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Hail from Poland!

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Salutations, Brothers!


After a particularly long hiatus, caused, in equal measure, by inordinate amounts of work - the work of evil is never done after all, and we lawyers are evil incarnate - and severe procrastination that would surely justify a lifetime of penance, I have decided to stop lurking around, admiring works of others, and return to the hobby I've abandoned in the past. Since I own a sizable pile of Space Marine bits, topped by sad remnants of a small Dark Angels army I used to play - and I am certainly not proud of this sorry state of affairs - joining The Bolter and Chainsword seemed to be almost mandatory. I might not be the best player in the neighborhood, and my modelling skills are rustier than a typical Ork Trukk, but, Emperor willing, these issues shall be corrected.


Wish me luck, my future comrades in arms. I'm so going to need it.

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