down before I started getting more deeply into things.


And, even more importantly, I have to decide on a chapter name and a paint scheme.


Glad to be here. The Emperor protects!

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Will do. I'm mostly just assessing things and trying to get the rules down while prepping my models for painting. A lot of them were used, so I've got some paint to get rid of before I can start laying down my color scheme. That, fortunately, has come together pretty well on its own, and I'm starting to mess around with the army painter to get it right before I start getting my models all dirty.
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